32,207 Topics

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Member Avatar for hidash_in

[B]how to open any exe file using java. i alrerady used the Runtime.getexec() code. but when i refresh the page the application is opening. my thought is the application should be open after clicking the button in jsp page. if u have any code send me.[/B]

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for degamer106

So here's the problem [QUOTE]Write a program that asks the user to input a set of floating-point values. When the user enters a value that is not a number, give the user a second chance to enter the value. After two chances, quit reading input. Add all correctly specified values …

Member Avatar for degamer106
Member Avatar for newbieGirl

Just curious... I've got a snippet of code I'm trying to put together, and what I'm trying to get it to do is to print out the word "yes" exactly when i ends in the digit 4, or j ends in the digit 7, or both. I know my if …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for akhiero

I have been working on an inventory program for school and it is all working. What I need help now is making a GUI for it. To display one item at a time with a buttons like First Item, Next Item, Previous Item, and Last Item. Could someone help me …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for mrityunjay22

my jsp and servlet are in Z: drive and i want to configure eclipse for application server plz tell me how to do it

Member Avatar for lookof2day
Member Avatar for mrsmoke

Hi, I'm trying to make my own sokoban game in java. Sokoban is a top down 2D puzzle game where you move around a level trying to push boxes to the goal area in the least possible moves. I'm already pretty stuck at an early stage. My first objective it …

Member Avatar for schoolsoluction
Member Avatar for enes

i have java strategy game project.however ı dont know how can ı control the map.for example when player selected a dıvısıon how can ı get ıts poınts to know which division is selected.to be able to thıs ı should have all coordınates of the maps(every poınt).of course ıt ıs ımpossible.there …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for john_mark386

Hello, any tutorials in how to use bubblesort, selection and insertion? Help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for rickster11

If someone has a second, could you please take a look at this. This is just a small part to a large program I have to write for school. Right now I'm just trying to get the arrays to load. I can't get my two dimesinal array to work (the …

Member Avatar for rickster11
Member Avatar for Cole

A picture is attached. I have a simple technical question. If Lizard extends Reptile which extends Animal, is Lizard a derived class of Animal? (Does not have to be directly derived, just derived.) Its easy stuff, review for the AP exam, I'm just trying to figure whether my teacher was …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for volscolts16

Problem: I am not sure how to get the Treeiterator started into the main, or how output to the file. Thank you in advance sorry for the long read, but it is a long project, for such little output. The assignment: Write a program that maintains the names, addresses, and …

Member Avatar for Cornflower

Hi, I need some help with an assignment - to read from a .txt file and count paragraphs, lines, words and characters. I've managed to write a program to read the file, and another one to count - but I've run into problems trying to incorporate the two. I've sent …

Member Avatar for Cornflower
Member Avatar for toncoolx

Hello there, I need a help form u guys, thanks advance~ I need to use JAVA to do a [COLOR="Red"]PC application[/COLOR] which can accept/receive data [COLOR="Red"]from a mobile device using Bluetooth[/COLOR] through some Bluetooth device plug on the PC. I am using Netbean now and trying the JSR 82, but …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for gjancarik

ok heres the code im working with.. public boolean legalMove(int row, int column) { if (a.empty(row, column) == true) { System.out.println("This sqaure is empty"); return false; } } now my empty method header looks like .. public boolean empty(int row, int column) and the code inside for empty() works. now …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for thanaras

Hello. I am looking for a way to detect circles in an image. I know that circle Hough transformation does this, but i don't know where i can find a java or jai implementation to it. Is there anyone who could help? Thanks a lot in advance.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for nuch1311

[code] import java.util.*; public class Prj3 { static int data[] = new int[20]; static Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in); static Random rnd = new Random( 1234 ); static void Create_array(int arr[], int max) { int i; for (i=0; i<100; i++) arr[i] = rnd.nextInt(max); } static void Draw_array(int arr[], int col) …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for StephNicolaou

There isn't exactly anything wrong with my code, it's fine although the order isn't correct, I think, which makes my shapes appear behind the center panel. I'm not sure how to correct this as I've drawn my shapes under a paint method. I've tried moving the paint method before and …

Member Avatar for Corum

For an assignment I've been asked to program a Java command line application that reads in from an ASCII file the structure of a maze, the program should then identify whether the maze is solvable hence have a beginning and an end. Example below: [code] ### # # # # …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for ubc123

Excellent resource for C/C++/C#, java, JavaScript DHTML, C / ANSI-C、 SQL / MySQL it contains thousands of examples, downloadable source codes and tutorial... Please have a look。

Member Avatar for Charles Boyle

I am looking to create a system to take a function in a Swing GUI, parse it, and produce a graphical result. This includes using such unicodes as Sigma and Omega to be read into a Swing Component (currently I have a JFormattedTextField). The most ideal is to highlight and …

Member Avatar for summersa

[CODE]\** * InventoryProgramPart3.java * @ author Amy Summers * Inventory Program which uses an array to store items and creates * a subclass of the CD class * */ import java.util.Arrays;//program uses Arrays class InventoryPart3 { //main method begins execution of Java program public static void main (String[] args) { …

Member Avatar for arumugam4all
Member Avatar for DeadJustice

Hi, its me again. I need help one last time. This time my problem is pretty simple, I just can't find it myself it seems. Please lend some assistance. Here's my assignment. [QUOTE]Create a program that takes in 2 integers and displays the result of dividing the two integers. This …

Member Avatar for DeadJustice
Member Avatar for scunnywhite

import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class conversionweight { public conversionweight() { String ans; ans = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter Weight in Stone.Pounds" ); double stones = Double.parseDouble(ans); double pounds = 14 * stones; double kilos = 0.45359237 * pounds; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, " weight in Kilos = " + kilos); System.exit(0); } } my task was …

Member Avatar for scunnywhite
Member Avatar for Java-Newbie

Hello and Happy Thanksgiving (to those who celebrate it), I have a small program that needs to read data off of a text file (name, city and age) and store it in an array. The program asks the user for a city name, and it's supposed to loop through the …

Member Avatar for Java-Newbie
Member Avatar for cullguy

plz give me the code to make a frame transparent so that only its contents are visible....

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for pickachu

Hi. Can anyone help me on my code? I wanted to delete a data inside a array, so what I did was to move the the array into another array without the one that is to be deleted. It is working if the user only wants to delete a single …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

can someone show me how to collect a string from a jsp text box and call a set method in a bean that puts that value in a variable of that bean?

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for bluej

Hello everyone...I have been learning Java in our school using BlueJ and there is a certain problem i need to work out... I need to create a frame with four panels in it...like this.... [ATTACH]4481[/ATTACH] Sorry if i can't provide the codes because it's really hard learning java... Can anyone …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for f.damati

I want to make a button which will print a page using the printer, so when the user press it certain page will be printd

Member Avatar for arumugam4all
Member Avatar for chetah

Home Work Problem. I understand what the program is suppose to do, but I do not understand how to implement it using Link List. Please help me to understand the problem. Write a program to perform ariththmetic with integers of unlimited size. You must read data from the input file, …

Member Avatar for chetah

The End.