32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for W@n

Hi, i am currently working on a java assignment which require me to create a binary search tree and then get the value of the deepest node which refer to the last level of the binary search tree with level by level traversal. I did the insertion and level by …

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for priti_s

Hi I have come across a question in a collection which says: One can add a reference of a collection to itself. Is it true or false? I read the explanation that, we can add the reference to the collection to itself, but it results in the [U][B]stack overflow of …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for aneeshanand

Hi All Here I got a challenging task to do in any of JAVA/JavaScript/AJAX technologies with an XML as input. Task: Graphical representation of Application Dependency among the machines in a Network. Technology to use: JAVA/JavaScript/AJAX/XML Conditions: Source Files should be available and cannot use any licensed applications/libraries inside the …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for janamrob

Hi, below is the Question and MYCODE. I've attempted it but there still some problems that I'd appreciate if someone help me thrush out. [B][U]QUESTION[/U][/B] 1. Create an interface called limb and modify your arm and leg classes so that they implement it. 2. Create a new abstract class called …

Member Avatar for jee85

[code=java] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include "matrix.h" /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The GaborFilteredImg provides the outputs of the Gabor filter bank -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GaborFilteredImg(Matrix *FilteredImg_real, Matrix *FilteredImg_imag, Matrix *img, int side, double Ul, double Uh, int scale, int orientation, int flag) { int h, w, xs, ys, border, r1, r2, …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for askhan

hi all i am new to dani web so if i make any mistake please forgive me ... I am just wodering that some could help me in my assignment.. i am not a programming geek and offcourse not in java. my teacher has gave me this assignment i dont …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for programmingme

I'm in beginners Java and I have a question... I've written about 16 programs in my class so far and in all my programs this is what we would do: Create a Folder (let's call the folder Project1) Make a .java file (project1.java) then we would go to our practice …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for jee85

[code=java] //The alignment of the features is assumed to be AVG, VAR, CSD, GABOR import java.io.*; import javax.imageio.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; class retrievalGabor { public static void main(String args[]) { if(args.length!=6 && args.length!=7) { System.out.println("The parameters are {Query Image} {Query Gabor file} {Features File} {Gabor Text File} [blocks] {Relevant …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for jkarimi

I really am stuck as to what I am doing wrong with this program. Help would be much appreciated :D. [code] // DiscountPrices.java - This program calculates total cost for discounted items. // Input: Interactive. // Output: Original price, discount, discounted price, and total price for all items. import javax.swing.*; …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for gangsta1903

I want to draw a tree in Jframe, the tree view is available in the attachment, As you see there are nodes connecting to each other.I know that I have to find the midpoint of the nodes at the same level or things like that. What I want your help …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for johanna26

I need to reproduce the following java applet (click potometer simulation) to modify with some more parameters. [url]http://kegsnet.org.uk/mod/resource/view.php?id=2760[/url] I tried to retrieve the applet class file (Potometer.class)but could'nt get it... Can anyone guide me in extracting the code... Thanks, Johanna

Member Avatar for MoZo1
Member Avatar for need_Direction

Hi, I wanna ask how to create 3D volume object contains x, y, z without using 3D array in Java?

Member Avatar for MoZo1
Member Avatar for cproud21

I have the following programming challenge to complete, and am stuck. I know what i have to do, which is to get information from the other three classes into the parking ticket class, and then print the parking ticket using an if statement if the time has expired. I am …

Member Avatar for PoovenM
Member Avatar for ejosiah

Hi everyone, anyone got a solution to this problem; some floating point arithmetic do not return the correct answers in Java one of such is subtracting 0.8 from 0.9; you would expect to get 0.1 but u get 0.09999999999999998. No one should tell me about trying bigDecimal because that does …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for rainny

Does anybody know how to create the login page by using Java and MySQL? The login page is contains the username and password, then after check the database, if the username and password is match, then user can login to the main page. Anybody have any idea on it? Or …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for VernonDozier

Okay, suppose I have a class A and subclasses B, C, D, E, F, G. I have a function: [code] public void foo (A object) [/code] I have the default function handler which handles A objects which aren't subclassed, and the B, C, and D subclasses. Subclasses of type E, …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for tuse

Hi! I am doing a project which tries to simulate a DBMS. The records for a relation(table) are saved in a file on disk. What I wish to do is - Specify the block to which each record be written / Save the content block wise Reason for doing this- …

Member Avatar for radhika_kodam

i have assignment on java class. plz help me the assignment problem is:Create a class Rectangle with 9 methods: 2 constructors, 3 mutators, 3 accessors, and area. plz help me.

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for roshansimon

Hey, I have a program that has to draw a polygon, then apply a recursive function that fill the polygon with a color. Unfortunately, I cannot use the fillpolygon() function, but have to make my own function. I have developed a code for any small polygons. But if I apply …

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for Grub

Hi I have a program that has a JTree that lists of all the directories on my computer. I also have a JList in and an add button. Now I am trying to select or highlight a directory in the JTree, click the add Button and then update the JList …

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for Tootlol

# If balance is private,[B][U] what is the upper bound on the number of lines of code [/U][/B]which must be examined to make the change to the Account class? \ What is the "upper bound on the number of lines of code" referring to?

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for codered152

hi guys i like to open as many frames user wants to open, i mean they can keep clicking the button and i like new frame keep opening. so this is something i got, now i know i have to use int to keep track of how many frames are …

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for bharath_prasad

1.Write a class called Student. Data members: name: String; age: int; major: String. Methods: constructor with 3 arguments that initializes all data members; print(): prints all data to stdout in one line, align the printed items in colums, no newline at the end; println(): same as print() but with newline …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Tyster

Hi there folks. I have an app that has several classes but for some reason one of these classes isn't giving me a return value. What I want to check is whether or not this code will return the expected string... [code] String seatLayout; public String showAllSeats(String flightNumber){ fn = …

Member Avatar for Tyster
Member Avatar for Gerbilkit

I am working on a project that requires the main system, EmployeeSystem to be able to open a file with JFileChooser, and then write to that file, run a payroll system on it, and search it for a particular employee using a directory system. I am struggling right now to …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for atom_1993

hi all, ive been trying to do a program on tic tac toe in java i dunno how to use graphics..nor want to use it the problem is..i ve done everything with the program,a small segment of the code called computer_move () is left blank..it is used to get the …

Member Avatar for manisha

Hi friends. Can somebody help me in develaopnig an eclipse plugin using eclipse itself? I need to create a plugin to add a new wizard inside New Project category. With the help of tutorial, i have just been able to create a plugin which add a new menu to the …

Member Avatar for manisha
Member Avatar for Dounia

:rolleyes: Hi, Could you please help?? I am tired and confused. I don't what to do any more! I am trying to write a traffic simulation and i wrote some interface and some classes but the main one that has a big chunk of code seems to me like nightmare. …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for steven.doyle2

Well there are two parts of code I'm working on, one is a driver for Caesar Cipher and the other is the Caesar Cipher class itself. I can't figure out how to pass the information the user inputs from the driver class to the cipher class. Any help would be …

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Member Avatar for nasherizz13

:) hi guys! im a new member here.. i join here to know about java and othr software development.. im a 2nd yr college in a university here in phiLippines.. im taking BSIT.. i wana ask some help because i cnt undrstand some of the topics in java... Thanx!!

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The End.