32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for tom.t

I'm writing pseducode for a Java class. Obviously being pseudo the language shouldn't matter but thought I'd mention it as it would explain any 'bias' I have. BTW, this is my first programming class. I'm revising for my end of semester exam. Write a pseudo code algorithm which will input …

Member Avatar for tom.t
Member Avatar for kulrik

Alright guys i got another one: In the class Mymath, create a public method called calculateFactor. The method has two two arguments of type integer and checks whether the smaller of the two integers is a factor of the larger of the two integers. The method will return a factor …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for MoooCow

Hello, I am having some difficulty in trying to figure out where I am going wrong in my program. I am trying to convert infix to postfix and from there I am evaluating the postfix. However, it is not compiling correctly. I've tried several things but nothing seems to work …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for t.boy

hi everyone, im have just started my java course and im currently doing a project using java applets. my project is web music website and the envisioned system should contain a shopping cart made of an applet. i would like to you to help me with just a syntax of …

Member Avatar for bmanoman

Vigenère Ciphering You are to develop a program to implement Vigenère ciphering to encrypt and decrypt text information. A description of Vigenère ciphering can be found at: [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vigen%C3%A8re_cipher[/url]. To illustrate encryption, a table of characters shown below can be used, termed a tabula recta, Vigenère square, or Vigenère table. It …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for rajuchacha007

Hi all, I am looking for an installer to install some application software (java based s/w programme) The installer should perform following actions: 1. License Terms: Accept/Reject selection by user 2. User must select installation folder, default is c:\......\...... 3. Run a bat file/script to install mysql, activemq. 4. Run …

Member Avatar for YingKang

This code outputs the result in console. I want to implement a Swing JFrame, producing output readable by user. Do I have to change all my code if I want to use JFrame? Can anyone help? I am not familiar with JFrame at all. Thanks : ) [code] import javax.swing.*; …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for skiplatte

Pretty much what the title says!! Basically I want to store method generated Strings and then plug them into another method - would hashtable be a way to do this?? Thanks

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for amitcs100

I am doing project on printing a passbook of bank in which i have 8 fields those are transactiondate, particulars,chequeno,debit,credit,balance,print and serialno and i wanted to print that in passbook and print is a boolian type if i mark on one row it must print the other rows present in …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for gouredyyvenkat

Hi Everybody, I have an issue converting images from an image panel to a pdf .I am able to convert a single image to a pdf file but not multiple images.Can anyone help me in this. Below is the code which iam using now public void send(String fn){ BufferedImage oldimage=image; …

Member Avatar for ah124131

Alright, I posted earlier with help on compiling my method, now it compiles and now I am stuck again. Help would be great since this awful head cold is getting the best of me. Ok so, so far I have my method almost where I need it, I have my …

Member Avatar for torbecire

I have put an array list in a hash map, but the problem is the old values of the hash map are over written everytime. So the old values of the hashmap aren't stored. Could someone tell me what mistake I am making? [CODE] import java.util.*; public class Cain { …

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Member Avatar for GoldMiner1849

I play poker online at PartyPoker, UltimateBet, et. al. During play various hand data is displayed. Can I write a Java program to read and process that data during live play? There is a program called Poker Indicator (not sure what platform) that does this, but I want to add …

Member Avatar for ah124131

After completing my code I got an error message at the second to last closing bracket that said I was missing a return statement, I looked in to it online and found that some said to put return 0; but that didn't work it just gave me a new error …

Member Avatar for ah124131
Member Avatar for ryno365

Hello again DW. Tomorrow I have an interview and I'm trying to make a jar of my latest project. Using netbeans, I've created a jar and everything looks fine. I can see all the card IconImages in the Jlabels and it looks fine. But when I repaint the frame, the …

Member Avatar for ryno365
Member Avatar for Samyx

I have this code, but instead of implementing class enumeration I want to create an anonymous class in the method getEnumeration that does the job right in the return, hwo do I do that? [code] // File: TestList.java (Module 10) // // Author: Rahul Simha // Created: Nov 2, 1998 …

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Member Avatar for AccessFreak

I have a question about my java program. I'm new to Java, but I learn fast:P. I have the following problem. I need to communicatie between 2 mobile phones. The entered character will be checked by methode checkletter. After completing the check, the frame will be set. The first 7 …

Member Avatar for robertmacedonia

Hello to all, I would like to ask if someone knows any way to display a .swf file in a Java application. I found this link about an API that allows that - [url]http://www.jpackages.com/jflashplayer/[/url] , but it's for Windows only (including some way of converting, so Mac would not be …

Member Avatar for topest1

Hello All, I am developing Chat Application, But facing a problem in displaying Chat text [CODE] public void appendText(String text) { displayChats.replaceSelection("\n"+text); displayChats.setCaretPosition(displayChats.getDocument().getLength()); //Scroll to bottom } [/CODE] Works fine while i append the text to JEditorPane(displayChats). But when I use setEditable(false); (so that user cannot edit it). then I …

Member Avatar for GradStudent

I m newbie with Hibernate. I use Netbeans IDE for my Java projects. I wrote the *.hbm file and mapping.xml file. and when i try to create the POJO classes, It apparantly does not show the *.hbm and mappng files associated with the project... Any pointers to where I mite …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, Im attempting to make a simple java menu system. the psueo code is as follows 1. user is presented with menu 2. selection is made 3. that action is ran, i.e make a new user (i have this code seperate, which works) 4. the user is returned to …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for bkafroboy69

public boolean addEvent(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int duration, String what); This will return true if the event was added and false otherwise. Only valid events will be added to the list. Also write: public CalendarEvent findNextEvent(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for JRabbit2307

Help! The only thing I seem to not get is the initials from the substring........... any ideas? public class Name { //Data Members private String firstName; private String middleName; private String lastName; private String initials; //Default constructor Name() { firstName = null; middleName = null; lastName = null; } //Constructors …

Member Avatar for JRabbit2307
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, Hoping you can help with the following. The psuedo code is: 1. Menu is displayed 2. User inputs a selection 3. That item is ran 4. on completion, the user is returned to 1 above. the code i have so far is as follows, but its still exiting …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for kulrik

Alright. Ive been at this problem for a few days know and cant figure out what's wrong with my coding. The Problem: Create a method called displayPerfectNumber in your own class named myMath. The method displayPerfectNumber asks a user to enter a integer number and displays every perfect number from …

Member Avatar for stevelg
Member Avatar for vinodgnkm
Member Avatar for jyoti.sarangi

Hi, I have a Jsp where am displaying around 300 records in a table.I am invoking javascript : print method to give print commnad to the printer. My problem is if am setting header and footer in the Jsp then header is coming in the first page and footer in …

Member Avatar for CuteCat

I don't know what to do... I've been trying for weeks to figure out the problem. You see, I'm supposed to make a game, as a project for school. Since it's going to be a rather large game, I decided not to flood the main file with a bunch of …

Member Avatar for CuteCat
Member Avatar for gsingh2011

I know some people are against converting jars to exes, but I needed to in this case. The jar worked fine but my exe gives me the error below. The code is just, [CODE]package mail; import java.net.*; import java.io.*; public class Mail { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(args.length); …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for sush27

hi... i am new to this community, lately i was looking for some help in my code and this website came to my rescue in many topic. i am just implementing the menubar in swing, can somebody help me in my code. [code] import java.lang.*; import java.awt.*; import java.io.*; import …

Member Avatar for peter_budo

The End.