32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for Jayanthi_1
Member Avatar for Navnath999

I want to crop an image manually using the mouse. Suppose the image has some text, and I want to select some text from an image, then for that purpose I want to crop that area by using the mouse.

Member Avatar for Sri_6
Member Avatar for itian.kongu

Hi all few free tutorial sites for beginners are given below. C PROGRAMMING http://learnermode.com/c-tutorial/ C++ pROGRAMMING http://cplusplus.com Java https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/ C# https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa288436(v=vs.71).aspx Python https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/ Java Applets http://learnermode.com/java-tutorial/applets/

Member Avatar for cahendi
Member Avatar for Talha_11
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Member Avatar for tarun_6

Can anyone guide me to find a way to convert swing application to Android app. If we just create the gui using xml is it enough to take the working code from the previous swing application to run on Android

Member Avatar for tarun_6
Member Avatar for Andres_5

Hi Guys Im A Noob, so i need your kind perception on my code Im running A Table Anytime i do it i get this message Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Not supported yet. And this is My Table Code: private void tablaLISTADOMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { // TODO add your handling …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for rithish

[CODE] import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; class log extends JFrame { JButton b1=new JButton("ok"); JPanel panel=new JPanel(new GridLayout(2,2)); public log() { panel.add(b1); add(panel,BorderLayout.CENTER); b1.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionperformed(ActionEvent ae){ JPanel pan=new JPanel(); JFrame frame1 = new JFrame(); JButton b2=new JButton("ok"); pan.add(b2); frame1.setVisible(true); frame1.add(pan); frame1.setSize(250,100); b2.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionperformed(ActionEvent …

Member Avatar for ajax_1
Member Avatar for tarun_6
Member Avatar for Curious Gorge

Hello. I'm doing a lab assignment and I have several subclasses extending the base class. I'm not sure how to "override" the methods and implementations in the supers, because every time my driver class calls a method on my subclass, the superclass method gets called. Heck even within the subclass …

Member Avatar for Curious Gorge
Member Avatar for John_165

I wonder how to handle exception in `ResponsesEntity`. When it receive wrong url, it supposes to go to the `catch` block and display the `log`. But I keep getting error message in console. The `try-catch` not working as it not display log message. @GetMapping("abc/{Id}") public ResponseEntity info(@PathVariable("Id") String id) { …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for sid_4
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for SkateX

Greetings, Can anyone tell me why my loop does not actually add anything for interest? I'm thinking it is because of the way my interestRate variable is setup as a class variable (static). Here is the code snippets /**************************************************************************************** HNUnit4Ch13Investor.java xx All variables should be declared private Declare a class …

Member Avatar for SkateX
Member Avatar for wilsonz91

Hello, First off, i did try looking around the forum but i couldn't understand. Here's a few question which i need help with: 1) (adding node at head) i don't know how does the head will hold the reference to the next node, the code is like this: [CODE] //at …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Eddy_2

In this assignment you are to write a program that finds a path through a “maze”. The maze will be represented by a 2-dimensional array of ints. You will be given a starting point in the array that consists of a pair of ints <x,y>. In this pair, x represents …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for SkateX

Greetings, I have been trying to figure this out for hours with no avail. Basically I need to print out user input as Initial value, ASCII(char), ASCII(int), and Hex. I can get everything to work however I am not supposed to have the char values print if its a digit, …

Member Avatar for SkateX
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hi! I have made a desktop application which is running perfectly. But i am facing problems with jframe size on different machines. I have monitor of 'Gateway'. I am satisfied with my jframe size on my screen . But when i shifted it on laptop of 'hp' company then my …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Saboor880

hi ! I am developing a pos software for desktop. I am using java derby database for this. I have developed a feature for purchasing items and also a feature for analyzing purchases so that the user can view that what, when, how much he purchased. I am using two …

Member Avatar for Saboor880
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hi! I am developing a pos for a store. I have created a settings window. On this window there is a button which is used to set a name for store. When user press this button a message dialog appears with a text field and a OK button so that …

Member Avatar for Saboor880
Member Avatar for Kalpna_1

We are facing an issue to bind the selected coordinates of polygon using ArcGIS Javascript library on page load. The same issue we are facing with all geometry types. Please help us to bind the selected coordinates. We are able to find out the coordinates and save them in database. …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Badulla

i have wrote this program which uses binary search to search for a desired word and which displays the word along with the meaning of that particular word.but each time i print the data that the arraylist contains it just print the word being search but not the meaning of …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for bea_1

write java a program that finds the longest substring without repeating characters in a string

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Mirty

I need instructions on implementing a houghes circle code using android studio to an app. I do not know where to put everything and need detailed instructions on how to create the app and save it onto an android device. iCannyUpperThreshold = 100; iMinRadius = 20; iMaxRadius = 400; iAccumulator …

Member Avatar for Rajan_7
Member Avatar for aditya_23

cd D:/ #Extract Author information java -jar svn-migration-scripts.jar authors $SVNURL > authors.txt #Clone the SVN Repo git svn clone --stdlayout --authors-file=authors.txt $SVNURL SVNAsGIT #Clean the new GIT repository java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar svn-migration-scripts.jar clean-git --force #Update the authors file git config svn.authorsfile authors.txt> #Clean the new GIT repository java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar …

Member Avatar for aditya_23
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

A couple questions before I even attempt this project... Is it possible to create a VoIP application in Java? Is it posssibe to do this using standard libraries? If you can't make one with standard libraries, which libraries are needed to accomplish this? Also, is this a good Introduction to …

Member Avatar for Nagy
Member Avatar for Julius_4

Hey, my problem is that i got the progressbar and everything i tried was unsuccessfully. The Color is always that orange and i dont get it away. I rly need help woule be nice if i get a fast answer. Regards, Julius

Member Avatar for Chien-Rouge
Member Avatar for john44

I already wrote an ATM program which did store only three account number, password and balance but now I want to get these information from a file which would be read to the program and by entering the information the program should search the file and find the line that …

Member Avatar for yash_8
Member Avatar for stephen_23

Is there any better way to find the duplicate words count in a file using Java. I have found one solution using Map like below : while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, " "); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String tmp = st.nextToken().toLowerCase(); if (map.containsKey(tmp)) { …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for peter20

Hi all, I have a class CAR.java public class CAR { private int ID; private String model; public CAR(int ID, String model) { this.ID = ID; this.model = model; } public int getID() { return ID; } public void setID(int ID) { this.ID = ID; } public int getmodel() { …

Member Avatar for peter20
Member Avatar for Varunkrishna

What is the mistake in this code, I am able to print the total digits of the input number, but when I try to print the *actual number* from the scanner it always prints zero(0). For example the user enters **123456** as the input, and my program is correctly returning …

Member Avatar for Prabhat_4
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi guys, I wonder if you can help me. As I’m now doing java development as a profession now, I’ve realized that I’m a little weak when it comes to fix, modify and understand code within large applications, and, needless to say, I need to find a way to get …

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The End.