1,537 Topics
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A short example of Pygame showing an image with a known internet url. | |
I'm doing bachelor's in computer science, i want to develop a game on my fyp. My question is how big it should be to accepted . And gauge me some sample game which student created in their bachelor's level.. and your opinion which type of game etc... | |
hi, how can I add an image in title of the page and in the adress bar? please help ty | |
Will work on latest:Chrome Safari Firefox Opera and all versions of IE. *(client notifications are for demonstration purposes only, and subject to designer decisions and modifications ) Can be used for size and mime-type restrictions. When mime-type is not an issue, accepting any kind of image format can be done … | |
I'm trying to display an image on an HTML page using a PHP script in the image/src tag, but the image is broken. When I hard-code the output of getimage.php into the HTML it shows up just fine so I know the base64 encoding is correct. The page that shows … | |
i need a code for php changing image in every 2 hours at a time ... | |
Hi, My application is in VS2010,Silverlight and coded in C#.Net. My requirement is i want to upload Image in my Imagebox control.As there is no PictureBox control in Silverlight im using ImageBox. I have a Imagebox,below that a Browse button. When the User clicks on Browse button,Dialogbox should open and … | |
![]() | Hi all.. I am a newbie in web programming and I have question how I can put my slice images html as background in html? I already slice it with photoshop and save it as html, the slice image is showing but they are in table format.. How I can … |
I have this Image code and I want to resize it using CSS.. <div id="TA_selfserveprop634" class="TA_selfserveprop"><ul id="FkGjsTFbWr" class="TA_links aICFqBWnArX"><li id="v65BTuNt" class="Id2gL5m3F1"><a target="_blank" href="https://www.tripadvisor.com/"><img src="https://www.tripadvisor.com/img/cdsi/img2/branding/150_logo-11900-2.png" alt="TripAdvisor"/></a></li></ul></div><script src="https://www.jscache.com/wejs?wtype=selfserveprop&uniq=634&locationId=307103&lang=en_US&rating=true&nreviews=5&writereviewlink=true&popIdx=true&iswide=false&border=true&display_version=2"></script> </div> have tested on CSS however it does not have any effect .TA_selfserveprop{ width:10%; height:10%; } Please can any one points it to me … | |
Hello, anyone have any idea on how to display selected image in popup box? and then upload. Currently, the basic way is to display the selected image in a <div> tag, and i want to change and display the image in popup/dialog/confirmation box. Below is the code to select image, … | |
hi all, I am having a problem with importing images into Database with code. I've done this so far Dim conn As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=virtualmachinelink,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=School Management;User ID=me;Password=mypass") 'dont worry about the connection string, is good, Dim SDA As New SqlDataAdapter Dim bSource As New BindingSource Try conn.Open() Dim … | |
Hello Guys, I need some help with customizing my wordpress rss feed. I have a blog with tons of posts with images in it, these images are remotely hosted. I want to display them in my rss feed. How do i display first image of a post in my wordpress … | |
Hello, I am unable to fetch and display images in my wordpress blogs as its shortlinked by IFTTT in format "http://ift.tt/22lveRw", can someone please help me out with this, the follow code does fetch the image if its in normal format i.e "http://i.imgur.com/Z2aGVEl.png", what changes do i need to make … | |
I am working with C# windows application. I am using split container to display image in picture box in the first panel(with scroll bar(50% of the the picture can be seen only by scrolling down)) and data entry fields in the second panel. One field will always be at the … | |
Picture problem:- I have an html image that has been uploaded into "fileupload". Now, I want to show this exact image on another page when the user presses 'submit'. Note: the fileupload has the image path. Any help? | |
ok so, I'm using unity5 and I have got my terrain and spooky forest. the lighting is ok its just that if I drag the FOG script to the first-person prefab and press play it doesn't work. it does distance fog not real-time moving fog in front of the camera. … | |
Copy images to folder and save path to database and also rename image with id | |
I am working on a web app in Python (*using the Flask framework*). I have a post and photo table connected via ForeignKey, my problems: 1. **how can i return an empty image if image is empty**, and if not empty 2. **how do i select just one image from … | |
I developed a website which i was okay with. Recently I updated it with some pictures and links which has broken its responsivness. On bigger screen it looks fine but on smallers the pictures and links dont shrink along. Help !!!!! <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Portfolio</title> <!--#include file="partialHeadContent.html" --> </head> … | |
Hello lads, So i'm struggeling with the following. I want to get the text a little bit closer to the image, but since the image has whitespace itself and I don't want to redo them all, I opted for adding a negative margin to the text. It seemed to work, … | |
I'm trying to draw a border around some controls in order to highlight them, but I'm getting unexpected behaviour, in that nothing is drawn. Here is a current event method. I've tried a few variations. private void checkBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { if (statechanged) { //Debug.WriteLine(checkBox1.Checked.ToString()); statechanged = false; ControlPaint.DrawBorder( … | |
please i want to reduce the size of images when i am rendering it on my site. my site is very slow now. i want to accept any size now but when rendering please i want to reduce the size. thanks in advance | |
Hello, We are about to implement a custom CDN for images but there are two different options I am thinking (I work in a very small company that I am the R&D manager with only one employ in the department) to try for SEO and I thought to ask for … | |
Anyone know of a way using php (no shell_execs), to convert a pdf to an image type of png, jpg,gif, or tif? In my existing app we are shelling out using ghostscript, pdftk, etc, and would like to switch this over to all inside of php. Yes, I've googled. a … ![]() | |
Delete, managed to fix. | |
This is the code to delete image in a folder... [CODE]<?php $path = "uploads"; if(isset($_POST['file']) && is_array($_POST['file'])) { foreach($_POST['file'] as $file) { unlink($path . "/" . $file) or die("Failed to <strong class='highlight'>delete</strong> file"); } header("location: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); //redirect after deleting files so the user can refresh without that resending … | |
Hi, I have some pictures of two white dices with black dots, and I need to recognize the value on each visible face of dices. For example, from image that includes dice with 6 dots and another dice with 5 dots, need to get [5 6]. Any ideas? It's really … | |
Ok, so I have a JButton on my program and later on in the program i want to put an image on the JButton I have many buttons that start out with images on them, but Im wondering how to add images to the JButton at a later date so … | |
Hey there, Over the past few weeks as an excerise I've been trying to create a C# image viewer. At the moment I have one window, with a list of images displayed in a ListBox. When I the F5 button, a second window pops up at fullscreen, and I want … | |
I am uploading max 5 images and i want to create the thumbnails of those 5 images i am successful in uploading and saving image name in database but can't able to make thumbnails. //controller $files = $_FILES; $cpt = count($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']); for($i=0; $i<$cpt; $i++) { $_FILES['uploadfile']['name']= $files['uploadfile']['name'][$i]; $_FILES['uploadfile']['type']= $files['uploadfile']['type'][$i]; $_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name']= … |
The End.