32,205 Topics
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I am crafting a code generator for something, and I have encountered some things that I do not know yet. Excuse the scambled eggs in this code, but could you please tell me what a job is, and how to get it to run a stored procedure for me? I … | |
Does anyone know a good Java machine learning library I can use for a commercial product? Weka and Rapidminer unfortunately do not allow this. I already found Apache Mahout and Java Data Mininng Package. Has anyone experience with them and provide some decision support? The task calls for clustering and … | |
Having 4 years of experience in [Machine Learning](https://intellipaat.com/blog/tutorial/machine-learning-tutorial/) and Artificial Intelligence with the background of B.Tech in Computer Science and Robotics. Having this experience took me to another level to training professionals who are looking to skill-up their knowledge in Machine learning and AI and helps to enhance their skills. | |
p=int(input("Enter money: ฿ ")) n=int(input("Enter price: -฿ ")) x=p-n print("Change is ฿",(x)) print("Bank 1000 =",(x//1000),('bill/bills')) print("Bank 500 =",(x%1000//500),('bill/bills')) print("Bank 100 =",(x%1000%500//100),('bill/bills')) print("Bank 50 =",(x%1000%500%100//50),('bill/bills')) print("Bank 20 =",(x%1000%500%100%50//20),('bill/bills')) print("Coin 10 =",(x%1000%500%100%50%20//10),('coin/coins')) print("Coin 5 =",(x%1000%500%100%50%20%10//5),('coin/coins')) print("Coin 2 =",(x%1000%500%100%50%20%10%5//2),('coin/coins')) print("Coin 1 =",(x%1000%500%100%50%20%10%5%2//1),('coin/coins')) q=x//1000 w=x%1000//500 e=x%1000%500//100 r=x%1000%500%100//50 t=x%1000%500%100%50//20 y=x%1000%500%100%50%20//10 u=x%1000%500%100%50%20%10//5 i=x%1000%500%100%50%20%10%5//2 o=x%1000%500%100%50%20%10%5%2//1 l=q+w+e+r+t+y+u+i+o print("all … | |
So, I am a post grad student in the software development field, and I am not working at the moment, but I have some questions on Business Rules, User Stories, etc. So I was wondering if perhaps we could open up a discussion here on some of the common business … | |
hello everybody im trying to compute the log(n) while n in the first time =10 and second time =100 , third =1000 and fourth = 10000 but an error still happenening the error is math domain error can anybody help in this code and error import math import logging n … | |
Hi, Mr Dani Horrowitz, Founder Java NetBeans 'random' numbers between 1 and 100 using the U set for myself, I'm single and multiple 10 to choose a number you want to create an array. I want to get these numbers from the output via single and multiple array and random. … | |
Hi all, I'm having some issues with the Scanner not waiting for input from the keyboard. The first method processChoice takes the userChoice and the idea is that in the switch statement there is a call to a method getUserInputForProcessing that takes the action and there scanner takes an input … | |
# Class 1 # import java.awt.Canvas; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.lang.Runnable; import java.lang.Thread; import javax.swing.JFrame; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import java.io.IOException; public class Game extends JFrame implements Runnable{ private Canvas canvas = new Canvas(); private RenderHandler renderer; private BufferedImage testImage; private Rectangle testRectangle = new Rectangle(30, 90, … | |
Hi All i am having a python code i have to convert this to java i have placed the code below import boto3 import sys import re import json def get_kv_map(file_name): with open(file_name, 'rb') as file: img_test = file.read() bytes_test = bytearray(img_test) print('Image loaded', file_name) # process using image bytes … | |
hi, In my android studio build gradle is failed i dont know how so then i check the log and i saw this error Error:Could not find method compile() for arguments [com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:25.3.1] on object of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DefaultDependencyHandler. Please install the Android Support Repository from the Android SDK Manager. Open Android … | |
# Find minimum integer coefficients for a chemical reaction like # A * NaOH + B * H2SO4 -> C * Na2SO4 + D * H20 import sympy import re # match a single element and optional count, like Na2 ELEMENT_CLAUSE = re.compile("([A-Z][a-z]?)([0-9]*)") def parse_compound(compound): """ Given a chemical compound … | |
Is there a way to solve for a system of multiple equations with multiple variables and variables on both sides in java Lets say im given three (or more) equations in an array list or array like so... 4A=1C 10A=2D 2B=2C+1D and im allowed to set one variable equal to … | |
How can I minify my code in here, I am giving each 23 total imageview a eventhandler. code works, but I like to make the code shorter. I tried to use for loops to shorten the code. here is a example what I tried to do: for (int i = … | |
when i am trying to insert date into the datefield of the oracle then date value are stored in to database but each date value are same like DOB 01-JAN-70 01-JAN-70 01-JAN-70 public class practicdate { JDateChooser dateChooser,dateChooser1; practicdate(){ dateChooser = new JDateChooser(); dateChooser.setBounds(200, 200, 150, 20); getContentPane().add(dateChooser); public void … | |
package de.extrema.java; import java.util.Scanner; public class Pogramm { public static void main(String arrg[]) { try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in)) { double a , b , r , A , h; int number2; int number; System.out.println("Körper: "); System.out.println("Deine Wahl: "); number = scanner.nextInt(); number2 = scanner.nextInt(); switch(number) { case 1:{ … | |
I'm writing a VERY simple clock to run on an old tablet using Android Studio - it displays the current time and day (I'm retired and regularly forget what day it is). I want to add the first calendar event for the current day to the display so it goes … | |
Hi. I was wondering if anyone could help me with checking for a valid move in Othello. I was thinking about hard=coding everything but that takes too long. this is what i have so far: 1. Check which direction is valid (adjacent piece is different from piece being placed) 2. … | |
1/Write a TeachArithmeticFrame class that teaches children arithmetic. The frame uses a JLabel for a problem and a JTextField for the user answer. When the user presses the Enter key (while the JTextField object is active) or clicks the OK button, display a message stating whether the user’s answer is … | |
# Class 1 # import java.awt.Canvas; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.lang.Runnable; import java.lang.Thread; import javax.swing.JFrame; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import java.io.IOException; public class Game extends JFrame implements Runnable{ private Canvas canvas = new Canvas(); private RenderHandler renderer; private BufferedImage testImage; private Rectangle testRectangle = new Rectangle(30, 90, … | |
I have developed a game for android mobiles ["Rise Up Air Balloon"](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.abacus.riseup). I want to updatte it. Kindly suggest me something if it is better to update https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/rB-fPEBiaGzT_ubSzCtSfftC4pKkIm5buAS2_DhQz4_exYFCrjbcN2T1NhkmM0A3Jj0=s180-rw | |
Hello everyone, I am Bastian, i would be very grateful if anyone could help me on this one. I want to self-study about creating a Hotel Management program in Netbeans but i am afraid that i just have a basic knowledge in Java. I studied Programming but unfortunately i have … | |
It's not showing the image in the terminal window or the jframe. import java.awt.Canvas; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.lang.Runnable; import java.lang.Thread; import javax.swing.JFrame; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import java.io.IOException; public class Game extends JFrame implements Runnable{ import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt; public class RenderHandler{ private BufferedImage … | |
| I made this game equivalent to tictactoe but with a slight twist called find the X between two players using socket programming with Java. Don't know where I went wrong in trying to find the X but for some odd reason my count variable never updates allowing the victory message … |
Good After. Can you please help. How to convert my python code into Java ? Need Help.. Espcially in Soil Moisture sensor using java language. | |
Hello I'm writing a program that reads in data from a file to create an array of clients and stocks. I completed my client class and stock class. I'm stuck on my driver. ![Screen_Shot_2019-12-02_at_11_53_13_PM.png](/attachments/large/4/0ceae90458b69aa4d08f7e5937ba4a6e.png) This is what I have it prints the text file but where would I include the … | |
I am trying to get a program to work that asks for a user input to count by that number and display 10 numbers per line. I can not get it to display 10 numbers per line. If anyone can explain to me what I am doing wrong? public static … |
The End.