32,205 Topics
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I have a problem that regarding with my projects. I need to create a bleuprint of an urban planning and I manage to print all the buildings that are required usning array. My problem right now is how I am going to print the roads. (<>^v, 1, -1, Road (-1 … | |
*someone can help me to answer this question. Create an array that can hold ten integers, and fill each slot with a different random value from 1-50. Display those values on the screen, and then prompt the user for an integer. Search through the array, and if the item is … | |
I'm a beginner and working on a digital attendance system. I'm using the following code in actionPerformed: for (int i = 1; i < count; i ++) { if (ae.getSource () == buttons[i]) { switch (available[i]) { case 1: { available[i] = 0; names.remove (unames[i]); System.out.println ("removing " + unames[i]); … | |
Hi, I am John and pursuing graduate, my question is why Java or oops language does not use multiple inheritance? This is nightmare for me. My exam is coming soon. Please provide me a good answer | |
Hello Everyone!, I am currently a freshman at MATC(Milwaukee Area Techinal College) I am at the one Downtown in Milwaukee, and I am taking a class called Intro To Oriented Computer Programming(which is learning and coding the Program Java, and I have been seeing a tutor, but I cannnot figure … | |
Create a Project name Banking which will have the following classes with the given instance variables and the methods Create a class Account with first name , last name, address , phone number, balance (instance variables) Withdrawal and deposit methods Create checking account class extending the account class, Having additional … | |
I am doing my final year project in j2ee. I am making an online health management system ... it'll be like [this](https://medcaremso.com/) Nowadays I am documenting the project .... The question is that are there some useful documentations over the net or you people have ? I want some professional … | |
Hello, I am writing a Java program where the first JFrame has choices for number of shapes, width, height and the type of shape (oval, rectangle or both) and a button is clicked that opens up another JFrame where the shapes are drawn with a time delay until the number … | |
Hi all, I have an application which saves data (books details like book title, author and location) to a mySql db and performs CRUD operations. I thought I'd use hibernate to take care of the ORM side of things and everything was OK when it came to create a record, … | |
My problem is setting the size of the JButton. I want it to be a little button centered below the "Hello World" JLabel field (as it is now it spans the full width of the JFrame). I am unsure what is causing the setPreferredsize to be ignored. I am an … | |
Now I am making my pos software client - server based software. I am using java derby as the database. On the local host I am running the program successfully. But on the remote server I face an exception. First I tell you, how I am connecting to the remote … | |
Hi! I have made a POS Sotware. I have used only one JFrame as Main/Home Screen of the software and used JDialogs for all other screens. In this post I have concern with the 2 screens; Home Screen(which is a Jframe) and Sales Screen(which is a JDialog). As Home Screen … | |
I am trying to create a method that will count number of zeros in a statement/numbers (numOfZero), that a string as input and returns the number of occurrence of ‘0’ in the string. And if there is no zero it should return zero. I have used String.length() and String.CharAt(int index). … | |
T=4 square root a+e to the power x and the hole ÷ by sin 60 | |
When posting code, I get error > begin a line with 4 spaces in a row (or one tab), preceded by a blank line. 4+ spaces or tabs may not be used anywhere else. | |
| Ask the user to enter - Name - ID - File Name Randomly choose five grades for that person from 1 to 100 and store them in an array that can hold five integers. Then output the name, ID, and those five grades to the screen and save the output … |
| Ask the user to enter - Name - ID - File Name Randomly choose five grades for that person from 1 to 100 and store them in an array that can hold five integers. Then output the name, ID, and those five grades to the screen and save the output … |
Hi guys, I'm a little stuck with something here. Basically I have a a method which, given a List of Students will have to filter out those who are younger than 60yrs old and should return a List of Students who are over 60yrs old but I want this to … | |
Hi guys, I am having an issue finding duplicates in an arrayList. Here is some code studentRecords.add(new Student("Jo", "Pip", "JP000", LocalDate.of(1999,9,23), Sex.FEMALE)); studentRecords.add(new Student("Tara", "Bot", "TB345", LocalDate.of(1991,9,1), Sex.FEMALE)); studentRecords.add(new Student("Mara", "Lewart", "ML456", LocalDate.of(1988,5,23), Sex.FEMALE)); studentRecords.add(new Student("Anna", "Clarke", "AC010", LocalDate.of(1999,1,1), Sex.FEMALE)); studentRecords.add(new Student("Frank", "Boia", "FB300", LocalDate.of(2001,8,13), Sex.MALE)); studentRecords.add(new Student("Anna", "Clarke", "AC010", … | |
write a program to convert celsius to fahrenheit in c using do loop | |
I new in learning Object Oriented Programming... I face a problem that how to do this question for loop and if.... hopefully can get some help in this website...` this question is need to do from the previos question.. this is java need to do the question using NetBeans.IDE.. question:(at … | |
I'm doing an assignment for a class and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong to keep getting the "illegal start of expression" error. Any help would be appreciated. public class Overloading { public static void main(String[] args) { public static int max(int num1, int num2) { if (num1 … | |
![71923951_2309021662681505_5309298929043505152_n.jpg](/attachments/large/4/1849a45b2f18751c208bb45861be2f10.jpg) | |
At the risk of making a total fool of myself... I got very excited when I discovered that Java's "only opaque rectangular windows" limitation has been removed. Full release is intended for Java 7, but working methods can be accessed thru com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities in recent releases of Java 6 (I'm using … | |
H! I am writing a java proram in which I need to generate and read barcodes to and from .PNG images. I used barcode4j-2.jar library to generate barcodes and write them to PNG image. I did this successfully. But I faced an error during reading that generated barcode from the … | |
The company sells the coffee in 2-lb bags only, and the price of a single 2-lb bag is $5.50. When a customer places an order, the company ships the order in boxes. The boxes come in three sizes: the large box holds 20 bags of 2 lb, the medium 10 … | |
Hi, I'm wondering if it's possible to have a desktop app with a database online? Can you give me an example? :P | |
The question is compPickInt will now be a 0,1, or 2. Use an ‘if-else if’ structure to convert the numbers to a char variable with the value of R or S or P and Prompt the user to enter R for Rock, S for Scissors or P for Paper. Use … | |
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Random; class Lottery { // MISSING CODE } public class LotteryDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] userPicks = new int[5]; int matching; // Create a Scanner object for keyboard input. Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); // Create a Lottery object. Lottery lotto = new … | |
Hey, I'm trying to open a web page inside my newest android app. (I'm following this guide...) [url]http://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/WebView.html[/url] My goal with the app is to open up the web page every time it gets opened, but the web pages need to open within the activity. With the code below, it … |
The End.