32,205 Topics
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Are there any differencies between these two code ? if (!a.equals("")) { editDate.setText(a) } and if (a!="") { editDate.setText(a) } | |
Hi guys, I wonder if this is something I could do on this forum. I've never worked with REST, so I thought that it could be a good exercise to try to develop a very small and simple Java application and try to make use of REST as well. I … | |
Hi all I need help to read outlook pst file from java.My pst file is stored in local hard disk.Now i want my java program to read that pst file.Kindly provide some inputs so as to proceed to the solution for the said problem.Can i do this through javamail api? … | |
Hi all, i have userid ,username,password now i want login using this query how; select username,password from tablename where userid=userid; | |
iam using oracle11g and jsp ,i have one task there i want use isActive how to use that. i dont know atlease what is isActive please explain. | |
hai all , iam using the jsp in that i have small dought , DBtable: id,description,created by ,create time,modified by ,modified time ,isactive Jsp: i want to store that values in databse using the jsp;here id is auto increment,description is user enter ,created by created by ,create time,modified by ,modified … | |
I am making a ping pong game using JavaFX, but before I am going to make that, I like to test the KeyEvents. I made a simple ping pong game about 2 years ago, but I like to improve my game. And was pretty bad controlls back when I made … | |
So, I made a simple server-client chat program, but I have a problem: if the server tries to message the client, the server lags or freezes a bit, same with the client. is there something that I do wrong? import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.Socket; import … | |
So I am making a responsive audio waveform, if you don't know what that is, it is something like this: (btw this is my goal to make those audio waveforms). https://i.ytimg.com/vi/J7uN-SQtOYI/maxresdefault.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVMuwa-HRCQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCD2tB1qILc I don't know how to describe it, so just look at the videos and image. but my … | |
Hii Guys I am currently Devloping a Java Remote Desktop Software like teamviewer I would like know some guidelines about the tools I can use for client and server side I could create a GUI using Swing and add by using Robot class to imitate mouseactions and keyactions and by … | |
Hi developers! I have made a POS software. I have added the functionality of "priniting to Thermal printer" and "barcodes". Firstly I added the functionality of Reciept printing which worked perfectly. Then I added the functionality of barcode scanning. As you know barcode reader device automatically scans the barcode and … | |
Hi developers! I have made a POS software. I have added the functionality of "priniting to Thermal printer" and "barcodes". Firstly I added the functionality of Reciept printing which worked perfectly. Then I added the functionality of barcode scanning. As you know barcode reader device automatically scans the barcode and … | |
I am making a program, and I don't know why my program becomes unresponsive, when I click the button ): I have a feeling its because of this: "connection = server.accept();" I don't know how to fix it. I am trying to recreate this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18505123/how-to-use-client-chat-on-different-pc but in javafx. package yeetYeet; … | |
When we build an application, which layer should we start with? From top (UI) to bottom(Data Layer) or bottom to top? | |
[B]I've highlighted the code in question in red. Can somebody tell me how the red code makes Pac man and the Ghosts move?[/B] [code]// // PacMan // Another 1 day game (created in 5 hours). // // (C)2000 // Brian Postma // [email]b.postma@hetnet.nl[/email] // [url]http://www.homepages.hetnet.nl/~brianpostma[/url] // import java.awt.*; import java.applet.Applet; … | |
Hi guys, as part of an exercise I was involved with, I had to use the factory pattern to create a series of different objects, however I'd like to keep a list or map for what it matters of these objects and I'm getting a bit into troubles here. So … | |
the below code is to list the running exe files in the windows task manager. but i need only the running applications in windows task manager. if aybody knows pls help me by sending code for this. i am awaiting pls. import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class GetProcess { public … | |
i have define code File selectedFile = new File(selectedFilePath); when run and test is it file or not if (!selectedFile.isFile()){ runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { tvFileName.setText("Source File Doesn't Exist: " + selectedFilePath); } }); return 0; it give message source file does't exist; why give this message, … | |
how to get image source in ajax call using java script? | |
hello everybody who can help with this task Now I will talk little about monoalpahapit cipher This is cipher is based on substitution the characters with another characters So in the encrypt.java file it counts how many the characters appeared in the cipher text , so in the picture that … | |
Hello. As a personal project, I am trying to create a "Java Argot" translator. However I am having some issues. The purpose of the program is to translate a sentece into the following "Secret Languages": "Pig Latin", "Leet" and "Morse Code". I have only done the "Pig Latin" translator however, … | |
Hi guys, I was trying to sort an arrayList using a comparator but I didn't have much luck, or at least it seems like there is something slightly wrong with it. I have these objects in the arrayList employeeCollection.add(new Employee("Dan", 112)); employeeCollection.add(new Employee("Tim", 2)); employeeCollection.add(new Employee("Rick", 11)); employeeCollection.add(new Employee("Jack", 19)); … | |
I am trying to establish a connection between LibreOffice ( and Mariadb (10.1.29)/mysql. I have researched various resources on the web but am stuck not being able to establish a connection preliminary steps taken: * the file mariadb-java-client-2.4.0.jar is downloaded from [https://downloads.mariadb.com/Connectors/java/connector-java-2.3.0/](https://downloads.mariadb.com/Connectors/java/connector-java-2.3.0/) * JRE is installed and enabled under LibreOffice … | |
Halli Hallo i hope im at the right Place. I want to get started with API-Gateway(s). Currently im running 5 Microservices written in Java (Spring-Boot) deployed via Docker. Each Microservices is protected via Keycloak. I want to use a API-Gateway so that i can combine every MS into 1 Link: … | |
currently working on a project for college. when searching coffee names from the array list , it will show the object but will also show "there is no coffee in the list" for every time the object doesn't match the search, how can I sort this out? public static void … | |
hi! I'm currently studying and having difficulty being able to print the array list, im not sure where im going wrong. any help will be appreciated import java.util.*; public class practice { static Scanner sc = new Scanner (System.in); static int numberOfCoffees = 0; static String[][] coffee = new String … | |
So im just starting learrning code, and I am also using code.org as a starter tool. I'm on a lesson where it says to; write a program that simulates the rolling of two dice. Keep rolling the dice UNTIL the sum of the dice is either a 7 OR an … | |
public class BusPayment extends JFrame{ private JButton paynow; private JButton cancel; private JComboBox<String> jComboBox1; private JFrame frame; private JLabel label1, label2, label3, label4; private JPanel panel1, panel2,panel3; private JRadioButton destination1; private JRadioButton destination2; private JRadioButton destination3; private JRadioButton destination4; private JRadioButton destination5; private JRadioButton destination6; private JComboBox company; private JTextField … | |
First: Design a class named Employee with private fields for that person’s: (1) name, (2) ID number, and (3) hire date. The ID number should be in the format ###–C, where # is a digit, 0–9, and C is a character, an uppercase letter, A–M. Write no-arg, 1-arg (name), 2-arg … | |
Getting errors and having a hard time seeing where. If I get it to build it is ignoring the inputmenu. package personalprogram; import java.util.Scanner; /** * * @author mitch */ public class PersonalProgram { /** */ public final class InputMenu { public void display_menu() { System.out.println("1) Calculate Cubic feet per … |
The End.