32,205 Topics
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hi I am trying to build a triangle calculator that can tell you if you can form a valid triangle, I have reach the calculation part as yet just the part of the gui and that is the part with the error. something is wrong and i cant seem to … | |
Hello, so I have this program which should be creating a file called output and appending some content from another file,data.txt, accordingly. Creating file called output works but then the output file is empty. what am i doing wrong? Oh and Im suppose to use method print() but that gives … | |
Hi, I have an app that worked very fine before Iam enabling the SSL to my domian name, I used an web url Ex: api.domian.com for getting detils to the app like login, result etc. some days before I have added an SSL (lets encrypt) the subdomian name suddenly the … | |
public class StudentListings{ private String name; // key field private int ID; private double GPA; private int next; private int size; private StudentListing[] data; public StudentListings(){ this.name= name; this.id= ID; this.gpa=GPA; } public StudentListings(){ next=0; data= new StudentListings[Size]; size= Size; } // end of constructor public boolean insert(StudentListings newStudentListing) { if(next>=size) // the structure is full return false; // store a deep copy of the client's node data[next]= new StudentListing.deepCopy(); if(data[next]== null) return false; next= next + 1; // prepare for the next insert return true; } // end of insert method public StudentListings fetch(String targetKey){ StudentListings studentListings; StudentListings temp; … | |
How to make a program that input 5 names and each names consists of 3 quizzes using array. | |
hi james Been a while since I have been here. am trying to do this program for the longest while. I have tried read and writing to a text file in java and i am getting a runtime error. can someone tell me where and why I am getting the … | |
I'm using JavaFX 8. Right now I keep getting a NullPointerException for my tables. I have initalized the data and it appears when I click on the button to bring it up. However, when I try to search or delete something from the table it keeps giving me the exception. … | |
Is this book, <JAVA in a netshell> 4th ed, a good book? [url]http://www.amazon.com/Java-Nutshell-Fourth-David-Flanagan/dp/0596002831/[/url] Has anybody read it? I am a C++ programmer and just want to quickly get started with java for simple JAVA programming. Because I don't have time to read <Thinking in JAVA> at this moment, I just … | |
class space { public static void main(String args[]) { int i; for(i=0;i<5;i++) { System.out.print("*"); System.out.print("_"); } } for(i=0;i<5;i++) { System.out.println("*"); } } | |
I'm a master's student preparing for my master thesis I'm interrsting to be software engineer I need help for topics that will reflect my dream goal as software engineer although my supervisor gave my task to write proposal in natural language processing I dont know if is a good area … | |
Help- super stumped on my loop... I need to create a loop so the amount that you input for example 5 students inputted, will corrospond to a grade. I have done the code, I just don't understand how I can get the input to corrospond to the grades. Here is … | |
So I have the following code contained within a class labeled book. public void setPublication(int bookVersion, String bookISBN, double bookPrice) { bookVersion = pub.setVersion(bookVersion); bookISBN = pub.setISBN(bookISBN); bookPrice = pub.setPrice(bookPrice); It refers to the following class, called publication. //Getter method to get the book ISBN public String getISBN(String bookISBN){ return … | |
Hey so I am trying to finish up a lab that I did not finish during a class this summer. The goal is to have the computer navigate an ASCII maze on its own. We use left/right hand rule to find our way through the maze. IE. you have your … | |
I have multiple JSpinner which have items 1-10 , and one JTable. When the JSpinner is clicked, the value will be added to JTable. I want to get the row number so I can use it at setValueAt. But I get error when the JSpinner clicked more than once times. … | |
Hey everyone, I got bored one day and created this little jem. There are no issues with it, but it may help somone out later on down the road if they have a simple project that needs to be completed. Everything is on one pages and includes elements … | |
Hi everyone, How to select already drawn **single or multiple shapes** . I want to select shapes when i draw rectangle around it and when i click on blank area it deletects it. I need selection for copy, pase, move and delete operation. I don't know where to start to … | |
Hi I'm trying to make a website. But I need to make a syntax highlighting program that Categorize commands based on what they do. For example, when i type a code in C/C++ or Java on my site, the colors will become highlighted instantly. One group would be I/O, another … | |
hello friends i have a problem with javafx AnchorPane. I have an anchorpane that contains a button i want to set the height and width of anchorpane to zero but it no apply. how to do this .... actually i am working on a sliding panel | |
/** * Help me to solve this one * * The input for input dialog should appear at right textfield * * ex. your firstname? >>> john * john should appear at the textfield label firstname */ import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Info extends Applet … | |
Hi there, I want to implement undo logic which deletes the last drawn shape. To test this logic i had cleared shapes list and redrawn all shapes but still **last** shape does not delete. public void drawAllShapes(Graphics2D g) { //draw all triangles for (DrawTriangle t : newTriangles) { t.drawTriangle(g); } … | |
Hello eveyone, Please tell me why triangle shape is redrawing on mouse move. It want triangle shape draw only once until mouse release. Here is my code below. Thank you ! public class Triangle extends JFrame { Point startDrag, endDrag, midPoint; private java.util.List<Polygon> triangles = new LinkedList<Polygon>(); Polygon triangle; public … | |
Hi there, I want to draw a triangle using mouse events like mousePressed(), mouseReleased() and mouseDragged(). But triangle did not show until mouse release. Please tell me what i am doing wrong that triangle is not showing in mouseDrag event. And one thing more, triangle is drawing upside down. Please … | |
import java.util.*; public class MainClass { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO code application logic here Products p1 = new Products(100,"Genius Keyboard",450.50,10); Products p2 = new Products(200,"Genius Mouse",480.00,10); Products p3 = new Products(300,"Monitor",5000.00,50); ArrayList<Products> list = new ArrayList<Products>(); list.add(p1); … | |
I am trying to create an HTML form which displays text from a text file, using a Java Servlet. I keep getting the following error: Error instantiating servlet class servlets.ReportServlet. Here is the HTML page: <html> <head> <title>TODO supply a title</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> </head> <body> <form … | |
I am trying to create an HTML form which displays text from a text file, using a Java Servlet. I keep getting the following error: Error instantiating servlet class servlets.ReportServlet. Here is the HTML page: <html> <head> <title>TODO supply a title</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> </head> <body> <form … | |
Hey guys, I am having trouble with keypress event for a button that I have. This button is programmed to do logoff operation. Now what i want is the solution or sample program in which if user is scanning the barcode of logoff then logoff event should occur.Please suggest solution … | |
How to Send Email automatically without opening gmail compose box using Javascript | |
hi So i made a simple game app, and am implementing music now i have easy and hard mode, and game over, as well as home screen homesecreen now plays music1, loops fine and all...then once player selects to play i want to stop the current music1, and start music … | |
Hello! I am developing a POS System. I have need to print Sales receipt. I have no physical printer to test my printing but i have print on xps document. I am facing a problem with indentation of my data on Sales receipt. Following is the code which i wrote … |
The End.