1,535 Topics

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Member Avatar for vegaseat

Two third party Python modules imageio and visvis make it easy to load and view images. The modules come with the pyzo scientific package or can be downloaded separately. Module imageio can read many image file formats as shown in http://imageio.readthedocs.org/en/latest/formats.html You could also replace your image file name directly …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for nadiam

Hello, im trying to create a page that drag, drop and clone image on the drop plus dynamically add ids to the clones images. i sort of have it except the dynamic id part im not doing it right. $(document).ready(function(){ var cinemascreen = $("#cinema-screen"); var cinema = $("#cinema-wrapper"); var single …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi Friends i am trying to upload the photos in my dynamic place through my script. my path will be specified below [B]$uploaddir = ../gallery/categoryname/name/[/B] when i was trying to upload the photo is not moved in the above path. unfortunatelly is it moved to [B]../gallery/[/B] Please help me to …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for jalpesh_007

Hello, I am making project of Face detection from image. I have read OpenCV library for it, but exactly i can't get how to find multiple face from image. i had group photos of my friends, i want find face of each person of the photo like tagging in facebook …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for xrjf

By means of Mates8, graph coding becomes a bit easier. The web page has four textboxes so the figure gets bounded to the left, right, top and bottom; and a draw button. Additionally, a panel control will contain the image generated by the code after the button is pressed.

Member Avatar for xrjf
Member Avatar for Gerbiler

I have an html table with six rows and two columns. I have what it is supposed to look like [URL="http://wordpress.thelandman.org/test.html"]here[/URL]. But, what is really confusing me is that with the exact same source code snippet inside wordpress [URL="http://wordpress.thelandman.org/buying/"]here[/URL] is not displaying the same output, the image does not span …

Member Avatar for Daniel_33
Member Avatar for ritania

Hello, I am doing this image processing programming for pseudocoloring. aFile = File.new("mix.lut","w+") for i in 0...256 red = i*i/255 green = Math.sqrt(i). to_i blue = i aFile.puts "#{red} #{green} #{blue}" end aFile.close I made this simple color LUT, and i want to apply it to an image (RGB image). …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for JasonWung

Currently I have form with couple of fields and field for image. I have done with the part of field storing but don't know exactly how to store image path with PDO and can't find good tutorial. All I found was how to store image into DB instead of path. …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for marifard

Hi I have three pages to upload an image or another type of work for particular client. One of these pages are to show the uploaded files if i uploaded before and it called clientwork.php, the second page is called nework.php, this is a form page to choose the new …

Member Avatar for marifard
Member Avatar for lea_1

Hey, all! I'm trying to figure out how to add collision detection to the following code but I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to pull in the x and y coordinates of the different eggs that are falling randomly. Would you be able to tell me what I'm …

Member Avatar for janissantony
Member Avatar for steph7

Hello, so I'm a student and in one of my projects I have to capture the image of a client from a WebCamp and then save it on the database. Now, I'm having some problems and doubts. I've found some videos where they use the library JMF (Java Media Framework), …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for marifard

Hi, I have two pages to upload an image for specific client. the code of the page where I choose the image from file for specific client is: <?php require("headerloggedin.php"); ?> <?php $clientid = $_GET["clientid"]; $query = "SELECT * FROM clients WHERE clientid = $clientid"; $resultset = $db->query($query); while($row = …

Member Avatar for marifard
Member Avatar for Stefce

I want to make new string to show under the first ("Verificiranje na akauntot !") text but i dont know what to do in the "jLabel3MouseClicked" class, please help me how do i paint the graphic after i press the label ? here is some code: @Override public void paint(final …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am trying to create button link with image. This is the code: index.php <div style="margin: -250px 0 0 700px;"><a href="#"><img src="images/button_program.jpg"></a></div><br><br> I wonder why I cannot click the button when I hover my mouse over the button. Usually the mouse cusor turns into hand cusor as a sign …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for metalix

first create the table [CODE] create table images ( image_id serial, filename varchar(255) not null, mime_type varchar(255) not null, file_size int not null, file_data longblob not null, primary key (image_id), index (filename) ); [/CODE] the file to output the images to the browser [B]picsrc.php[/B] [CODE]<?PHP //detect if image is called …

Member Avatar for guruparthi
Member Avatar for vps9.net

What is image posting? How does Image Posting helps to get good traffic?

Member Avatar for mindstreak
Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra

After trying to manipulate PNG files and failing miserably discovering that the standard GDI doesn't provide support for any PNG parameters decided to provide some basic image manipulation functions built into .Net that I came across on my investigations. 1. Adjust Image Quality 2. Flip Image Horizontally 3. Flip Image …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for deceptikon

I work with images...a *lot*. Often this involves image processing of various types such as resizing, resampling, and various cleanup operations. However, a common issue is that people like to conflate Adobe PDF with images. As such, any application that works with images should also work with PDF. However, since …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for jonsan32

Let's say I have a banner on my site that randomly rotates between images that depict the month of January. Is it possible to have 10 images randomly rotate the entire month, then to have a new 10 images rotate randomly for the following month? I also need each image …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra

Did you know that you can data bind a bitmap to a PictureBox's image property, and the source image doesn't have to be in a binary format stored in a data table? Using a standard object setup for data binding (iNotify etc.) you can easily update your program's image propertie's …

Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra

NOTE: The games GUI is not fully implemented, so changing it's image and difficulty is done manually in the Button.Click Event NOTE: Whether you download the VS2013 source file or copy and paste the code, you need to download, and extract the two image files to the project's "Bin\Debug" directory. …

Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra
Member Avatar for Start4me

I have this code: If e.Delta <> 0 Then If e.Delta <= 0 Then If PictureBox1.Width < 500 Then Exit Sub 'minimum 500? Else If PictureBox1.Width > 2000 Then Exit Sub 'maximum 2000? End If PictureBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(PictureBox1.Width + e.Delta / 1, PictureBox1.Height + e.Delta / 1) PictureBox1.Location = …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for nadiam

hi guys. is there a plugin or jquery ui that i missed that would allow a user to resize width or height of image/element and rotate image/element? resize something other than .resizable() . i found [this](http://www.ajaxblender.com/howto-rotate-image-using-javascript-canvas.html) for rotation it uses canvad tag and DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage. is there any other? TIA!

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for game4tress

I need to change the background image of a button that is declared in xaml, like this: <Button x:Name="btnBorder" Content="Moldura" Width="80" Height="80" Margin="10,6,10,6" Click="btnBorder_Click" > <Button.Background> <ImageBrush ImageSource="/Images/arrow-expand.png" AlignmentX="Center" Stretch="None" x:Name="imgSourceArrow" /> </Button.Background> </Button> and I'm trying to change the ImageSource of the ImageBrush. For that, I'm using this code …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Stefce

Hello i have a little problem over here im trying to make a mouse listener and on mouse click the ball to come to the mouse pointer... i have maked a small "game" which is not bunch of confusing code... i have maked the ball to be controlled by the …

Member Avatar for Stefce
Member Avatar for dhatsah

I have a form where the user can select an image (via a file dialogue) of any size which is then previewed in a pictureBox sized at 150px by 150px with the sizeMode of the pictureBox set to zoom any space that is then not occupied by the image is …

Member Avatar for Fenrir()
Member Avatar for myk45

Hi All, I´m using a QTextBrowser to display an external html document (and its image resources) which is placed in the same directory as the application. Everything works fine except that images are not displayed properly. Instead of the actual picture there is a "missing image" icon. I tried different …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for 2384443

Hi, evry1.. i need yur help.. i want to place an image as my background.. how am i supposed to do it..?? i have tried this `setBackground("C:\\image\\background.jpg");`i also tired this `Icon m1 = new ImageIcon("C:\\New folder (5)\\background.jpg");lb1.setIcon(m1);` But none of this is working.. what shuld i do???

Member Avatar for raj.mscking
Member Avatar for hanspeare_1

Hello Daniweb,, I have uploaded an image using the student_id as its filename. The student id is auto-incremented and unique per student_id. Now i am confused why it gives me problem to display it. I have tried. <?php print '<img src="uploads/'.$session_id.'" />' ?> <?php print '<img src="uploads/'.$session_id.".".$ext'" />' ?> <?php …

Member Avatar for hanspeare_1
Member Avatar for game4tress

I've made a rectangle with another 3D point inside. The rectangle is textured with an image. Now, I need to move the point that is inside the rectangle to another 3D position. Does anyone knows how this is possible? The only way I found, that is no good for what …


The End.