32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for kothaisaravan

I have created a .NET windows based application in c#. Find the attached screenshot of my application. Java web service is already created and maintained. Now I want to send the values from windows application grid view to java web service. Is this possible? If so how? Am newbie to …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Pravinrasal

When I run my program following is my program: public class JasperReportsDemoApp { String reportSource = "c://report1.jrxml"; String reportDest = "c://HelloReportWorld.html"; public JasperReportsDemoApp() { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("reportTitle", "Hello Report World"); // params.put("author", "Craig Conover"); // params.put("startDate", (new java.util.Date()).toString()); // params.put("reportTitle", "Hello Report World"); // params.put("author", …

Member Avatar for Pravinrasal

Hi ,all Can anyone tell me how to use jasper report with ireport tool for desktop applications I want to print the report for that i installed plugin in netbeans 7 after that i dont know how to use report help me pls...

Member Avatar for ardi_lucy
Member Avatar for dennysimon

hello all how to create JTextArea with border look like standard jTextField 's border ? thankyou denny

Member Avatar for lenyjose

I dont know nothing about Java. Which is the best tutorial site to learn java and how it is easily learn.

Member Avatar for adarshcu
Member Avatar for anand01

Hi all, I know " String ".trim is used to remove the blank spaces but when i use the following string compare its shows some strange result [CODE]if(" String ".trim() == "String") System.out.println("Equal"); else System.out.println("Not Equal"); [/CODE] It produces the result of not equal. How it produces the result like …

Member Avatar for anand01
Member Avatar for herstein

Hey guys, I'm trying to program which finds the closest value stored in a sorted array using binary search. In other words, it should read the middle array and then move to the middle of the half where this value should be (unless the closest value is in the middle …

Member Avatar for herstein
Member Avatar for swoshromp

What my problem is I don't know how do I set it up so that when the entire word has been guessed I can stop the game and tell the user they won or lost. I tried adding in another if statement after maxTries--; where it says if (maxTries == …

Member Avatar for JeffGrigg
Member Avatar for DoubleGee

Hi guys, I'm new to Java and was wondering if you could help with one little problem with my code. [CODE]System.out.print("Enter title: "); String title = keyboard.next(); if (title.equals("Mrs") || title.equals("Miss") || title.equals("Mr") || title.equals("Ms")) { title = title; } else { System.out.println("Enter a valid title"); }[/CODE] If the title …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for dennysimon

hello all I just learned about addActionListener there are many example about TextField.addActionListener for one TextField only ,but if there are more than one TextField,and all of them have been given Action Listener ,how to differentciate ,from which TextField the Event is come from ? Where can I find example …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for BuhRock

So I have to implement a checkout line using a priority queue. I'm really stuck. I have 3 classes, a Register class, Store class, and customer class. Each customer has a service time which is the time it takes to check out. There are ten registers. Reach register has a …

Member Avatar for BuhRock
Member Avatar for digan

Hi I am trying to make a program that prints a snooker board on the screen. I am trying to print the different parts on top of each other. So far all I am able to do is print the background. when i try to print the cloth on top …

Member Avatar for hiddepolen
Member Avatar for grako84

Hi Folks! I got to game (know as concentration or memory)code for my assignment. I have found many similar tasks, but mine is a bit different. Our teacher asked us to implement comboBox that we could switch between images and text version. So far I have made image one, and …

Member Avatar for grako84
Member Avatar for applejax77

Looking for Java help! I am working on the payroll program below and would like some help please. When I run the prograom, I am using jGrasp, the program runs with no errors identified in the code but I get the following window that pops up...."No main methods, applets, or …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for Jessurider

how to get only the file name from the given path............ [B]example1:[/B] String str1="C:\New Folder\My Data\kk.png" From the above how can we get only the file [B]kk.png[/B] [B]example2: [/B] String str1="C:\New Folder\My Data\Java\Project\yy.bmp" From the above how can we get only the file [B]yy.bmp[/B]

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for ashsailesh

i am using an array of JButtons b[23].... my objective is that when i click a button it has to change its background color to black but it is giving a nullpointer exception.... if(ae.getActionCommand().equals("0")) { System.out.println("button b[o] is pressed"); b[0].setBackground(Color.black); } } can anyone help me with this please........

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Member Avatar for techyworld

Write the definition of a class student. Student object should represent student in a school. it should contain the following information: id,name,age,address. Can someone tellme the definition using this example?? am still a newbie in java.

Member Avatar for jackmaverick1
Member Avatar for RaigaX9

Hello again everyone, on my recent thread about my rock, paper, scissors program, I had trouble running it from Applet to JApplet and that problem was solved. So far, I've added many functions for the program such as menus, checking your score, resetting the score, and setting the number of …

Member Avatar for jackmaverick1
Member Avatar for nicolebdillen

[CODE]//Program to find the sum of the main and right diagonals of a 2D array import java.io.*; public class Diagonals { public static void main(String[]args)throws IOException { int arr[][]={{1,2,3,4},{1,2,3,4},{1,2,3,4},{1,2,3,4}}; int maindiag=0;int rightdiag=0; for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { for(int j=0;j<4;j++) { if(i==j) { maindiag=maindiag+arr[i][j]; } } } System.out.println("The sum of the main diagonal …

Member Avatar for sneha_07
Member Avatar for zendet

Hello I need to figure this out, I tried if ((Fire = 0) || (Water = 0) || (Air = 0) || (Earth = 0)) { System.out.println("Hello"); } But the compiler says I cant use && for ints, I need to get a value for each variable and have certain …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for johnpt

Hi, Below line of code in my program is priting Date & Time in the format [B]11/3/11 4:33:13 PM IST[/B] , how can i print only the lines which are between spcific dates by using the above printed date format in JAVA. System.out.println("Date & time: " + akarray.getModifiedTime());

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for canarian

Hello! I have size about 200*250 icon for my simple application. I need to put it inside on frame as (about) 40*40 size. But when i try everything (image icon, icon for JLabel...) but i could not re-size it inside on JFreme. I f i set the size as 40*40, …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Sbing

I cant figure out how to fix the "public class Triangle implements Measurable" i dont know what i am doing wrong to get this error.. i am not fluent in java but i never had this error before. i tried changing the name but in the process i get more …

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Member Avatar for aanders5

Okay, so I did this not too long ago but I forgot the exact the procedure. Now, I think I was doing it all right after I set it up for Web Start, but when I went to Clean and Build to generate the files needed for online, I got …

Member Avatar for aanders5
Member Avatar for n1_razz11

hey i am currently working with java to do assignment. i dont know how to call form from menubar to open new form,,, so anyone can help......

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for TheComputerGuy

Just want to be clear, this is practice, not homework. I'm attempting to understand this a bit better...but I'm a bit lost as what to use for my test...and what exactly will help me get to the base case. Here is what I have so far [CODE] public class int …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for geekman89

Hello I need help with a program I want to make a method that takes a String and uses the text in that String to use a method from an object. Something like this: public void doThat(String text) { myObject.text();// Where text is the actual text stored in the String …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for onyx112

So I'm trying to create a program that will take values from one array and multiply them with the values in the second array and then allocate the answer into a third array, then returning that array as a result [code]import java.util.Arrays; public class ArrayCreator { public static void main( …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for apcxpc

'ellos So I'm making a Hangman game, and for the sake of completeness I want to have a HELP feature. When the Help button is clicked, a browser window should open up (not *within* the game frame... but just generally) and display the HTML Help file. How do I do …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for dennysimon

hello all using ComboBox has it own backward,if the Item are too much ,then the combobox will become very tall (when it call) the other way is using textfield.Which will show selection ,only the items which have the same fist item's Letter with the one we type in. The question …

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The End.