32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for biofly

Hi Friends I am new to Java Swings. I am trying to add JTable. But the table is not displaying. I have the following java code (2 files) **************************************************************************************** package edu.ucsc.genome.qa.sigGateWay; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JButton; import …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for laghaterohan

Hello, I have written a javascript function for email validation . On the click event of the validate button am calling the function however, the function is not called and returns nothing....so please help me out....plz help me out and do let me know where am going wrong...! here is …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for mustafaneguib

hi all, this is my first time using JAVA. i know other programming languages, such as, c++, PHP, Assembly. this is a basic personal schedular. for saving the data i am using a custom designed linked list, and for the gui i am using custom gui. the program runs fine …

Member Avatar for mustafaneguib
Member Avatar for aveek

i am trying to draw an arrowhead at the mid point of a line. say the point is (x,y). can anyone tell me how to do this. the line could be curved. it should also point toward either of the end points

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for loozax

can some1 help me wid diz?! [code]import java.io.*; public class looping1{ public static void main(String args[])throws Exception{ BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (System.in)); int value = 1; for (int i = 1; i<=11;i++ ){ System.out.println(value); value = i + value;} }} [/code] the output should be: 1 2 4 …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for jvd401

1)Design a class named BankAccount to hold the following data for a bank account: - Balance - Number of deposits this month - Number of withdrawals - Annual Interest rate - Monthly service charges The class should have the following methods: Constructor : The constructor should accept aruguments for the …

Member Avatar for jvd401
Member Avatar for baftjar

Hi Guys, I have hit a wall with a problem that does not allow me to go any further. Here is what I am developing. =========Story=============== Firstly, I am using Spring MVC and Java to develop this small application. I have a form input screen which populates records to DB. …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Questions???

Hello, I am a student attempting to complete an assignment for school. The assignment is: Write an application called Palindrome.java that reads in a five-digit integer and determines whether it is a palindrome. If the number is not five digits long, display an error message dialog indicating the problem to …

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Member Avatar for chiotti

I need to read in a list of adjacency matrices from a text file. I can get it to read in and write out when there is only one matrix in the file, but can't seem to get it to read through more than one. Once I tack another file …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for yas218

Hi all, I would ask please about, how can I create a simulator using java, is there any tools can help in this area because usually simulators need more works with GUI. Therefore, anyone knows any library or tools can help. Thx

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC

[CODE=Java]URL myurl = this.getClass().getResource("/SummaryReport.rptdesign"); File file = new File(myurl.getFile()); System.out.println("Name=" + file.getAbsolutePath()); [/CODE] The above code seems to get the resource. But I guess I am going about creating a file connected to that resource wrong? Because I cannot subsequently open a FileReader connected to that file. . I am …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for buchanan23

I am trying to set up 4 buttons that will move through my array in the GUI. I am entering 2 items and telling the GUI to spit out the 2nd record. If I can just figure out how to get the "First" button to work, I think I can …

Member Avatar for buchanan23
Member Avatar for tactfulsaint

hi guys i just started using mac most of the features windows have is not in mac like environment path, dont even know how to javac with mac. How can i upgrade my Mac Version 10.4.11 to 10.5 with my (CD ROM) CD ROM is bad and i cant get …

Member Avatar for get2tk

i am writing a code for a temperature class.Please what and how can i use to design the graphical user interface in java inorder for the user to be able to check temperature status and control the temperature? [code] public class LivingRoom { double LRTemperature; public LivingRoom() { } public …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for memegha123

hi! I m writing a jsp where i want the page content to change when the selected option from a combo changes...how do i execute the method that determines the code which will fetch that data....i guess i'' have to go with javascript but i dont think a java script …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for KirkPatrick

Alright I am having my program read two text files (in csv format) and once it reads them, I am wanting it to do a check to see if two columns match, if they do I want it to write it to a new file. I have coded it, but …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for mimsc

I did a google search and found that PHP uses: $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], which would give the following result, should I visit a page: [code] Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_6; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/528.16 [/code] is their any functionality in java that will do the same?? …

Member Avatar for mimsc
Member Avatar for Lensva

as far as i understand in order to sort a multidimensional array you have to make you own class that implements Comparator. the string which is to be sorted has the following structure: [0][0] filename1 [0][1]filesize1 [0][2]lastmodified1 [1][0] filename2 [1][1]filesize2 [1][2]lastmodified2 ... i want to be able to compare by …

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Member Avatar for buchanan23

OK, so here is my problem. I have created this application that inventory's books & magazines. Everything compiles fine. I prompt the user at the beginning to pick the length of the array (stored in numBooks) then when it comes time to pass the array to the GUI, I get …

Member Avatar for buchanan23
Member Avatar for JChakra

I want to write a bot in Java that will register in websites. I have no idea how to auto select the fields and submit button. I know How Java Robot class Api and it does not contain any method which selects fields for me.How to track down the fields? …

Member Avatar for JChakra
Member Avatar for hhprado

Hello Im a java Beginner and I need a program that the output is like this: * ** *** ** * and a Diamond Can s0meone make me a program of this.. Just a simple code. Thank you so much!!

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Member Avatar for kssi89

Hello everyone, I'm working on a school project and am using some code from the book to sort an array in ascending order. I'm apologize ahead of time if my methods seem crude. I've used this sort method on a normal array of numbers and the numbers were ordered correctly; …

Member Avatar for lakshay
Member Avatar for thr

i want to select java or c# please help me to select better programming language and easy to programming language i have experience in c++ if java is better please tell me why java is better or c# please introduce me best books for java and c#

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hey guys, a long shot in the dark, but I've googled around for this and so far not promising! All the threads / pages / wikis etc I've read are all pre 2005 and state it can't be done yet. I can't find any information thats up to date. So …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, Im fairly new to Java and im currently working my way through a couple of books but im stumped with something. I want to know, or get an example of how i can add an action to a button which outputs to a screen. I just cant seem …

Member Avatar for oliver_lundag
Member Avatar for lakshay

hello java experts, I have made a program for remote method invocation but i am not able to do get output even i am able to do registry socket error it shows during run made. plz help me out if anyone knows.......... 1)name:AuhorServer import java.rmi.*; public interface AuthorServer extends Remote …

Member Avatar for ede
Member Avatar for rs25

Hello everyone I'm just a newbie in java/jsp Need suggestion and how to proceed in the following: 1. Wanted to create web app. (jsp/servlet) with login and access autorization. the situation is like i have a home page with login info inputs, i direct the inputs to a jsp in …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for TheParadox

Hello, I'm writing a keylogger program that (as the name states), logs all keystrokes into a .txt file. The problem I am encountering is adding the key listener. I know I have to add the key Listener to something, however is there a way to have the key listener always …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for aveek

i am working with a JTabbedPane and am facing a problem. i want to change the title of a tabbedpane. i am using the setTitleAt() method. however there is no change in the top corner where the name of the tab is displayed. however when i am using getTitleAt() method …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Fyrelion

Hi, I'm in a IntrotoOOP class at my school, and my instructor asked me to look up how to fill a Java Swing Class ComboBox with data from a MySql Database. Does anyone know? This question has been quite hard to find any answers on and I have been really …

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The End.