32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for Finalmadness

I am doing a program that will convert euros and yens to US dollars and then give the total amount of money upon exiting the program. I need a gift class to hold the total. Basically I did two file a ConvertCurrency file and a gift file. It is has …

Member Avatar for NPH
Member Avatar for sudtuwup

Hello everyone. I am working on JFrame and i was wondering if i could somehow close the frame and then reopen it -whith a different contxet- using a loop.

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Member Avatar for George2

Hello everyone, I have heard that static variable will make the program consume very much memory. It is because garbage collector (GC) will not work on static variable. Is that correct? I am also wondering when does the memory space of a static variable is allocated, during compile or during …

Member Avatar for George2
Member Avatar for iamthwee

hello, I am using netbeans and i wonder how you make a executalbe so you can drag and drop it into a floppy then run the prog on someone else's computer. Is it call making a jar file or sommthing. ANy help is this simple or wat? God bless.

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for nisaa15

Hi all, I would like some ideas as to how I would go about developing a trie to store a very small dictionary (of about 10 words). How would I get the program to get each word and make the relevant nodes and edges? Also dela with compressing it? Thanks …

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for frogshooter

I've started to create a code that will design a chose applet for a cell phone company but I need to deactivate the bottom part of the applet until all the basic info is filled in then allowing the lower, choice part of the applet to be activated and choices …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for catherine1001

I've been told by a lot of people that the IT industry is constantly growing and in demand. Some with other views, saying its too hard, or that there aren't enough jobs. But guys Java, J2EE ,.Net is currently on demand. that can definetly fetch good job and earn big …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for sampitt

Hi, I am learning java and i am stuck at point where i don't know what i am doing wrong. I am trying to get a field that is being populated as True/False from the system to change to Yes/No. I know that i have to put an if/else statement …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for vex

When using a JDialog how can I tell it where to open on the screen? Let's say I want to open it in the middle. Can I add a JDialog to a pane in a JFrame? A link to the proper java doc would be great. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for Montrell274

I'm doing an assignment that implements the following interface [code]public interface MyStackInterface { public Character pop(); public void push (Character c); public boolean isEmpty(); public void clear (); } [/code] The objective is to properly arrange parenthesis, brackets, and braces. I was wondering should I use a data file or …

Member Avatar for NPH
Member Avatar for glamo
Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Robson13

I'm looking for any information how to open vaw file with java. Thanks in advance for any help.

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for vex

I have edited out my original question. I guess I needed to see the questions asked to figure it out :o

Member Avatar for shaji

I have an application web based. using Oracle backend and Java front end. App server is in weblogic and Solaris os and two cpu with 8 applications. DB server is oracle 8.1.7 on Solaris This application is getting slow when number of threads are more ( like many users login …

Member Avatar for hooknc
Member Avatar for OllieFalle

I have changes a few things but still seem to be hitting a brick wall. I have been told that my note is drawn at the same position each time. Can anyone help with what i can do regarding this. Otherwise can anyone help with getting this thing to work. …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for jasmin_java

Hi, to everyone.‎ My program to make program to write the application the input ‎a dollar amount to be printed on a cheque, and then prints the ‎amount with eleven position number are available for printing ‎the cheque. And need to run the word equivalent of the cheque ‎amount e.g.: …

Member Avatar for NPH
Member Avatar for George2

Hello everyone, I have always seen some methods are described as "best practice". I am wondering what means "best practice", an algorithm? Thanks in advance, George

Member Avatar for Gargol
Member Avatar for nordmann

I've been trying to find an alternate means of achieving essentially what JSplitPanes can do, except that the hideous-looking splitter bar would be invisible, and you can resize in both x and y dimensions at the same time. My current thought is to subclass a JPanel with listeners that implement …

Member Avatar for nordmann
Member Avatar for Melotron

Hello! I started this course in Java and we got this assignment to do and it consists of making 2 strings of text and then we are are supposed to write this code that storage the varible "`max_length`" and then print out "The longest string has the length...". I know …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for OllieFalle

Hi everyone, Just thought i would post my program im doing at the moment as im completely stuck. Basically the program takes a user input as a string, uses the tokenizer to break down. The individual strings which will be single characters will be used to draw notes on a …

Member Avatar for OllieFalle
Member Avatar for tdizzle342

I just wanted to know how to draw a thick line and also can anyone tell how drawArc works , in know how to make it work (x,y,width,height,startAngle,Arcangle) but i cant figure it out. Line just arc in ways i dont really understand. Thanks.

Member Avatar for NPH
Member Avatar for glamo

hi to everyone , i have to make a program in jav which will fulfill following conditions. first of all, i have to make any alphabet by free hand drawing, like in ms-paint there is a pencil so by using that suppose i am writing b,c or any one alphabet, …

Member Avatar for nordmann
Member Avatar for phani8123

i have a problem on ejb please tell me the steps needed for running an ejb program with ant and with weblogic when i am using weblogic builder for generating xml files it is saying no j2ee component,why so

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Member Avatar for Kennedy_f

My preparation for SCJP 1.4 has over(in terms of theory),i am in disgust how should I practice the programs, which way is best to practice? in books I just found they have given programs based on concepts, I want to practice programs with their applicative areas. Please suggest me some …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for fdrage

Hi, I'm using your RSS FEED link to get all the news or event that is happening in your forum. however i am only interested in whats happening in the Java forum. Is there a way where i can RSS only the Java forum? I also noticed that one is …

Member Avatar for fdrage
Member Avatar for gokul

Hi Friends, i am developing a Chat Application.. i want to design the my Contact Tree as like in the below image. [URL=http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TYKVH37L]Contacts Tree Image [/URL] (Sorry, i uploaded image in [url]www.megaupload.com[/url] .. -pls wait for 45 seconds.. i don't know how to attach my image to the forum.. if …

Member Avatar for gokul
Member Avatar for tbrinkman

I'm creating a JSP page for doing some actions on a database. Everything is working, but I have to add abstract classes as well. When I put the abstraction on a klasse and his two extensions, I get immidiatly a blue HTTP 500 apache status error. HTTP Status 500 - …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for vex

Is there something about adding a JList to GridBagLayout that I am missing. I want to place a JList between a JLabel and a JTextArea. No matter what I do the list seems to stay in column 1. I am only using GridBagLayout in the west pane(wP) I have tried …

Member Avatar for vex
Member Avatar for Skryst

I tried clicking on links that open with javascript and nothing happens. i use Windows XP SP2. kindly help me.

Member Avatar for pip22
Member Avatar for shaji

hi friends, I have an application web based. using Oracle backend and Java front end. App server is in weblogic and Solaris os and two cpu with 8 applications. DB server is oracle 8.1.7 on Solaris This application is getting slow when number of threads are more ( like many …


The End.