35,617 Topics
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Hi I'm trying to write a multi-formed J2ME app. I keep getting a null pointer exception in the startApp() method. [code] public void startApp() { display.setCurrent(currentForm); } [/code] I have currentForm created above and the first is mapped to it, (with the plan of mapping each new from to currentForm. … | |
Hi, I'm working on this for this last weekend and have been thinking for hours to figure out how the hell can I print the duplication in arrays that's been initialized with random numbers... :( does anyone have suggestion or ideas on how to do this? I'm just having problem … | |
Hey there, My problem is probably simple, but I just can't seem to find a solution to it. I'm currently working on some sort of small RPG. Everything's running smoothly, but since I implemented the possibility to move your character, drawn Images tend to disappear randomly or not appear at … ![]() | |
Any one here can tell me how to pop up an html file from your GUI... any classes to be used :cheesy: | |
Hai friends iam doing project in swing ,in my project i want to send email while running my project.. i added the following code for email: [B]String host = "mail.gitech.in"; String from = "[/B][EMAIL="from@mail.com"][B]from@mail.com[/B][/EMAIL][B]" String to = "[/B][EMAIL="tomail@gitech.in"][B]tomail@gitech.in[/B][/EMAIL][B]"; // Get system properties try { Properties props = System.getProperties();[/B] [B] // … | |
I want to make new deployment descriptor for JBoss app server as I am migrating my application from websphere to JBoss IN websphere we have ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi and ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xmi code for both of them are [B]ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi[/B] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ejbbnd:EJBJarBinding xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="[URL]http://www.omg.org/XMI[/URL]" xmlns:ejbbnd="ejbbnd.xmi" xmlns:ejb="ejb.xmi" xmi:id="EJBJarBinding_1101636685106"> <ejbJar href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ejb-jar_ID"/> <ejbBindings xmi:id="EnterpriseBeanBinding_1101636685106" jndiName="com.sa.Account"> <enterpriseBean … | |
Hi, i have a jtextpane and a JComponet that displays line numbers. Does anyone know how i can get the startline and end line of the text that is currently in view on the JTextPane? Thanks. | |
A project I'm working on has this awful problem wherein the JFrame refuses to resize in Linux. I've tried the [inlinecode]setResizable(true)[/inlinecode] method, both in the constructor and outside of it, but no go. It works fine on Windows. And I'm using Java 1.6 if that makes any difference. Am I … | |
This is my code, I could get the program to run before i tried to get it to display using a GUI interface; can anyone help please? //Inventory Program Part5 import java.util.*; //=============================import all java.util classes import java.text.*; import javax.swing.*; class Product //============================================start Product class { public String[] className; //=====================================class's … | |
i wish to use this java code in c++. [code] String bname[] = { "Unix Environment", "Programming in Perl", "Comp. Architechture", "Operating System", "Java Programming", "DIstributed OS","Database Management", "J2ME","Operating Systems", "Algorithms in C++"}; [/code] how do I initialize char array in c++ ?:-| | |
vBar is the vertical scrollbar. Not matter what the current value of the scrollbar is it'll always set the maximum value, which makes absolutely no sense to me. I'm trying to get it so it only scrolls when the scrollbar is already at the end, or its maximum. (so users … | |
Hi there everyone.. Well iam a newbie too and was just figuring out how to write this code snipet. I want the user to enter 2 strings, the 1st one called the key and the second a message. What actually happens is that the key is converted into unicode and … ![]() | |
[CODE][/CODE]How to upload the word document to msaccess database. i have created the datatype as OLEObject in msaccess i am using jsp.from jsp page i have to insert the word document to the database Please guide me. Thanks | |
Hai friends.. iam doing project in j2me.. i want to get the current time in mobile in hours minutes and seconds format.. and i want to display it in mobile ,is there any way to get the time? pl help | |
hey guys., Help me out.. I am doing some project using java swing..in that i get stuck up with one problem in combo box... I am having 5 items in the combo box([B][U]Contains same item names[/U][/B]) for ex: abc abc abc abc abc when i select any one of these … | |
I have a javac working in Linux, but I dont know how to get that in winows. Is there any nice GUI compiler for Windows? | |
I have jdk1.3 and bdk1.1 I have installed both in the same drive When i take the Example of Juggler bean and apply event for buttons i get an error massage that in Could not create event adaptor Plz help me to solve this problem | |
hello friend i want to make java program to slove trigomeric eq but i dont know how to stare as i m new in java i don't 9 how trigomeric eq can slove bye java can u tell me how i should thikg logicaly i need u r logical help … | |
hi, i want to hide the title bar in my project.....please give me the idea immediately............ regards, vani..... | |
Hi need a little help I cant see whats wrong with this code can someone take a look at this and steer me in the right direction. Specs say: I have to make hands comparable. I only comparing hands of the same length. One hand is bigger than another if … | |
I just want to access windows task manager using java code... is it possible? I want to find out what are all the exe files running on the machine..using java is it possible to build code for this? using java | |
Hi, I'm trying to write some code to connect my MIDlet to a database and I keep getting this compile error: package javax.servlet does not exist It does infact exists and I just can't figure out why I'm getting this error. :confused: What am I donig wrong? Thanks, chuck | |
[I]You are to run a series of trials. For each trial you will pick a random number between 1 and . Call this number . You will run tests with this number . For each test you will pick a second random number between 1 and ; call this second … | |
Hai.. I need to connect a database called "Postgresql" with a jsp code. how it can be done? I need the connection procedure for that. plz reply me.. | |
Hiiiiiii everyone....... iam learning java newly......... so i have doubt in writing this pgm can anyone pls tell me out......... "can we write a java program which calls the command prompt" byeeee vineela......... | |
Hi folks , I'm new to j2ee programming and using Netbeans 5.5 , i created a session bean program and deployed successfully in JOnAS application server but i'm not able to run the client program which invokes session bean (EJB module ). when i run client program i'm getting the … | |
When I try to cast an object of NetworkObject class (a class I have created )that has arrived at a server from a client I get an error - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException... client.NetworkObject I have the class in a Server package, but why does it specify that client.NetworkObject is not found, and … | |
I have left out something here or done something wrong?? Background: We are supposed to implement a class ExpApproximator. It uses the power series and keep adding values until a summand (term) is less than a certain threshold. At each step, you need to compute the new term and add … | |
Hi, i am trying to persist the session of my application. i have several complex objects, some of which may not be implementing serializable. i have started with retrieving the session and for each attribute in the session i generate an xml. the problem occurs when i try to convert … | |
please helpme to write a funtion in java. write a functionto validate ip address from a given string. using string tokenizer. ex:- please send me the code. sanjay |
The End.