32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Can someone help me figure out why this .form compiles yet the query to perform a search throws this error? I have one entity manager,at startup "query and list set the table with all data from [ICODE]<splashtemplateda.Content>[/ICODE] combobox and textfield and button(action) should config search specs and refresh table with …

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Member Avatar for dayanandabv

Hi all, I am getting Null pointer exception while getting other applet in the same page, can guide what i am doing wrong here is demo code [code] // First applet import java.applet.Applet; public class Applet1 extends javax.swing.JApplet { Applet applet1 = null; public void init() { try { java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait(new …

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Member Avatar for alpe gulay

.,'is there any software in w/c we can simply creates a frame in java by just click and drop only???I still didn't know it????help me to know this pls....:)

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for puk

Please can anyone tell me how to convert a string in a text field to an integer. im using [ String q = answerField.getText(); int n1 = Integer.parseInt(q);] in my programme but i get the errors: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "Enter Answer here!" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:48) at …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for jk_bscomp

Hello everyone!!! I hope you could help me with this one... In VB.NET ...If you want to display the content of your database in a datagridview component what you just need to do is to call odbc.odbcDataAdapter so that it will display all the data in datagrid as exactly as …

Member Avatar for jk_bscomp
Member Avatar for degamer106

I'm having a little trouble trying to nest two component classes (both extend JComponent) together. When I create the frame in my tester file, instantiate each class, and try to add both of them to the frame, it doesn't come out correctly. For instance, I want my frame to display …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for squinx22
Member Avatar for mmdst11

Create a class named Package with data field for weight in ounces, shipping method, and shipping costs. The shipping method is a character A for Air, T for Truck, or M for mail. The Package class contains a constructor that requires arguments for each weight and shipping method. The constructor …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Jahira

hi all, i need javascript function to validate the Date of birth field...it should check,leap year condition and also the year should nt be the future one.. Thank u...

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for squinx22

Can anyone tell me where I can get some tutorials regarding Socket programming over http. I want to make an application that enables the user to login to Yahoo IM. pls help me... Thanks...

Member Avatar for jk_bscomp
Member Avatar for xandres

Hi. First of all, I am new to java and I am having some problems in understanding arrays. I was asked to do the following program. [COLOR="red"]2[/COLOR] 5 9 8 7 3 [COLOR="red"]4[/COLOR] 8 5 3 7 6 [COLOR="red"]9[/COLOR] 6 3 8 9 5 [COLOR="red"]3 [/COLOR] 2 1 3 1 …

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Member Avatar for WalkmanXD

how to delete objects to free memory ????????????? and when did Garbage Collector work to delete unused objects ????????

Member Avatar for WalkmanXD
Member Avatar for javauser215

My program compiles and runs okay, but is not displaying my restocking fee and I am not sure why. Attached is my printout of how it displays. [CODE]//Product.java works with Inventory4.java file import java.util.Scanner; // program uses class Scanner public class Product4 { //Private Variables private String name; //Product name …

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Member Avatar for TheWhite

I have a JButton with both an ActionListener and a MouseListener: [code=Java] b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){ performLeftClickAction((JButton)ae.getSource()); } }); b.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me){ if(SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(me)){ performRightClickAction((JButton)me.getSource()); } } }); [/code] Here are the 2 actions for right clicking and left clicking: [code=Java] performLeftClickAction(JButton b){ //problem …

Member Avatar for TheWhite
Member Avatar for MxDev

hi guys , how could i to lock a the parent frame if the child frame is generated, (i.e. i generate joptionpane message how to lock the parent frame till the user responding to child frame)

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for MxDev

hi all, how to set the location of joptionpane dialogs to the locations of the parent frame

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Taker

Hi Everybody I am in need for help. I have a program which is surppose to allow the user to input a boat and a time and date of hire for that boat. Problem is that the button wont work and i dont know how to get the time in …

Member Avatar for engrasi

The Dearest I have done engineering in SOFTWARE and now doing masters in COMMOUNICATION SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS. I need VOIP Applications basic architecture project developed in any language either Visual basic or Java OR if you have any project on Wireless Technology ,Wimax, Adhoc Networking ,Network security or network auding …

Member Avatar for Jens
Member Avatar for jk_bscomp

Hello Everyone!!! Does anyone here knows how to display the content of the database in a JTextArea? For example.... In mydatabase, I have a column name 'username' and I want to display all the contents of that 'username' in JTextArea.. What shall I do and what classes I need to …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for degamer106

1) How do I tell if I have java 5 or java 6 installed? 2) I have my program commented using javadoc syntax. However, when I run javadoc from the command prompt and then open the html files, I do not see any documentation. What am I doing wrong? For …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for Newbie2Java

Hi, i am new to this forum, and also new to JAVA, at the moment i have an assignment in which i am desperately in need of help. I don't know much about MVC and i was wondering if there is any one out there that could help me. regards.

Member Avatar for Jens
Member Avatar for gator6688

[CODE]import java.text.DecimalFormat; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class PayrollSystemTest { public static void main( String[] args ) { String workerType; String first; String last; String ssn; int month; int day; int year; float salary; float rate; float hourlyWage=0; float hours; float wage; float sales; DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat( "0.00" ); // …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for asadii

I want to write a project using netbeans ide 6.0 to read a xml file and display its fields to user then user changes some fields and program updates xml file.How can do this By JAXB and Marshal\Unmarshal Commands. thnks

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Member Avatar for Neke

I would like to draw an array of robots. How do i complete this class to draw the head, body, legs of a robot given that the robot is to be drawn within an invisible rectangular Container. The position and dimensions of the Container are given as parameters to the …

Member Avatar for Neke
Member Avatar for 4ukh

[COLOR="Green"][B]How is your experience with java handling databases? very simple please post your Feedback? thank you[/B][/COLOR] actually i am going to build a library database application; but don't have any idea of handling database with the java!!! and is it possible if you create database table in ms access and …

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Member Avatar for Compton11

Hey all...I'm working on creating a text editor for one of my college projects. One of features I have to implement is a find and replace feature which requests the user to input a word to find and also input a word that will be used to replace that word …

Member Avatar for nsuleiman

Hi all There is an example code that comes with the SuperWaba SDK about importing a .txt file inot pdb of superWaba. However, this code imports java.io and java.util packages which are not supported by SuperWaba and also imports waba.io which is not supported by the JCreator. Can anyone help …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for TheWhite

Alright, well, this is my 2nd post so far... My first problem was easily repaired ( I incremented an i instead of j in one of my for loops... lol ). But this problem is a little more, how can I say, not a visual mistake, but a implementation thing... …

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Member Avatar for perpetual_dream

Hey, Am a total newbie to java. What am trying to do is to control a robot through network. I need to send commands between a laptop(client) and a PDA (server), it is describe in the pic [URL=http://www.freewebtown.com/perpetual_dream/Picture2.png]HERE[/URL] .I have a few questions... 1- The java used to program the …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for MxDev

hi guys, is there any stand alone GUI designer which could deal with most of Swing components and generate human readable code and also free

Member Avatar for sukatoa

The End.