32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Naqib

Hy welcom to all. I want to controll mini remote controll car from laptop. i have only experience of java desktop application. but no experience in wireless programming. what i do to complete this project thanks

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for patel.ajay82

[code] import java.util.Properties; import javax.mail.Message; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.Transport; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; public class SendMailTLS { public static void main(String[] args) { String host = "smtp.gmail.com"; int port = 587; String username = "avdhoot.patel@gmail.com"; String password = "password"; Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true"); …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for arshi9464

i made a jsp page, now i made a LAN named "ar", and connected another computer with "ar" network. Now i want that the client computer i.e. computer 2 should access my jsp page which is arsh.html , how to do this????? My approach: i set my IP as …

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Member Avatar for bharath54321
Member Avatar for MeandJava

Hello everybody, My team and I have an idea of a product to develop. It's a kind of game we want to run in Actionscript. Unfortunately our hardware (buttons, lights, maybe sounds) works with Java can we combine those two or do we have too choose one of the languages? …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for 1ML

Hi, I've started developing for Androind [ditched Symbian but that's a whole diferent styory], and I'm not what you'd call a naturall Java developer [much prefer c++]. Eclipse seems to run rediculously slowly on windows 7 (64bit), and running a dual boot system with Linux [on which it seems to …

Member Avatar for 1ML
Member Avatar for coderN

[B]I am stuck at a program, where I have to print all the subsets of a given arguments, I printed n-binary digit using recursion but i cant not use the same algorithm. ..lets say % java SubSet acd {,a,c,d } which will print {a} {c} {d} {a,c}, {a,d}, {c,d}, {a,c,d} …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for iShrne

Hii every One i create Doubly Linked List with all methods i need , but is still one question which i really did not understand it very well it said : write a method to create linked list from double linked list using the methods available in myLinkedList(which have the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for bhallarahul

Can anyone tell me which website/book is best to learn RMI and JAVABEANS COMPONENT

Member Avatar for huBelial

I'm trying to connect to db2 but I keep getting errors. I have db2 installed on a windows 7 user account called "db2admin" The database I'm trying to connect to is called "db2database" The username and password for that account is: db2/db2 This is my code: [CODE]try { Class.forName("com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver"); Connection …

Member Avatar for huBelial
Member Avatar for Frengerdany

Hi I have a problem with RSA encryption/decription of txt files, I have one method to create a pair of RSA keys and save them into a file, then i made two methods, one for encryt and one for decrypt, encrypt method works fine, but when I want to decrypt …

Member Avatar for RagingRiver

I am having a problem with left alignment after adding a second JPanel. Both JPanels are using the BoxLayout with the first set to Y_AXIS and the second set to X_AXIS. If you comment out the add(twoPanel) it results in the desired left alignment. I don't understand why the alignment …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for tmcculloch
Member Avatar for steelshark
Member Avatar for stupid guy

hi all, m new to this site and m newbee to this java thing..i have a project dnloaded from somewhere ..and now i have some problem with updating the database ..following is the [CODE] cnt=cnt+Integer.parseInt(dis.getText()); System.out.println(cnt); cnt=cnt+ Integer.parseInt(ent.getText()); System.out.println (cnt); String str="update bikeinfo set stock =" + cnt + " …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for MrHardRock

Hey everyone I need to write a tic tac toe program vs the computer using an array. I have gotten almost all of it done but I am totally stuck on this error. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance. My error being on line 221 and 222 …

Member Avatar for audiomatic
Member Avatar for xanawa

Hi, I am trying to use regex to validate an input from JOptionpane i want to allow the user entering ONLY digits, letters and exclametion marks. This is my line of code where i would like to put teh regex. [B]Code[/B] String message = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter a Message: "); Steganography.hide(message, …

Member Avatar for xanawa
Member Avatar for xanawa

hi, I would like to save a .bmp image using showSaveDialog and i cannot figure out what to use.. Below i have the code of open. [B]Code[/B] [CODE]protected void Open(JFileChooser chooser, JLabel lblPicture) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (chooser.showOpenDialog(this) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File fileChoosed = chooser.getSelectedFile(); try { …

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Member Avatar for kvskchaitanya

i'm writing a small desktop application to store details entered in to a swing ui.this application saves, edits and deletes the records.every thing is working fine but when writing searching functionality when i search the records i'm able to fill the searched record in to the text fields successfully.but if …

Member Avatar for kvskchaitanya
Member Avatar for titosd

Hello, I wrote a program by RMI, when I compile it by the cmd, the client class dosn"t compiled, it"s arrive to the lookup and stop. this is part of my code: Client Class: (the lookup doesn"t succeeded, when i compile it, print demo 1 , demo 2 and demo …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for 8.brahim

I want to draw an image at X Y position when the user click the mouse so I'm using an InternalFrame with layout set to NULL , inside a JFrame with Layout free - using netbeans here is the image class [CODE=java] package myPak_1; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.io.*; …

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Member Avatar for Joslup
Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for rayden150

So i found a code thats the Java equivalent of the bubble sort algorithm, i understand parts of it, but the thing is i dont get how it works, specifically the loops which i assume do much of the work, can somebody please explain to me, i swear if i …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for gauravk_bhanot

I am working on a application for which i need to connect it to a database. I have chosen postgreSQL. But i cannot connect it to java. Can somebody help. I tried this [url]http://www.faqs.org/docs/ppbook/x20856.htm[/url] but i don't know how to set classpath.I am currently working with windows xp.

Member Avatar for gauravk_bhanot
Member Avatar for andyhunter

if items are added into an arraylist would another arraylist be required for grouping items or would a hashmap or something else be required i.e. title, firstname, last name etc saved indvidually but therefore grouped to equal person 1 and so on ? the reason for grouping is to edit …

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Member Avatar for juan92

currently i am taking a java class, and out professor is introducing it with the language processing so we get the idea of how things work. he moentioned that processing comes from java, so that's the reason i posted it here. i made a really simple game somewhat of a …

Member Avatar for juan92
Member Avatar for serdas

I really need help from someone who knows Java I have to create some fake users on server and also create a stream for them with videos could anyone please help me with this? thank you

Member Avatar for serdas
Member Avatar for andyhunter

trying to create a matcher for finding if title is not correct i.e. has to be mr, mrs, miss etc..but this allows mrmrmr etc when it should not. tried different setups to keep failing i.e. [[]] or (). [ICODE] public void valTitle(){ //validate title while (this.title.matches("^[\\s]+$") ||this.title.matches("") ||this.title.matches("[^m]&&[^r]*") ){ System.out.println("Title …

Member Avatar for andyhunter
Member Avatar for kris0r

Hi all, In a nutshell what I'm trying to do is make a group of objects, but I don't know what their name will be until I want them made. Is there a way of getting round this? I can't simply use [CODE]Object variablename = new Object()[/CODE] because it won't …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for terexberd

Could you tell me why programmers use this.variable ex. (this.miles) in constructor, and what is the advantage of using it?

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for musikluver4

I have a JFrame with 2 JPanels...my problem When I attach one of the JPanels to the JScrollPane object, it encompasses the whole JFrame, instead of just the JPanel I said to attach to. The scrollBar goes all the way up to the top of the JPanel I don't want …

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The End.