32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Batool.Ahmed

Hi, How can I remove the zero that appears after the decimal point. For example, I have 5.0 and I need the 5 only.... Thnx in advance....

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for countrygirl1970

I have done up this cope to ask elementary students to solve the multiplication problems. The only problem I have is when the student gets the wrong answer, I don't know how to get the same problem back for them to answer the question again. Can someone point me to …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for Blackeagle

i'm using NetBeans and i keep getting an error in this code: [CODE=java]package desktopapplication7; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class Frame extends JFrame { Container c= getContentPane(); setLayout(new BorderLayout(5,10)); JPanel p= new JPanel(); p.add(new JButton("OK")); // ERROR HERE c.add(p,BorderLayout.Center); // ERROR HERE }[/CODE] on both lines above, it …

Member Avatar for Blackeagle
Member Avatar for nanna

Hi, I writ a program that asks the user to input an integer and according to this integer the program should print astrisks equal to the input integer . The program does not compile ?? i need help fix this problem : import java.util.Scanner; public class Astrisksline { public static …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for stilldancin12

ok, yes this is a homework help question, and no i don't want just the answer. i actually really want to learn this. Ok, so I have to the simple date format that displays today's date in "week day month day, year) so here is what i got: import java.text.*; …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for JimHjr

Hi guys/gals, I am student at University of Phoenix. I am not here to have you do my homework, I know this is not the place for that. I do need help though. I am trying to work through this course an really learn something. Many of you ar probably …

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for volscolts16

Hi everyone, I have a project that I have to do in C++. I have already done a very similar project in Java in another course. It's kind of amazing that the teacher that was teaching the java course got all of her materials from the C++ teacher. Anyways, my …

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Member Avatar for JenniLei

Hello, my first time on these forums, but im sure it will not be the last. I am doing my dissertation for computer science and my project is based on the classic time tabling problem using constraint satisfaction. My question is does anyone have any information or links on where …

Member Avatar for JenniLei
Member Avatar for tortoiseman

Hi everybody, I am new to Java, and can't figure out why my program is not recognizing the class Picture. The program compiles, but when I run it, it gives an error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Picture at NewtonReal.main(NewtonReal.java:55) Please note that to run NewtonReal, you must include three …

Member Avatar for tortoiseman
Member Avatar for PRob99

int x=10; int total=10; do { total += x++; }while(x<15); System.out.println(x); The output of this program will be 15. I don't understand why 15 is the answer. I'm not understanding the arithmetic here. Doesn't the "+=" mean total = total + x? And doesn't x++ mean that the next value …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for k2k

it looks like case 1, reading the data from a text doc is doing what it supposed to do (coz if i put the output lines under case 1 it works) however case2 doesn't have anything in the nameBox[] .. it didn't get the array index from case 1... any …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for thilinam

I am an IT undergraduate from Sri Lanka. I am new to java programming. I likie to fallow java in a proper way with exercises. please help me to learn java.

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for kamaoako

Heres the problem that was given to me. Write an application that inputs a String and Search a Character and uses a method String Method IndexOf to determine the number of Occurences of the character in the string. we were told to use this book for research. How To Program, …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for cpeeyush1

hi i am new to java and just start learning java so plese tell me which ebook is best for me if the book is free and you have download link then it's best for me i am waiting -PC(INDIA)

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for PRob99

The following is a question from my teacher along with the correct answer: public class IfTest { public static void main (String args[]) { if (true) if (false) System.out.println("a"); else System.out.println("b"); } } The code will compile correctly and display the letter b when run. I have to explain why …

Member Avatar for chan95
Member Avatar for Blackeagle

Hey all, i'm writing a small program that multiplies matrices. The number of matrices is taken as an input, which means it varies according to input. so i'm having a problem on how to dynamically declare several matrices. is it possible to do that?

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Rombosia

Hi guys, I'm currently doing a J2ME application that gets a JPEG image and sends it's bytes to a C# server via sockets. In the J2ME application, I can re-convert the bytes I sent to an Image and view it. On the server side, however, the SAME bytes cannot create …

Member Avatar for Rombosia
Member Avatar for Grub

Hi I have stored File objects in a vector. Now I which to call the methods of the file objects stored in the Vector. Unlike C++ you cannot simply refer to the vector by index e.g. vector[i].getAbsolutPath() nor can you simply call vector.elementAt(i).getAbsolutePath(); I have made a File[] array = …

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Member Avatar for chenessa

Can you pls help me in making my case study, I badly need your help because im going nuts. This is about RANDOM ACCESS FILE. We will make a Student Info (The name of the cless should be StudInfo). It contains the diff info's of the student including Name,Grade,Passed or …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for l_03

hello guyz,,do you have any sites to recommend for me on tutorials??? we are about to make a code on shopping cart,,but it's not that easy,, our list of products and shopping cart are stored in a "text file",,which is accessed by the "java file",,to access,,we should use the import …

Member Avatar for sbhavan
Member Avatar for Guskayak

I built my website using no Java so I'm quite ignorant. I'd like to use the "send to mobile" button from another site on my own website but I don't know if it's possible to do. Can anyone tell me the code I need to paste into my website to …

Member Avatar for Guskayak
Member Avatar for soniarani
Member Avatar for Necron_99

We just started to learn decisions, and I'm confused. Wonder if someone could help me figure this out. In this assignment, you are going to calculate how much a BahnCard costs to buy, using the following rules. * BahnCard25. The card costs 110 euros for a first class card and …

Member Avatar for scorio
Member Avatar for maydhyam

Hi, Could anyone help me with this problem, the following code contains the GUI for a chargeback application which was handed on to me. I want to be able to test the components DC1 and DC2 to make sure information was entered when the btnGenChargeReport button is clicked... :?: I …

Member Avatar for maydhyam
Member Avatar for vitnani

iam doing a project based on grid computing......i need an application to communicate between the systems.....plzz do help me in that.....its in Java

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for LiquidCobra

The assignment problem below ask me to calculate the number of months it will take to pay off the loan and the total amount of interest paid over the life of the loan. I'm having trouble trying to find the right algorithm for the monthly payments. Could you please take …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for vskumar19

Hey can there be any reasons for the program that is written to play audio clips is not givin any response!!!! i wrote program correctly but i cant hear any sound from the audio device.. Anyone give solution plzzz!!!

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for rainny

Hi, does anybody know how to apply the fast-Fourier transform on spectrum analysis? When the application play the sound, it got the frequency wave shown, while if there are no sound, the frequency wave will not be shown. Does anybody have any idea on it? I try to search info …

Member Avatar for l_03

hello guyz,,do you know any best sites that could help me making codes in "shopping cart"??hope you can help me.thank you ahead...

Member Avatar for sbhavan
Member Avatar for orangejuice2005

This coincides with my Operating System's Project and am on an unforgiving time limit. Its such a big project and theres soo many parts to it and I can't really write down the details....theres too many things to this. But if any1 knows anything about operating systems and what a …


The End.