32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Swetham5236

I am trying to view the log file in netbeans, but when I click on View -> IDE log its not displaying anything. Please help

Member Avatar for seemant gupta
Member Avatar for theprogrammer19
Member Avatar for sadhawan

Hi guys i have java scripts as follows His acquaintance with Elizabeth was very trifling.&quot;</p>\n<P class=&quot;Sx0x1&quot;>&quot;To be sure, Lizzy,&quot; said her aunt, &quot;he is not so handsome as Wickham; or, rather, he has not Wickham's countenance, for his features are perfectly good. But how came you to tell me that …

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Member Avatar for soumya_mjmder

Hi guys..i have a XML: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <EmployeeDetails> <Employee EmployeeName="Johnny" EmployeeId="209007" CompanyName="ABC Inc." CompanyAddress="Bangalore" ContactNo="0000000" /> <Employee EmployeeName="JohnnyDepp" EmployeeId="78452" CompanyName="ABC Inc." CompanyAddress="Bangalore" ContactNo="0000000" /> <Employee EmployeeName="JohnnyStechhino" EmployeeId="45678" CompanyName="ABC Inc." CompanyAddress="Bangalore" ContactNo="0000000" /> <Employee EmployeeName="JohnDoe" EmployeeId="45981" CompanyName="ABC Inc." CompanyAddress="Bangalore" ContactNo="0000000" /> <Employee EmployeeName="Soumyadeep" EmployeeId="12345" CompanyName="ABC Inc." CompanyAddress="Bangalore" ContactNo="0000000" /> </EmployeeDetails> …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for joe_ojah

Hi everyone I am making a system where i have to refresh the database after updating it. I am using a JTable and a mysql database, but i have to close down the application so that the updates can be implemented.Is there a way of refreshing the connection session, or …

Member Avatar for JoshuaKissoon
Member Avatar for ErlendHL
Member Avatar for sureshjohnviani

hi everyone, i name is suresh john viani. i am a final year student in computer science. i need some [U]unsolved problems or some topics in networking and image processing[/U] to carry out as my project. thank u all

Member Avatar for DoEds

Arg... Guys can you correct my code? 'coz it gives me a wrong output if i input "3 , 1, 2 or 1, 3, 2 or 3, 2 ,1" [CODE]import javax.swing.*; public class OutputGreatest { public static void main(String[] args) { int uInput1,uInput2,uInput3; int maxValue; uInput1 = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"<1>Input a number …

Member Avatar for DoEds
Member Avatar for shirup

i have difficulties in this area and am kindly requesting for your help.i need to submit an assignment by the end of today.please help

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for ryathegr8

slaamz guls and guys! can any body tell ,how to validate input to check whether it in Integer only?? it shouldnot be in Double, Long and float in type..... i am writting simple code for simple calculator.... plz reply me fast if any body knows... regards m0m0

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for Chaster

Hi all, I've been searching for some time without any success. Here's the problem: I have an SWT GUI, which contains some UI elements placed onto a Composite. I would like to dynamically add a new Composite to the old one, when a certain event is triggered. Fine everything works …

Member Avatar for mostafaelshafei
Member Avatar for sunil_skmd

Hi, I am new to java. i want to use a switch statement on operators that are in read as strings. Like "==","!=",">=","<=". Please help me to do this as i cannot use even their ascii value of these operators to switch the cases.

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen

Hello, Just recently I learned how to make a game with java using an applet and I was wondering how I’d go about making a java game for cell phones?

Member Avatar for johnfl
Member Avatar for evangelyngulip

hi.will you please help me in making a Payroll System that using a Java?Thank you.

Member Avatar for rboffers
Member Avatar for pi_lord12

I'm making a JPanel for a game. I want the background to be an imported image, so I set up a ClassLoader to import the image and converted that to a URL. However, that URL appears to be null, as when I try to put the panel into a JFrame, …

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Member Avatar for darling332001

Friends, I'm taking a Java programming class online and it seems that the lecture nor the book explains in detail the finer points needed for my programs to work. Thus far, I've gotten by with what I know of prior languages and trial and error. However, I'm having problems with …

Member Avatar for tong1
Member Avatar for smoothe19

How do i create such a thing like a txt file where i can save usernames and passwords? but is protected that only certain users can access and edit the usernames and passwords? Please help I tried using a txtfile but i realized anyone can access it...is there anyway of …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for jiraiya

Hi everyone, I'm having a problem with a JUnit test I've written. I think there should be a simple solution but I can't work out what's wrong. I'm new to using JUnit so any advice would be a big help. Here's the test class below. At the moment I'm just …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for ttboy04

hello, I have called getFruits method from another class (another class is called vegetables). I can't seem to add the names of the fruits in myTable TreeSet in class Test. The error I am getting is "cannot find symbol - variable length". Can anyone help me. Thanks [CODE]public class Test …

Member Avatar for ttboy04
Member Avatar for smoothe19

My program is not case sensitive it does not display the output my proff wants PLEASE HELP! I don't know how to make it case sensitive The output should be: As entered 0:a:apple 1:a:Apple 2:z:Zone 3:a:apple Bubble Sorted 0:a:apple 1:a:Apple 3:a:apple 2:z:Zone Selection Sorted 1:a:Apple 0:a:apple 3:a:apple 2:z:Zone My program …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for roezer

I am not a developer I am a user of the Internet and very active so active that I need to use a password manager now the problem with this is that I use the password manager to save me time and one of the biggest problems is that some …

Member Avatar for roezer
Member Avatar for WargRider

I am creating a custom 2d turn based game engine in Java, and so far everything works great. Currently, I have come to the dreaded networking :), and I made a test code, prototype of the network that I would like to create. It uses Java's MulticaseSocket class, DatagramPackets and …

Member Avatar for WargRider
Member Avatar for lightner86

Good Evening to all.. Can someone help with regards to converting decimal to hexadecimal? I'm using stack. I am done. in doing Dec to binary and Decimal to Octal. My problem is how to convert decimal to hex? specially if its include now with letters A to D.. pls i …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for nettle4k

Hi, I want to draw a rectangle but I want a user to specify its dimensions. Currently, I have 4 JTextAreas that take x, y, width and height values. I also have a button. I know how to display those values etc but I don't know how to link them …

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Member Avatar for jefferlyn92
Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for amit.hak50
Member Avatar for sam_dev

Can any one tell me something more about the flate decoding.????? Its the technique of encoding the data in .pdf file format...thanks in advance......

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for bluejamesbond

First off, I am new to this forum so please forgive me for any traditions that you all usually keep that I haven't kept. Currently, I am a java programmer, but I am recently trying to learn scheme for a project. In terms of java swing, can someone explain to …

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Member Avatar for balaji153
Member Avatar for thr

hello I want too choose among c++ + qt + php and java for my programming language and platform please help me too choose best platform I want to choose a platform that has this features : speed, portable I am c++ programmer and familiar with java programming language i …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

The End.