1,537 Topics

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Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hi. I am familiar with the following C graphics libraries: Cairo, SDL, SDL2, and OpenGL. The problem I have found with these is that they either require shared libraries (Cairo/SDL/SDL2) or are difficult to make cross-platform (OpenGL). I am wondering if there are any graphics libraries for C that do …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for furlanut

I am persevering with Javascript slowly, and attempting to modify a code I saw that I thought would work for me - click to change/enlarge image and attach appropriate caption. I have: function showPreview(path){ var theImageElement=document.getElementById("img"); var theCaptionElement=document.getElementById("legend"); theImageElement.src = path; /*if(path == "../WSRUxhtml/photo/LImg/Barfleur.jpg"){ theCaptionElement.innerHTML="Barfleur arriving at Portsmouth"; } else …

Member Avatar for ramsiva

I need help for delete image from server. i have a path http://example.com/myapp/example/next/image.png any body help to remove image from server

Member Avatar for ramsiva
Member Avatar for professor123

Good Day, I wanted to ask that is it possible to develop a system which does image comparison or recognition, whereby you input or upload an image and then the system tries to match this image with the ones in the database until it finds an image which resemble the …

Member Avatar for professor123
Member Avatar for Hamis_1

I need your help I am using Onchange in a form to submit a dropdown data to the database, but something boring when i select the data the page get refreshed, so if i was down the page then after selecting the page takes me up again before i finish …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for doctor_voyager

On several web pages I have made under different host the images usually don't show up. The paths are correct. Is it a problem with the server?

Member Avatar for John_79
Member Avatar for cjj282

can anyone guide me to good websites with respect to this topic "image deblur without original image" I have gone through a number of papers and codes for a week. all examples had codes which took a original good image added a blur function & then deblurred that image. I …

Member Avatar for ajit.nayak

Dear all I have combox accumated with 3 perameter Grid Connected PV-SYS- Full Feed In Grid Connected PV-SYS with Electrical Appliance -Net Metering Grid Connected PV-SYS with Electrical appliance ,battery system -Net Metering Each combobox value contain images.I used picture box to dispaly images. How to display the image based …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for shashigowda

Hi Good Morning every one.. This is my Html Code. <div> <img src="http://imgs.zinio.com/magimages/500299032/2012/416238969_170.jpg" alt="Nov-12" title="Food Network Magazine" class="cover"> </div> <select id="myselect"> <option value="B">Business Card</option> <option value="C">Corporate Card</option> <option value="D">Type #</option> </select> consoder i have three different images ,if i choose Business Card option it will show default image,if i choose …

Member Avatar for shashigowda
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

Hello all, I created this image slider and I need some tweeking with the code to make it work perfectly. I can't seem to know what is the problem ... Here is the code: jQuery: $(document).ready(function(e) { images = ['picture-1.jpg', 'picture-2.jpg', 'picture-3.jpg', 'picture-4.jpg']; index = 0; function rotate_image(){ $('#Images').css('background-image', 'url(images/' …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for javed_4

I am trying to add a functionality of uploading image while adding new data but I am not able to achieve it. I will provide my code to you. Could you please help me to achieve it? Following is my code, I have three files namely index.php, script.js, func_events.php index.php …

Member Avatar for cambalinho

see my MemoryDc and BitmapDC class's: class MemoryDC { private: HDC memoryDC; public: MemoryDC () { HDC hdc=GetDC(GetDesktopWindow()); memoryDC=CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); ReleaseDC(GetDesktopWindow(),hdc); } operator HDC() const { return memoryDC; } ~MemoryDC () { DeleteDC(memoryDC); } }; class BitmapDC { private: MemoryDC hdcbitmap; HGDIOBJ bitmapold; HBITMAP bitmapcurrent; int intwidth; int intheight; void init(int …

Member Avatar for triumphost
Member Avatar for oldnier

Over the summer I started downloading photographs directly to our iPad. In the past I had first loaded them onto our laptop and then transferred them to the iPad. Now, I am wondering if I can take what I first put on the iPad and move them to the laptop. …

Member Avatar for Honny flussia
Member Avatar for GeorgiosMeNTUA

I have an image (frame.bmp, uncompressed, resolution 640*480, 3bit depth, 900KB size) stored at C:\Frame.bmp. I want to load it and put it in my program as an array a[N][M], N=479, M=639. After that to modify its elements (e.g thresholding) and create a new array B[479][639]. Finally, to store it …

Member Avatar for triumphost
Member Avatar for babir
Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for AceJay

Hi, I'm a begginer at php and I need to create a image editing tool in php. I want to crop the image, display the cropped image next to the original and be able to resize, re-crop and replace the cropped image in the same location as previous cropped image, …

Member Avatar for AceJay
Member Avatar for altjen

Im using this code to get image from SQLITE try{ String sql = "SELECT Photo FROM Pics WHERE InvoiceNumber=?"; pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql); rs=pst.executeQuery(); if(rs.next()){ byte[]imagedata = rs.getBytes("Photo"); format = new ImageIcon(imagedata); ImIc.setIcon(format); } }catch(Exception e){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e); } `private ImageIcon format = null;` String filename = null; int s=0; byte[] …

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for shany0786

function getImage() { $session_data = $this->session->userdata('sessiondata'); $id = $session_data['user_id']; $this->db->where('user_id',$id); $r=$this->db->get('tbl_usrs'); if($r->num_rows()>0) { foreach ($r -> result_array() as $row) { $data[] = $row; } } $r->free_result(); return $data; //print_r($data); }} //class ends hello everone i am new to php codeigniter while displaying image from database i am getting error Severity: …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for anmol.raghuvanshi1

I get sick in finding error in my code i want to display a image from database having field profile_picture which has value like upload/large/imagename.jpg but i can't able to display it main thing is nothing is printed when i echo or print from controller when i view page source …

Member Avatar for anmol.raghuvanshi1
Member Avatar for anmol.raghuvanshi1

hello, I want to store image path in database along with image name like /uploads/profilepic/name.jpg. what happening is only path is beinged saved not image name like field in my table prfile_picture has updated /uploads/profilepic/ but i want image name also after trailing slash so that i can retrieve that …

Member Avatar for Kiri_1

Hi Guys! I'm trying to create an addition game with an image to display as the given number (addends) EX. instead of just displaying texts like 1+1 = 2 I will be using images to display the given numbers and the answer. I have created some codes here that was …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for serenagrace

i have image templates of the mobile app i want to develop, is there anyway to turn these into a html5 app without any processing

Member Avatar for serenagrace
Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

Hi All, I am using php to create a Webservice API calls. I am checking all the service calls in Chrome's Postman and sending the data in JSON format. I want to upload an image in JSON format with other datas.Actually I have converted the image to base64 before uploading.Its …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Victor_10

please how do i insert and retrieve image from sql db in asp.net mvc app and before inserting the image, the user can resize the image before inserting it.

Member Avatar for drgunjan

Hi, I had transferred a few thousand pics to my ipad from my PC. Now my PC , Crashed after that. Is there a way toget those old transferred pics back to my new PC. Have tried Dropbox and sync and iTunes etc. nothing works. These are all good only …

Member Avatar for Blancheo0
Member Avatar for Guy On

I'm uploading a file in laravel. The path is storing in database but unable to store image into destination folder. Here is my controller. public function post_contact() { $contact = new Contact; $contact->name = Input::get('name'); $contact->email = Input::get('email'); $contact->mobile = Input::get('mobile'); $contact->password = Input::get('password'); $contact->confirm = Input::get('confirm'); if($contact->save()) { $data …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Nandomo

Is it possible to OCR an image using java? Any links to logic or examples or APIs would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Marco_3

0ello I'm trying creating a triangular mesh from png. How can I extract the basic information from a image contour to create a mesh? I used opencv module in order to extract the contours . On xyContour variable I have essentially a path, but with a path I think that …

Member Avatar for tahoorasf_1
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Member Avatar for shashigowda

what is the html code for **if we move our cursor on the image, the image name should appear**?? please help me urgent

Member Avatar for Dianne Watts

The End.