32,205 Topics
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I created menu for mobile phone, where after you make move screen should be repainted and after that a sound should be played. However at present stage sound is played first and just after that Canvas view is repainted. Bellow is skeleton of the class [code=Java] public class ContactMenu extends … | |
This is the main of my program all errors have been solved now I need help sorting my array list with a selection, bubble and insertion sort to print out in alphabetic order using the name as key numeric order using the income as key order of nationality in alphabetic … | |
Dear Friends, Here i am giving my programme coding and error. file name - MyCanvas.javaimport java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class MyCanvas extends Applet { public MyCanvas() { setSize(80, 40); } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawRect(0, 0, 90, 50); g.drawString("A Canvas", 15,15); } } When i use command javac MyCanvas.java … | |
I'm trying to get a GUI application to display an image. So far I've got this bit of code: [CODE=java] import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class DemoImage extends JFrame { public void showImage() { // creates the actual frame with title 'My GUI' and dimensions JFrame frame = new JFrame("My … | |
Hi guys, I'm not really sure how to ask this or what to even search for. I want to write a Java program that can feed data into another program. If the other program had command line parameters then I'd know what to do, but suppose the program I want … | |
Hi, I'm wondering how I can accomplish this. Suppose I have the following array [CODE]String[] randomText = {"hi", "hello", "hey there"}[/CODE]; If I want to print the array I only know how to do so line by line. [CODE]for (int num = 0; num < randomText.length; num++){ System.out.println(randomText[num]); }[/CODE] Can … | |
hello guyz,,do you know best sites to recommend that has a tutorials on "swing" about: a.) sample writing a file on "text file" b.) the saved text file will be read by the main class in JOptionPane (java file) actually, i has on it on bufferedreader,,but i really like to … | |
i hav a project on mind and the proj is to be able to control my laptop from my mobile,controls like shutting the laptop down.i'v gotten d phone simulator and i code with netbeans.i hav an ok knowledge in j2se,i believe it is possible if yes what next? | |
Hi. My PC has WinXP SP2 and I have a problem with webpages not displaying properly in IE6. It seems that any site with the ending .aspx won't load at all, i just get a blank page with no error messages or anything to tell me what the problem is. … | |
Hi, I need some help with an assignment due in a few days. It asks me to draw a table using four functions, as well as a main function. The main program should call a char function LProp (3 variables), that calculates the truth-value of the logic expression for a … | |
I typically don't post anything unless I have a question or comment... but I am still trying to understand Serialization for Network-Applications and I ran into a brick wall (repeatedly) during a project that required sending and receiving chunks of data from one Client to another. Be aware of using … | |
I am mostly done working on the homework assignment for my class, it requires that I complete an employee directory system that takes a user input value and compare it to 3 values employeeName, employeeID, and phoneNumber. The system must work in such a way that if the search is … | |
consider my input file has the following data date type of transaction amount 1 w 100 2 d 230 3 d 550 4 w 430 5 d 1100 6 d 400 so i need to sort the amount in ascending order.So when i sort the amount,the corresponding date and transaction … | |
Hi, I'm having a small problem. After installed a routine system update, which included the newest Java update (though I'm on 10.4.11) I have lost access to my localhost! I thought it was a problem with my server, so I installed another server using MAMP, and through MAMP I can … | |
Logic circuit builder is a software that simulates AND,OR,XOR gates.I want to give it an attractive GUI wherein gates can be dragged/dropped.How do i accomplish drag and drop in Java?For instance if there is a buuton with an AND gate.if the user clicks on it and drags the mouse pointer … | |
Hello, I don't know any Perl but I do know Java. I am studying about Push down automatas at the moment and wanted to make a simulator for myself. I have found some code in Perl that does it but I do not know how I can go about using … | |
I.ve problem with java image processing.I've to convert 2d array into image.I'm using the loadPixels function, but it doesen't work.The Image is never shown on the label. Please help, here is the code of the loadPixels function: [CODE] public static void loadPixels(JLabel label, int[][] pixels) { // 1. convert to … | |
Hello, I currently code in java for a game. But it's a private server... Many people question my way of coding, but i dont. My way of coding is more simpler than the public boolean and public void... As most know for some games you need a class file and … | |
Hey I am trying to created a dice game that roll the dice twice and then ask the user if he/she thinks the next two rolls will be more than or less than the first two. After the third roll the program is then suppose to ask the user if … | |
here is my calculator. it works fine, but for the love of god i cant figure out how to get the screen at the top, centered while the rest of the buttons follow the gridlayout pattern. any way? [ICODE] package Calculator1; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.*; public … | |
Hi, Im writing a program that will magnify diagrams (simplified version of the windows magnifier). If I have a buffered image (hard-coded) bufimag, what are the steps to do to increase pixelsize and display it. Well displaying is not a problem. just how to increase pixel size. No need to … | |
I'm working on an application that simulated process of writing text message on mobile phone. On the canvas I first draw already typed message. If any and on button pressed I retrieve correct set of characters. Here I'm able to loop through them and highlight currently active/selected character. However I … | |
Hey guys, the program has to wait until send button in jframe clicked then to get the text and put it in to queue and then send it to server using doInBackground method, also in line 65 i get a compile error which says that ther is nothin to override … | |
[B]Eclipse IDE for Java Developers[/B] (85 MB) [B][COLOR="Red"]Vs[/COLOR][/B] [B]Eclipse Classic 3.4.1[/B] (151 MB) Just wanted to know. Please advise. | |
Hi, I need to read the file and print the content in the outlook express compose body using java. Any one knows any API or some component is available to do this please reply me | |
Hi all. I have a problem sending a message in my program. I am able to receive a message, but not so send it. when I try to send a message I get the following error: Warning: To avoid potential deadlock, operations that may block, such as networking, should be … | |
hello guyz,,is simpletron machine language??different from java language??i am confused,,we are about to make a program in simpletron but it's too hard to start,, | |
I've been working on a homework assignment for a while now for my class, and right now I'm stuck on what should be a very simple problem. I have two files, EmployeeSystem.java and FullTimeEmployee.java. EmployeeSystem is the main, and is the file currently failing to compile. Basically in the method … | |
Hi! Just signed up and can't help to notice what a good forum you got going here!! congratulations! I am working on a project of educational software concerning sound editing and audio-video synchronization. I am researching the Java Sound API and it's been working pretty well but now I got … | |
I can't figure out why I am recieving error messages from the compiler that tells me that I have an illegal start of the expression for the code that is in red. I have also put the product class that goes with the main class; I'm not sure if the … |
The End.