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[code] /********************************* * Program Name: Task2.java * * Date: 27 Janauary 2008 * * Programmer: Dhanandjay MOTAH * *********************************/ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.Graphics.*; import java.applet.Applet; public class Task1 extends JApplet implements ActionListener { JLabel lab1; //label created JComboBox comb1; //combo box created JButton but1; //button created …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for kaloc

{ This is an exploratory question to just find out if something is possible. } The facts are these : 1. The java program is closed source, but is running on an accessible workstation. 2. The gui is written in AWT. 3. OS is windows 4. Windows tools like Spy++ …

Member Avatar for kaloc
Member Avatar for arkaprava

I m going to build a data modelling software project by java like DDS LITE I am coding the algorithmic part of the project where I have to build some composite data at the preliminary phase of the implementation of the algorithms, such composite data items are entity , relationship …

Member Avatar for arkaprava
Member Avatar for xanine

i know this could be very simple for you guys but i do have a problem with this. The program searches for a particular array from a text file(i don't know how to import a text file too) and counts the number of occurrence in it. The text file is …

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Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Please find attached Doc2.doc. It is a pic of my program. (this program successfully outputs the entire database. Yet I would like to learn the general steps to click the search button and perform a query. further please find the method I have for a search @Action. I am not …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for dmotah

hi, i have the following codes i did now i need top collect the output of these arrays to a third one, and then see what values are same.. plz help me in this code.. /********************************* * Program Name: Task2.java * * Date: 27 Janauary 2008 * * Programmer: Dhanandjay …

Member Avatar for electron33

Hi. I have been trying to access Microsoft Outlook from Java. This be in case of jsp page or traditional Java. Is there anyone how knows how? In the same case i would also ask if someone have tried to use mail session in Apache Geronimo. There is a plugin …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for evaristo

The solution present at Apache Commons Chain design pattern library has taken me to consider the broad use of context objects as a mean for decoupling my class objects. In other words, all i need is a set of interfaces which my objects expect to get a handle from the …

Member Avatar for hidash_in

hi everybody, i am trying to get the name and id of the opened application to check whether the application is opened properly or not using java

Member Avatar for p.bondam
Member Avatar for dmotah

hi, i have to write a code where there will b two arrays which displays a list of 0 to 100 random numbers, then a third thread will take these twa values and find the ones common in the range 70-80 and sort them in ascending order and display it.. …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for zeiken

The programs that will accept identifier is there any sample because usually I used to analyze using definite automata then i dont know what functions to be use in making identifier program in java hope theres positive response...

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for mentallybroken

okay ill explain.this is a program that will convert binary. [CODE]import java.io.*; public class decbin{ public static DataStreamReader rustan=new DataStreamReader(System.in) public static void main (string[]args) throws IOException{ int Q,R,A; System.out.println("Enter a number to be convert: "); Q=Integer.parseInt(rustan.readLine()); while(Q!=0){ Q=A/2; R=A%2; A=Q; //one missing statement i think. i need help. } …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for shaikh_mshariq

I want to develope a new tool like Nmap written in c++ and can be easily downloaded from wwwdotinsecuredotorg. Can any one knows how do i start. I know how to detect ports but how to map them with services.

Member Avatar for shaikh_mshariq
Member Avatar for onsir

how to take computer name in linux I had tried this code in Windows Xp, it's Ok. but while i run in linux i got error "Cannot get computer name java.net.UnknownHostException: comcentos: comcentos" i'm using Centos 5. i have edit in file etc/sysconfig/network NETWORKING=yes NETWORKING_IPV6=yes HOSTNAME=comcentos [CODE] package myPackage; import …

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Member Avatar for preston_naidoo

Hi everybody, i have got a java practical project due this year, though i want to use my previous years project and just build upon it. i am in my last year of high school, so it is a very basic program. i dont know if anybody would help me …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for baheddad

hi .. plz anyone has an ideas for final projects that can i do it in java? and i hope in computer information system :idea: plezzzz

Member Avatar for baheddad
Member Avatar for mramrit

friends i got problem in connection between oracle and jsp as given in cracking codes in j2me in following codes <?xml version="1.0"?> <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/dtd/jsp_1_0.dtd"> <main> <title>Branch Info</title> <%Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");%> <%java.sql.connection db=java.sql.DriverManager.getConnecton("jdbc:odbc:master","sa","amrit");%> <%java.sql.Statement st=db.createStatement();%> <%java.sql.ResultSet rs;%> <%rs=st.executeQuery("select item_code,quantity,unit_price form stock_mast;");%> <%while(rs.next(()){%> <%String name=rs.getString("item_code");%> <%int aId=rs.getInt("quantity");%> <%int uPrice=rs.getInt("unit_price");%> <item_code><%=name%><quantity><%=aId%></quantity><unit_price><%=uPrice%></unit_price></item_code> <%} %> <%rs.close();%> </main> …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for zaibitreg
Member Avatar for Ekta Midha

As we call easily Dll in ASP similarly , Is there any way to call Jar file in ASP Application ?

Member Avatar for Andryanus
Member Avatar for Andryanus

Hello everyone, Does anyone have experience accessing Java Jar Object with ASP? Please kindly advise. Thank you.

Member Avatar for Andryanus

Hello everyone, Does anyone have experience accessing Java Jar Object with ASP? Please kindly advise. Thank you.

Member Avatar for mrynit

I need to get a string from the console that is given in hex form like this: 3e900000. Then I need to convert it into bit so I can do bit wise thigns too it to generate the following out put: [QUOTE]3e900000 ==> 2^-2(1 + 2^-3)[/QUOTE] The above is a …

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Member Avatar for arunpawar

I've found API Jfreechart for creating chart with java and Jcalendar for calendar purpose.I've downloaded them and i don't know how to use these external API packages into the program.I use Eclipse europa and sometime editpad as text editor. I want to know how to add such packages in my …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Tom Tolleson

Hello! I'm a web developer who is taking on the creation of a desktop application as a side project. I need to hire someone to cerate the application. Knowing little, I want to make sure I'm choosing the right developer and language. All I know about Java is that it …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for cms271828

Hi, I have an application, that has a JFrame. Added to the JFrame's contentPane is a JDesktopPane. I use JMenuItems in the JMenu (in JMenuBar) to add, and then remove a JInternalFrame inside the JDesktopPane. But now.. when I use any acclerator keys, to invoke JMenuItems, they don't work, its …

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Member Avatar for xoron123

hello i am an absolute noob to java...took me about a day to work out how to compile a .java file to a .class file now i cant run the .class file in DOS can anyone help me plz :( the error i get is "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: …

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Member Avatar for KimJack

Hello All, I am trying to parse a text file with the following type lines: Mr. Jones has a "dog" and a "cat" I need to extract the dog and cat and put them into an array of Items. Here is the set up: character = read.read(); char first = …

Member Avatar for KimJack
Member Avatar for nljavaingineur

Hello fellow developers, Does anyone know why I keep getting this error message "illegal start of expression"? I've already checked my braces. They matched. Still.....[This is code for the basic operation of a calculator n my code is as follows] [CODE]public void button2_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { applyOperator('+'); } public void button14_actionPerformed(ActionEvent …

Member Avatar for electron33
Member Avatar for new_2_java

Hi all, I am reading values (user name and password) from user's input, and I need to mask the password which is entered by user in the command line... Can someone give me a hint which class do I need to look at? Appreciate your inputs. Thanks.

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Member Avatar for dmotah

hi, im new to java...and the rest like swing and all that stufss. i got a code but i want to change the applet a bit , i mean the way it is diplayed. ken u help. and yes i want wen i click exit button the applets closes and …

Member Avatar for electron33

The End.