32,205 Topics
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hey there, i have been trying for sometime now to create a simply spellchecker using probabilities but i can't seem to get my head around it. i have a program which will read in a line of text and if a word is spelt wrong it will give you the … | |
Hi, I have created an applet code. The code is normally working fine. I have IIS 5.0 installed on my Windows 2000 Server. My web site home directory is "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot". I already coppied the files to the correct folder. In the address box of Internet Explorer, I typed "http://localhost/myfile.html". myfile.html … | |
hi all... actually i'm noive programmer In java... I got a problem with a programm i've done..n which's actually considered as a simple one for me .. whereas it's so easy for ya , all ... But B patient with me plz and help me overcome all the troubles I … | |
hi everyone, i am very new in java.can anyone help me to do the following problem: Write a program to do the following using in-built methods in the string class of java. 1) Find the 5th caracter in the string " RUSTIN BOND" 2) Find the index of character "K" … | |
this is a homework assignmnet but i have tried really hard a default constructor to create a Vector, an addBox method that adds a Box object to the Vector, a printVector method to print the dimensions of each Box object in the Vector. public class BoxVector { //Part A: declare … | |
Hey, First off I'm really new to Java so please bear with me. I need to read in a file and translate it to a different output format. An example line segment from the input file has the following format: "step(procs(),rule(1,A,B,vars(Na,Rv,ped(pk(B),cat(Na,A)))),procs())" (i) This means that at step 1, A sends … | |
I have a servlet which calls a jsp file. How do i pass an argument to that jsp page from within the servlet, and what code is necessary in the jsp file to access the argument? Thanks Mike | |
HI there I am designing a draughts program and require a game tree for the computer moves. I intend to use a negamax game tree and have obtained the following algorithm Algorithm: 1: if (depth ==0) then 2: return evaluate(tree) 3: score = -inf 4: for i<-1 to node.branch.length 5: … | |
hello everyone, I just like to check with you guys that if i want to writ a simple java program using only the awt package do i have to include the java.swing.* file header as well Someone let me know about this, Thank You Richard West | |
hi everyone, Can anyone recommend me a good free java 2 ebook for download on the net or even a good free java 2 tutorial download. Someone please let me know about this or even put a link on your reply Thank You Yours Sincerely Richard West | |
i am looking for a "best" java IDE. currently I am using the IDE from [B][url]http://www.syncedit.com/jedit_details.html[/url][/B] it contains many new Java tools, but i want to know: which java IDE are you using now? cheers | |
hello everyone, i am very new in java.can anyone please help me to solve the following problem: Write a program that will print my initials to standard output in letters that are nine lines tall. each big letter should be made up of a bunch of *'s. for example, "DJE", … | |
i am supposed to implement a linked list and a rbtree for a spell checker. Some of the info has been given by the lecturer but i am so lost as to where to start! We were not taught java and i dont know how to approach the problem :?: … | |
Hi Does anyone have any ideas how to decode Caesar/Monoalphabetic Ciphertext. I am doing a course in computing at our local Uni. I have done a bit of programing in java but i have not got a clue where to start with this one. I have been handed a page … | |
Hello, I'm wondering if there is a way to pre load java elements to a visitors JVM cache. I have a chat client that I would like to speed up loading time. I can show examples if needed | |
that is i've got an array of buttons and i want to replace two buttons (their location on the screen) by clicking on first and then clicking on the second to replace thier location i.e. when i click on button1 first (which is at the first location in a row … | |
I am trying to implement a simple client/server app using a DatagramChannel to pass ByteBuffers. The client seems to connect okay and the number of bytes returned from the write method is correct; however, the server side never seems to receive anything Server side: DatagramChannel inchannel; DatagramSocket ds; CLIENT_ADDRESS = … | |
Hi Everyone, I would just like to enquire with you java experts out there is that in the past java used to have a bug in which when you are using the rtf swing editor and want to save the document only the text gets saved and not the pictures. … | |
hello! I should create a graph bipartite in java language.The graph have 50 knot at left and 50 knot at right with 50 edges from one knot of left to every knot at right.Every knot have a weight and I should compare a knot in the left with a knot … | |
Hello every1. I'm having a tough time trying to make a button(when clicked) link or point to a partucular file(e.g setup file) and run that file within the same system. Please help! :( a little code will help. thanks in advance | |
I am creating a notepad application .... and I want to change the font of the selected text in the JEditorPane .... but when I change the font now ... it changes the font of the whole text .... same is the problem with background and foreground colors.... :o | |
I need someone to help fix the following code and re-write into IF-THEN logic? [code] public class Mystery4 extends Applet{ int clickCount=0; public boolean mouseDown(Event evt,int x,int y) { clickCount++; repaint(); return true; } public void paint(graphics g) { g.drawString("Click 10 times!",80,30); g.drawString("Clicks: "+clickCount, 120,50); switch(clickCount) { case 0: g.drawString("You … | |
Hello everyone.Is it possible to divert keyboard imputs to do nothing(e.g when F1 is pressed it must do nothing,when refresh(F5) is pressed ,it must do nothing etc.).If yes, i'd like 2 know how its done. ani help will b appreciated thanx in advance | |
Hi i am allen :lol: I have been developing a small software package which incorporates Address details. Now i have created the design using swing. I am using Oracle as backend. I am facing three specific problems. 1) I have added JTree using hashtable, but wen i add subnodes like … | |
Dana, I am a Beginner in java and I need help desparately. I have a project that I have been assigned and it is to biuld a functionality to process a credit card batch payment. I have done most of the work, now it's time to do the implementation and … | |
Hi My name is richard west and i am wondering if anyone knows how to use windows common controls in java. By common controls i mean open file dialog, save as dialog, font dialog and etc. Please if someone knows please e-mail me the codes at [email]freesoft_2000@yahoo.com[/email] or show me … | |
I get errors targetting the ' that I use for each case. I tried using nothing and also quotes in their place, but no luck. Whats the problem. If this isn't the place to get help with programs, please point me in the right direction. import java.util.StringTokenizer; class Birthday { … | |
Hi there. for the last couple of weeks I am trying to find a solution to my problem but with no luck. There is a program written in C++ which can fine the mac addresses of the bluetooth addresses that are in range. As soon as it finds them, it … | |
I have recently installed GNU Emacs and other Java software on my pc. I seem to encounter an error while attempting to comile a program. The error says: bash.exe: warning: could not find /tmp, please create! The file where my programs are kept is C:\Java\*.java I do have a file … | |
Hi...i am only using internet explorer for browsing and my browser stops when i enter the hotmail . It keeps on showing a little yellow message saying " done , but with errors on page " and nothing happens if i click on compose or the mail i want to … |
The End.