32,205 Topics
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currently i am taking a java class, and out professor is introducing it with the language processing so we get the idea of how things work. he moentioned that processing comes from java, so that's the reason i posted it here. i made a really simple game somewhat of a … | |
I really need help from someone who knows Java I have to create some fake users on server and also create a stream for them with videos could anyone please help me with this? thank you | |
trying to create a matcher for finding if title is not correct i.e. has to be mr, mrs, miss etc..but this allows mrmrmr etc when it should not. tried different setups to keep failing i.e. [[]] or (). [ICODE] public void valTitle(){ //validate title while (this.title.matches("^[\\s]+$") ||this.title.matches("") ||this.title.matches("[^m]&&[^r]*") ){ System.out.println("Title … | |
| Hi all, In a nutshell what I'm trying to do is make a group of objects, but I don't know what their name will be until I want them made. Is there a way of getting round this? I can't simply use [CODE]Object variablename = new Object()[/CODE] because it won't … |
Could you tell me why programmers use this.variable ex. (this.miles) in constructor, and what is the advantage of using it? | |
I have a JFrame with 2 JPanels...my problem When I attach one of the JPanels to the JScrollPane object, it encompasses the whole JFrame, instead of just the JPanel I said to attach to. The scrollBar goes all the way up to the top of the JPanel I don't want … | |
Hi, I am doing a project on picture editing and i have a null pointer exception in blur and i can't find out what's wrongs.. AIn this project i only can load .bmp images below is the code. Help me pls. Code: [B]Effect Class[/B] [CODE]import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; public abstract class Effect … | |
[CODE] import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; class db { public static void main(String arg[]) { Statement statementObj=null; Connection connectionObj=null; try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); connectionObj=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:sensorData","",""); statementObj=connectionObj.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); System.out.println("do not worry ho ga yr ho ga"); statementObj.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO hardwareData (Time, Date, humidity, Temp, DiesalLevel) VALUES('1','12','3','s','a')"); connectionObj.close(); } catch(ClassNotFoundException … | |
I have a Coin class that compares weight and value and I need help developing a hashcode and Junit tests to test them, here is my class: [CODE]public class Coin implements Comparable<Coin>{ public static final int CENT=1, NICKEL=5, DIME=10, QUARTER=25; private int value; private double weight; public double getWeight(){ return … | |
Hello! I have a minheap class that is implemented as a priorityqueue and it works fine as far as to the iterator that I have to implement as a innerclass. But I can't get it to work properly. Here is part of the code: public class MinHeap<E> extends AbstractQueue<E> implements … | |
cant compile the code...please help me![code]import java.io.*; class football { public static void main(String args[])throws IOException { BufferedReader stdin = newBufferedReader(newInputStreamReader(System.in)) String str; int num_team,num_win,num_draw,total_point,point; for(num_team=1;num_team;num_team++) System.out.print("Enter team compete"); str=stdin.readLine(); num_team=Integer.parseInt(str); System.out.print("Team 1"); System.out.print("Enter total win"); str=stdin.readLine(); num_win=Integer.parseInt(str); System.out.print("Enter total draw"); str=stdin.readLine(); num_draw=Integer.parseInt(str); total_point=(num_win*3)+(num_draw); System.out.print("Total point for team 1 is" … | |
How do I take to set up for network connect with Socket. I make the JList to press Go to run the post processing (like files). I feel about it and it is not work for me I try to figure out. Thanks. [code] public final static int port = … | |
Hi all I have a program that is written in java and have three different executables program.sh, program.bat, program.jar. i can starts the gui by using program.jar and then in gui i can enter parameters. but as i want to run it over several parameters and get the outputs. i … | |
Hi there, I understand that this question might be better off in "hardwareAndSoftware/LinuxAndUnix/LinuxApplicationsAndSoftware". But the truth is, that it takes for ever for someone to respond to posts there, because I don't think anybody visits that forum alot. Anyways, back to the point... I'm trying to install the Java 1.6 … | |
I am using the following string and Java code to create a user on a Linux box via Java. [CODE=java] ... String x = "/usr/sbin/useradd -g users -s /bin/bash -c 'FIRST M LAST, STERK,DIV-DIS-OFF,123-456-2913' -p 2342asdfa231rcawef09 -d /home/flast -m flast"; RunCommand(x); ... [/CODE] However, upon execution it spins a list … | |
I'm creating an NBT viewer in Java. It works fine as a console application so I used code to rewrite all console (system.out.println) text to GUI text. It works but it does not use scrollbars correctly. Here is my code (For my window/GUI void) [code] private static void createAndShowGUI() { … | |
Hi everyone... I made a simple java game in Eclipse Helios ver. 3.6.1. Now i want to send that game to my sister as an Executable. Can someone please explain to me how i do it? Thank you very much... | |
hi my problem is that i want to show some information about button when clicked on that button but that information must be displayed below that button so and in the same menu so for that what used i am think about popmenu is this right | |
Hi. Im pretty new to java. First question: is javascript the same as java? I just want to make sure. So for my program. Since im a very basic beginner with some c++ experience i was hoping the forum could help. I want the user to input the deck name … | |
hi, I have an application that i got from someone for my friend website. it is using java in the server side and also using flex in the front end it connects random webcam user to each other i would like to add something to it that will play some … | |
Hi all, I'm trying to write a program that holds student data in arraylists. I've managed to get all the adding, editing, deleting, displaying etc. working and now all I need to do is to make sure it saves on exit and loads on startup By following another tutorial, I … | |
hii everyone i am mohit a student from chitkara university,solan, himachal pradesh. i just want to create a chat server in java like facebook... please help me for this task.just give me basic idea how i can implement this thing.. | |
hey there..im planning to build an enterprise system (recommended by my prof)as my thesis next year.. but i dont really have a good background about enterprise systems.. just wanna ask if do i need sepatated databases or just one.. | |
I have a question not related to a java program in particular. I am a recent college graduate and was thinking about getting a java programming certificate. I am just trying to get some feedback if this would be recommended to finding a position as an entry level java developer … | |
hey, i got a class called IRPanel this class contains a few methods that handles what is drawn on it. randomPoints() is a method that generates random values for x and y coordinates for random point. new random point coordinates are generated only when the coordinates from IREvent() method match … | |
Hey everybody, the program I am writing takes 10 digits as a floating point as a number then displays the average of the numbers and any numbers that are greater than it after it. My program will compile but every time I run it through I get the error message … | |
I am writing a program that needs to be able to respond to keyboard actions regardless of what application has the focus at the time but after hours of searching the internet I have found no way to do this. for example, the program needs to be able to respond … | |
I'm in the process of creating a program that would change a background color by pressing a button. Now, I already have everything set up. The background image is just an image of a rainbow, and when a button is clicked, it would change the whole background color. The thing … | |
Hey guys, i just wanted to know the codes for ArrayList class methods such as .clear() .add() .size() .isEmpty() etc... Your help will be appreciated! |
The End.