32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for john_mark386

I'm newbie in Java please help. 1. Create an array with 20 elements.. I know this. This one i don't know.. 2. The program must ask the user to input an element to search for and prints a message: "Found[search key]" then print the remaining data on the next line …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for lshylaja_2002
Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for spider_pig

I have a HashMap with String keys and Integer values. I want to get a string with the String keys in numerical order of their String values. eg. if I have Orange=1 apple=4 pear =2 grapefruit=3 I want the following String apple, pear, grapefruit, orange. I'm not sure how to …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for rayxu88

I'm trying to write a simple program to identify if two phrases are anagrams of one another. I'm having trouble with sorting an array of characters and defining xarray and yarray. [code] public class Anagram1{ private String x; private String y; private char[] xarray; //? private char[] yarray; //? public …

Member Avatar for rayxu88
Member Avatar for Dio1080

I need to this program to let me enter in an letters A B C or D so this program can run, why isn't this program not working, please help. Here is my code: public class DriversLicense{ public static void main(String [] args) { //Students answers to the questions char …

Member Avatar for HeroOfTime

Hi, I am a first Year Computer Science student learning java. First, what I want help with is not a homework assignment, I just started it on my own. This program is supposed to test the "Chaos Game" The chaos game is explained here: [URL="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ChaosGame.html"]Chaos Game[/URL] So, the basics that …

Member Avatar for HeroOfTime
Member Avatar for Krimi

hi there! how do i read a specific line from a text file? maybe im asking the wrong question, so i will try to explain what im trying to do :) i have a file that looks a bit like this(just with 1000 lines): 1 dudea addressa 1000 10000000 maila …

Member Avatar for Krimi
Member Avatar for CraigJones

I currently have a page made up of two tiles (tile1 and tile2 say). tile1 is the navigation menu and tile2 is the main tile. I want to be able to call the action associated with a form in tile2 from a button setup in tile1. Anyone able to give …

Member Avatar for ITAutobot25

My assignment requires that I use exception handling to create a directory and file if necessary. I was able to create a C:data\inventory.dat file, provided that there's an existing Data folder (directory) in my C: drive; however, I have a feeling that the assignment wants me to create an actual …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for kaleeswaranm

hi! this is my new thread .... i would like to retrieve the excel data into the jsp page and stored it into the mysql. give me solution for that.... thank you, kaleeswaran:)

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for PL.P27

Hi everybody, I'm fairly new to GUI and even newer to Java and I was wondering if someone can help me find my problem and how to fix it. The problem is I'm doing the game mastermind and I'm checking the guess but everytime I click the button a second …

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Member Avatar for xiaotu1990

i got stuck on this assignment...i have no idea how to write it.well..actually i don't know what it is asked for.. could anyone help me with this piece of code? appreciate it... You will create a class that will perform several different functions on Strings that are sent to it. …

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Member Avatar for rpk5000

n. Write a method that will convert a number from binary to decimal. The binary number will be passed in as an array of Booleans (a true represents a 1 and a false represents a 0.) This is part of a methods practice assignment I was given. I'm currently taking …

Member Avatar for rpk5000
Member Avatar for kwadders

Hi all, I have been working programming embedded C for just over a year now. But I am interested in learning Java. In essence, I am looking for a definitive guide to Java, including books and on line resources. From, past experience I know that the best way to learn …

Member Avatar for kwadders
Member Avatar for cerf_machine

Hi everyone! Can i read audio bytes from user's mic thru java applet and save it on server as .wav or any other format? Is it possible? Thanks.

Member Avatar for cerf_machine
Member Avatar for reubenraj

I was wondering if any one could help in my project work. I am developing an anti phishing project where in my application should be able to sense when the user has opened a browser? I am looking forward for a valuable answer from java professionals. I am developing my …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Kob0724

I'm adding a few JLabels to a Box like this: [code] actor1=new JLabel(""); actor2=new JLabel(""); actor3=new JLabel(""); actor4=new JLabel(""); actor5=new JLabel(""); actor6=new JLabel(""); actor7=new JLabel(""); movie1=new JLabel(""); movie2=new JLabel(""); movie3=new JLabel(""); movie4=new JLabel(""); movie5=new JLabel(""); movie6=new JLabel(""); baconPath = Box.createVerticalBox(); baconPath.add(actor1); baconPath.add(movie1); baconPath.add(actor2); baconPath.add(movie2); baconPath.add(actor3); baconPath.add(movie3); baconPath.add(actor4); baconPath.add(movie4); baconPath.add(actor5); baconPath.add(movie5); …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for soulesschild

So for a homework problem I basically need to write a program that reads data from a text file, then input it into an array which I can later use for other functions. The main problem is writing to the arrays. I can't figure out how to do it properly …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for ITAutobot25

My delete button is not working and my due date is Sunday before midnight. Can anyone show me how to correct this error. My assignment statement is below as well as 5 classes. InventoryGUI is the main class to begin execution. I have a Data folder that contains my logo …

Member Avatar for ITAutobot25
Member Avatar for chris53825

Hey guys, I'm trying to read from a file and put each column into it's corresponding array. [code] % P_ID CPU_burst I/O_burst Priority 0 10 4 2 1 8 2 1 2 12 0 5 while ((Line=myInput.readLine()) != null) { StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(Line); //System.out.println(Line); pid[counter]= Integer.parseInt(s.nextToken().toString()); cpu[counter]= Integer.parseInt(s.nextToken().toString()); …

Member Avatar for chris53825
Member Avatar for nikolaos

i am trying to make an autorun cd with a digital book in java. 1) How can i find out the cd or dvd drive letter in which has entered my cd? in the code section below i use this very ugly way to achieve this. 2)which is the best …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for gjr1829

please help me create the first part of date class project. Date Class Project (part #1) Create a class named Date The class has 3 int variables for month, day, and year (05 points) The class has a Boolean value for whether the date is a leap year private int …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Punkr63

I need to create a Java program that implements both a stack and a queue (and not a palindrome problem) any suggestions?

Member Avatar for Nickk
Member Avatar for dno117

Hello all, I am an online student in an intro to Java programming course and am a little stuck on my current program. I do not want the answer, but rather help figuring out what it is I am doing wrong. The program is supposed to prompt for an employee …

Member Avatar for dno117
Member Avatar for leeqiang

i wanna write a othello programm myself.i Googled a platform to test programm.that's very good i think.there is a abstract player(source attached) .i don't how to start it.any good-heart people can give me a sample? use the alpha-beta search is i want to do. THANKS soooooooooo much

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for DrTsus

I'm dying here. I can't find out why my code isn't working. I get "illegal start of expression" in Blue J. It's on line 34 ( if((menuchoice = = 0) && (gender.equals("M"))) ) [ICODE]/** * Brandon * November 14, 2007 * TDEE */ import java.util.Scanner; public class TDEE { public …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Grub

Hi I am creating a vending machine application that takes coins. It takes 5p, 10p 20p 50p £1 and £2 coins. Now I need to keep track of all the coins when inserted e.g. if I insert 2 pounds in 5p coins. When I chose to refund the money I …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for huntatunc

so, everything works through the first iteration (don't know if this is an appropriate term for linked lists, but we just learned arrays) but then it stops. I thought that telling it to continue until position.next != null and increasing the position after every iteration would work but I think …

Member Avatar for cms271828
Member Avatar for alexasmith

Hey! I am new to java programing and need some help with some homework, here are the requirements: Right now I am working on just setting up my arrays but it is not working. I read the size of the array from the user and then tell the user to …

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Member Avatar for parthiban

Hi da, Suggest me good books for Swing and JDBC(apart from Sun tutorials -which I will use) . I have basic knowledge of Swing which I read from Head First Java but I don't know anything about JDBC. Now I want to explore my knowledge in Swing and I'm going …

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The End.