1,537 Topics

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Member Avatar for Serrafine

Hi, I'm trying to find a way for the user to draw an image on the screen, and then return a formal version of the image. This is a tool to enable practise writing symbols from an ancient language. What I mean by a formal version is the properly drawn …

Member Avatar for Serrafine
Member Avatar for emilyhedgecock

Hi I have made a javascript image viewer where there are thumbnails at the top and when you click on them the bigger image below the row of thumbnail image changes according My question is, how do i make the larger image become a hyperlink to the corresponding page it …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for why1991

For my program I am working with simple graphics and need to display a straight row of squares from left to right decreasing in size. I also have to program this recursively so that it makes the squares following the first one by itself. My problem right now is that …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for why1991

I am trying to make a row of decreasing squares with a recursive method, but none of the squares comes up besides the first one. Any ideas where my code is going wrong? [CODE] import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.Random; public class Lab19ast { public static void main(String args[]) { …

Member Avatar for ms_sws

I've tried all manner of methods for accomplishing this and nothing has worked so far. The latest attempt follows. The objective is to call a function that tests for the existence of an image file. If the file exists then that image file is to be displayed. Otherwise, an alternative …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for DarwinRock

I need to load a single jpg image to a windows form at run time. file name / path is a given. Any insight on how to do this?

Member Avatar for DarwinRock
Member Avatar for kunyomi

Hi guys, I'm trying to UPDATE the image that has been already in the database with another image using a form in PHP. I got the uploading working all fine already. Just the edit part. With this code, I get no error, but the MySQL table is not written with …

Member Avatar for Frankey

Hi there, I am building a blog at the moment i have a amazing script that search a post for the images in it. So i can just setup a post template, call the images that are in the post and go. In this way i put the images unedited …

Member Avatar for Frankey
Member Avatar for Amu_anu

we r making an image viewer for our mini project....n we hav tried doing it on our own ..but we are able to show only 1 image ...how to show many images using say 10 images in database?? we want functionalities like easy preview of next / previous image from …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for random12810

I have no idea how to move a bitmap with the arrow keys. Here is my code [CODE] #include <windows.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "Menu.h" #include "Icon.h" LPCTSTR ClsName = L"App"; // Class name LPCTSTR WndName = L"WindowsAPI"; // Window title HWND hwnd; // Handle to our …

Member Avatar for strmstn
Member Avatar for bill_

I am trying to read and write a text file into an array and then store it back into the text file. The main problem i am having is the storing the file character by character into the 3D array. Here is my code: [code] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using …

Member Avatar for bill_
Member Avatar for msgeek

I want to download Image file from web using c++ and save it in specified folder. How to do it?... please help me.

Member Avatar for kooia
Member Avatar for justM

Hi guys I would like some help with creation of Java ME class I have only been capable of coming up with the peudo-code Can someone please assist? Thanks CLASS ImageGetter Method 1: CREATE a connection to a remote server to request the image Method 2: RECIEVE the image and …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Virux

Okay. I have been seriously struggling with this lately. I've searched and searched forever. The closest I found was this thread here: [url][/url] What I am trying to acheive: I want to give my interface grayscale images for icons(png), and have a filter class that can color the grayscale images …

Member Avatar for adobe71

[B]1.[/B] I want to put javascript in webpage that shows gif image on moving cursor anywhere on the page and [B]2.[/B]I want to get the value of one textbox and put this value to another textbox.

Member Avatar for adobe71
Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi I have decided to use CSS for layouts. Previously I would have used tables. My problem is that I want to place images to the left and related text on the right of the images. I have used new blank paragraphs to "fill" the space between the end of …

Member Avatar for jeffreyk16
Member Avatar for teawithmilk

Hi guys, I am looking for a way to change an image when a link is hovered over. I should make it clear that it is not the list/link image i want to change but an image along side in order to "illustrate" the content. Can anybody suggest a starting …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for EddieC

Nvidia yesterday began shipping the [url=http://www.nvidia.com/object/product_geforce_gtx_480_us.html]GeForce GTX 480[/url], with double the number of processor cores previously available at 512. The card is intended to to permit smooth playback and editing of 2D or 3D content, including animation, games and videos. The GTX 480 supports Microsoft DirectX 11, Direct3D and [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physx]PhysX[/url], …

Member Avatar for claudiu_is

Hi, I need to develop a functionality similar with the iTunes one, when you right-click a song -> Get Artwork, the jpg/png is "embeded" into the mp3 file. I have no ideea how this could be done, do you have any hints ? Thanks.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for newsguy

Now that's cool. Nintendo has confirmed via a [URL="http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2010/100323e.pdf"]press release[/URL] that it is set to release a brand new DS portable video game console, complete with 3D capability but without the need to look like a total dork and wear those silly glasses. Unfortunately though the Nintendo 3DS, how did …

Member Avatar for tech-kay
Member Avatar for jakkee

hi, I am new to c# and I am working on an application which has a main menu with an open dialog which enables users to select picture files, when the user has selected the picture file I then want this to be displayed in a new form called picture_viewer. …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for ssmokincamaro

I'm stuck on this part of my program, im using graphics.py to implement a linear regression line. I think I'm making a stupid error but cant wrap my head around it. The BIG part I'm stuck on is that im supposed to make a "button" in the lower left corner …

Member Avatar for ssmokincamaro

I'm making an archery game and I need to shoot 5 arrows and assign a point value to each spot of the target. Bulls eye is worth 9 and each ring out from there is worth 2 less. I am having trouble figuring out how to assign a score to …

Member Avatar for ssmokincamaro
Member Avatar for manatta

Hi. I have a printscreen and I want to find a way to make a program that can analyse that printscreen in order to identify two poker cards in a specific location. So I probably need an image analysing library. By the way I'm new in this forum, is there …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for gravyboat

I have a number of images where there is a small rectangle on a large white background; is there a way to automatically find the non-white content and crop that out to a new image? java or other language code, commercial software, or free software would be great. If I …

Member Avatar for WASDted

On March 10th Panasonic teamed up with Best Buy, DIRECTV and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment to offer consumers a "Full HD 3D" home theater system. The set includes a 50-inch class (49.9” measured diagonally) [attach=right]14052[/attach] Panasonic VIERA VT20 Plasma 3D HDTV and a Panasonic BDT300 3D Blu-ray Disc Player …

Member Avatar for Zany..!

Hello. I am new to c sharp . I want to know how to store image in access database. And retrieve back to picturebox . Which data type is used to store image..? Plz help.....

Member Avatar for JuhaW
Member Avatar for Velovix

To start off, I am absolutely sure this question has been answered before, but I've searched for it all over the internet to no avail, probably because I don't know the term. I've been working with Eclipse C++ IDE on my Ubuntu machine for awhile, and all of my programs …

Member Avatar for Velovix
Member Avatar for -Zarah-

im trying to get an image scroller to work that i found in a code library. its working fine in firefox but not in inet explorer this is the link to the scoller... http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex2/crawler/index.htm i am just interested in the image part. ive deleted the script for the text part …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for spacephrawg

I'm trying to find some VM software that can access more than 256mb of the video card. Parallels tops out at 256mb. It won't let you access more than that. The machine I intend to run this on will be an 8core mac pro workstation desktop with 8gigs of RAM …

Member Avatar for k2k

The End.