35,617 Topics

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Member Avatar for skinnybones

Hi im new to java and i just started my summer homework with jcreator. Well my teacher told us to do this code and i tried it on my friends computer and it worked fine.Well now im at home and every time i try to run the program I get …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for aarya

hi i i am new to java and i have the thearotical knowledge of j2ee. i have experience in asp and php. but now i want to learn j2ee and persue my caree in j2ee platform. thats y i want to do som mini project based on swings and applet,jsp,xml …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for topaz

Hi Guys; I jus want to send out a big thank you to everyone who contributes to this forum, thanks for the help and support i got from some individuals on this forum. Truely appreciate your assistance, really helped me finish my final year project. God bless you all.

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for vinahorse78

[INDENT]Hi all, I 'm writing a small program called ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) connected to Microsoft Access Database in Java. The program is complied without no fault, Howerver it doesn't display Form which I can enter user information (such as: accountnumber, pin,...). It shows "Usage: Java ATM databaseDriver databaseURL, Press …

Member Avatar for usama
Member Avatar for usama
Member Avatar for Sheki RDH

hello all, can anybody reply to this i'll be grateful to them.... i'm working in swing applications, now i want to insert one button in the status bar reducing the size of the status bar..... please anybody suggest me how to proceed with this..... thanks in advance shekar

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for TinchoXVI

[INDENT][B]Well, this is one project away from my AP Exam. [/B] [B]Unfortunately I am taking this course idependently. (Independent School of Nebraska, I live in Africa :eek: ) I just need someone to put me on the right track for the following. Anything will be cosidered. My e-mail is [/B][EMAIL="martineye_13@hotmail.com"][B]martineye_13@hotmail.com[/B][/EMAIL][B] …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for walalno2005

hello for all i have a project in my faculty to connect oracle and sql server and access with java and i do all but i can not connect java and access how can i do i ?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for mohamad11

Hi i have a java aplication to make a digital Signature ,i need to connect it with outlook express how can i do that??? iam using Jbuilder X...

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for challenger

Hi, I have to embed an applet on a html page that will be accessed by client PCs. I want to display a pdf file on the applet as well (supposedly a html file). I decided to venture into converting the html file to a pdf file and display on …

Member Avatar for crawf

Hi! Im making an applet to graph a quadratic function...now im not going to be rude and say "tell me how to do it!" but i was just wondering if i could get some assistance on making it... Now of course, i've had a go at it, and i've made …

Member Avatar for crawf
Member Avatar for crawf

Hi, I'm working on an assignment for school...one of the applets i have to develop is a colour picker...But unfortunately i'm having some trouble with it... I would just like to ask if anyone could help me along a little bit and give me some insight as what to do …

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Member Avatar for harisinghrajput

Hi all, I am using oc4j 9i as my web server. My operating system is windows 2003. I get this error 'Too many files open' . This error is not frequent. After browsing through the web, i have found something about file descriptors. Now i cannot figure out where to …

Member Avatar for harisinghrajput

Please help me with this strange behaviour, Unexpectedly I get this intermediate error as Data has been flushed to the client. What is this behavior and what are the reasons?

Member Avatar for harisinghrajput
Member Avatar for Pacer

Hello all. I am only learning JSP two days.I want to change the Lookback Address of Tomcat.For example,We can change "localhost" to in IIS Server.So,How can i do it in Tomcat Server? Thanks very much.

Member Avatar for lifayan
Member Avatar for whizz_kid

I created an online Java test to prepare for SCJP. Check your skills here: [URL="http://www.teamtesting.com/test/java"]http://www.teamtesting.com/test/java[/URL]

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for sandy183

hi, when i try to run an applet, it tells me "connection refused". on some computers, the code works, and on others (like mine) i get this error message. can someone please tell me what could be the problem? thanks for replying!

Member Avatar for sandy183
Member Avatar for TinchoXVI

I have to design a program that uses Basic Math class. With the following functions and imput commands Add (Add), Substract (Sub), Multiply (Mult), Divide (Div), Exponents, ie. 2^3 (Exp), and Factorial, ie. 3! (Fact). So far I have this, i just can't figure out how to add the functions. …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for pixeltrace

guys,i am just a java newbie and i am really interested in studying this.i am currently using java development kit 5 and i am working on the exercises in sam java 24 hours.[url]http://www.samspublishing.com/library/content.asp?b=STY_Java2_24hours&seqNum=29i[/url] cant get to compile Saluton.javabecause when i am trying to typejavac Saluton.java in the ms-dos commandlineits giving …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for korbynlehr

" array dimension missing TextField dsplNameField = new TextField[];" What we are trying to do is allow user to input id and that will match to ids in the array and coresponding name

Member Avatar for korbynlehr
Member Avatar for sam1

hi, i am using elcipse in suse linux, but cant connect to mysql. if anyone uses eclipse ide in linux can you please help me to get it connected. thanks

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for archly1

Hello I need help I have created a application that pulls data from and is supposed to update and insert data into an access database. I have been successful in pulling data from it using first, last, previous and next buttons. However, I can't get my insert button to work. …

Member Avatar for JasonAnders
Member Avatar for korbynlehr

I am needing to put a pause in between each mortgage calculation and do not know what the C equivalant of getchar() is in Java. Here is the code I have so far, after it is finished with the first mortgage at 30 years I want the user to have …

Member Avatar for JasonAnders
Member Avatar for korbynlehr

> I am trying to code an assignment that calculates the > payments for a mortgage of a loan amount using 3 > separate rates and term years. I have it working but > it wants to calculate each loan 3 times with all > three rates and with the …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for AcMiller

I am having a nightmare time with an assessment task. I am only a newie at Java and I am not sure what I am doing. In the program I need to create a investment calculator that will enable the user to input a payement amount, how many payments and …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for korbynlehr

Is there an easy way for me to combine these two programs? What I am wanting to use an array for the different loans. Display the mortgage payment amount for each loan and then list the loan balance and interest paid for each payment over the term of the loan. …

Member Avatar for korbynlehr
Member Avatar for symbollion

Hi..Friends ... when i use Firefox ,i get always 'Unresponsive Script' pop-up... and i know we can 'solve' this issue with the setting of[/B] '[B]dom.max_script_run_time=20' config variable(Type about:config in address bar)... But my problem is --- I want to change [/B][B]'dom.max_script_run_time' through 'javascript' code ...means when i will run …

Member Avatar for 'Stein
Member Avatar for MrLew

I am working on an assignment to implement an interface, but can't seem to work. It is taking forever to get a response back from the instructor, so I am hoping someone here can help me out. The book shows some syntax on how to implment an interface, but I …

Member Avatar for shan06
Member Avatar for pench

hai freinds, this is pench. i am MCA graduate. plz help me if i post any queries in forum . 1.difference between TOMCAT server and WEBLOGIC server 2.What is the difference between SERVLETS and JSP 3. what is the difference between SERVLETS and CGI and i hope i will response …

Member Avatar for pench
Member Avatar for faramin

Hello, Is it possible to override _top target? I need to keep all the pages in a frame and I don't have access to some pages that use _top target in their links and they get out of the frame. Thank you, Ramin

Member Avatar for faramin

The End.