32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for spider_pig

I have a Java HashMap with String keys and Integer values. I need to produce a string which has the keys in the same order as their corresponding values sorted by numerically descending order. What are my options?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for kartik14

I have a question regarding the test condition of the [I]for[/I] loop.. For example, if the loop is say: [CODE]for ( int i=0 ; ( C1 && C2 ) ; i++ ) {// some code}[/CODE] My question is, if either C1 or C2 is false then the test condition is …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for mangel.murti

i am using tomcat 5.0.28 in windows. i tested some html ,servlet, jsp in it and it executed properly. but when i used a servlet which required database connectivity it is generating error. i am using sql server 2005 as my database. plz. tell me how can i configure my …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for volscolts16

Hi All, I have a new assignment which I have worked most of the way out, except I have one issue. When I sort the large text file it does not print out all the information at that moment, I have to hit enter a couple of times before all …

Member Avatar for mohanrobin
Member Avatar for cat8882

I'm supposed to be taking all the averages of the students grades and create an overall average...but it's not working import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class Grade { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String []name = new String[50]; int num1, num2, num3; Scanner inFile = new Scanner(new …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for NotThereAnymore

I'm trying to practice writing a program which creates an object and does various tasks. So far the tasks I want to program to do are to take a hypothetical triangle (it doesn't draw a literal triangle on the screen; it just shows the number of triangles there, the area …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for snitch321

ok, i have created a balloon shape but i dont know how to implement it onto a canvas or to even create one.i have honestly tryed everything and put alot of effort in before i ask for any help, but i have come to the end of my teather.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for leroi green

the below program is supposed to read the string you input and count the amount of times that the letter 'a' appears in it. if it doesn't find the letter 'a', it's supposed to tell you that there aren't enough arguments (which i may change to say that "there aren't …

Member Avatar for leroi green
Member Avatar for ColicabSyke

I'm working on a program for school and the code I have so far is: [code] public class Assign6{ public static void main(String[] args){ int bill = (int) (Double.parseDouble(args[0])*100); Change aSmall = new Change(bill); System.out.println("# of Fives: " + aSmall.numOfCoins(500) ); System.out.println("# of Ones: " + aSmall.numOfCoins(100) ); System.out.println("# of …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for squall2463

I face the problems of don't know how to convert the number from any base to any base.I just can get the output by converting the number from base 10 to any base.So,panic.:( :'( Who can help me,thanks.

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Member Avatar for fraidicat

Can anyone help, I am trying to access my place of work from home without much success. I can log in, it then says: 'Welcome to the Radian Citrix Portal, please note that to use this service you must install either the Citrix Web Client (using the link below) or …

Member Avatar for fraidicat
Member Avatar for enes

InputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File("Pirates of Caribbean.wav")); AudioStream musicin; musicin= new AudioStream(in); AudioPlayer.player.start(musicin); i wrote above it works but after sometime music ends but i want to play it always how can i achieve it

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Enriel10

Is possible to play in different channels, different .wav files in order to mix them? How? There is any library or API that I can use to do that? Because I only have found this for MIDI sounds. Thanks!

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for enes

when ı add two panels into a frame last panel i added seen on the screeen how can i show both panels in one frame

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for chicago1985

I created a Java class that inserts and updates an Oracle 9i database. I am running single insert and single update statements. The below is what I have been using and was wondering if it is efficient or anyway to improve it: [code=java] public class DbWork { private Connection connection …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for toadzky

I am trying to write a fairly simple app for a Dell Axim running PocketPC 2003 and the Mysaifu JVM. I'm using NetBeans to develop the app. NetBeans emulators (weak as they are) can run my app just fine. But when I try it on the PDA I get a …

Member Avatar for pavithran
Member Avatar for java.cream

Hi all, I need help in polymorphic variables concept ,Are there any polymorphic variables in the code belowand Explain why? thnks.. [CODE]class Square { protected int side; public Square (int s) { side = s; } public int getSide() { return side; } } [/CODE] [CODE]class Container { protected static …

Member Avatar for balagangadharm

hi, Iam using tomca,mysql.In my appl ,i wrote a code to upload an image using jps.its working fine in my system.But wen i access my appl from another system(in LAN),iam unable to upload the image.p[lz tell me wats wrong in my code PreparedStatement st=con.prepareStatement("update login set photo=? where uid=?"); File …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for iaaan

The Game The game involves 10 words, which make up the nonsense sentence, “to tip pods on pan is as a tad din”. Two players take it in turn to take a word. The winner is the player who takes words containing all of any one of the letters involved …

Member Avatar for Dani

What do you guys think of JavaScript-heavy forums such as DaniWeb? Would you rather spend time on a forum with a very unique skin and all the bells and whistles, or something very simplistic and standard that's quick loading and far less confusing?

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Member Avatar for shaqnolysis

Lemme first greet all my beloved fellows and i would love to give you all credits for helping each other with problems concerning java!!! I have a problem with listening methods in my code.the only respond i get is the exit part of my buttons....please i would be happy to …

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Member Avatar for jackskell26

Hello All. This program lets the user select any three points within the applet window and draw a triangle. It then prints out the perimeter of the triangle and the area of the triangle. After the user has selected three points, you should then be able to click a fourth …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for inflex

Hi Everybody, I wrote below codes which check textfiled and comco box for equals. But i want write a integer in textfiled and check it with combobox; For example When i write in texfiled 10 in the 10. on combobox is Balıkesir so if i select Balıkesir it's true but …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for mickinator

First of all, here's my codes: [code=java] public class SLLNode { protected Object element; protected SLLNode succ; protected SLLNode( Object elem, SLLNode successor ) { element = elem; succ = successor; } } [/code] [code=java] public class LinkedStack { private SLLNode top; public LinkedStack( ) { top = null; } …

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Member Avatar for Elektro

:o does anyone know how to write this for me i have no idea i need help Outline: Java is a powerful Object Oriented Programming (OOP) language specifically designed for use with the internet. However, this makes learning Java fairly difficult. So we will start with a simple (text-based) program. …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for princestasnley
Member Avatar for 7233trebor

I am getting an error message "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:Projectta import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class projectta extends JFrame { private static final int WIDTH = 400; private static final int HEIGHT = 300; private JLabel directionsL; private JtextField textTF, messageTF; private JButton submitB, resetB, exitB; private …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Azeem Alam

i need to create a basic drawing tool with basing drawing function 1:it can draw Rectanle,Circle,Line and i also want to select these shapes on mouse click. 2:it can draw picture and select it like regular shapes. 3:Upon selection i also want to move them within drawing area. 4:it can …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for jmasta

Hello folks, I have a program that uses a linked list to implement a stack to convert a string from infix notation to postfix notation, and then to evaluate it. Well, the conversion part works just fine, but I have encountered a problem when trying to evaluate it. In my …

Member Avatar for jmasta
Member Avatar for atularvin23184

hi Friends, i m serching a j2ee job.but i don't have a good projects.and it's url also...because many company asked abt the clients...plz send me as soon as possible.. thank u.

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The End.