2,534 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dani

I have an API that supports both JSON and JSONP. Obviously, being a data provider, I want the people who request my data to cache it. However, jQuery's $.ajax() function says the following about their caching feature: >cache (default: true, false for dataType 'script' and 'jsonp') Type: Boolean If set …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for php_noob

I have this code example <?php $sel_query = "SELECT * FROM tbl_name ORDER BY id DESC"; $res_query = mysql_query($sel_query); while($arr_my_array = mysql_fetch_array($res_Query)){ $cl_id = $arr_my_array['client_id']; ?> <input type="hidden" id="hdn<?php echo $cl_id ?>" name="hdn<?php echo $cl_id ?>" value="<?php echo $cl_id ?>" /> <input type="button" id="btnget<?php echo $cl_id ?>" name="btnget<?php echo $cl_id …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for smepperson

Using Handlebars.js, I am trying to hide the first element in an array. It would be conditional to an option being true/false. Can this be done without a helper? Thanks Horizontal Menu with > as separator {{#if options.display-home}} <li class="home">{{options.home}}</li> {{/if}} /*If display-home true hide initial separator*/ {{#recursive data "menu-breadCrumb"}} …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for dados

I use this function http://goo.gl/Luxkx to create Fetching Posts by Category with jQuery , but the problem is that I need pagination. For example, I have in some categories more than 10 posts. The first 6 posts show up okay, but I need pagination to show the rest. You can …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for php_noob

Good Day Guys, I am working on a web application and I am not that really good in JQUERY/JAVASCRIPT but I am really interested to learn on that part of web development. Here is the scenario, I have menus that corresponds on records statuses Example this is the menus I …

Member Avatar for php_noob
Member Avatar for aneeqtariq_143

i am trying to get the value of radio button which is generated by jquery. I think there is some problem in call events. Here is my code. HTML `<div id="divOption1"></div>` Jquery radio button generate `document.getElementById('divOption1').innerHTML = '<input id="option1" type="radio" value="1"/> '+ questions[currentQuestion]['option1'];` here i call jquery function to get …

Member Avatar for ruchi18
Member Avatar for SMode55

I'm making a administration panel which is generated with Jquery's live and post it works fine.Inside the generated page I'm trying to be able to edit a user in their respective rows so i want to run a post function to retreive the input of a textfield and onkeyup use …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for touseef4pk

I have idea about StateManager in Backbone.js and read its [Documentation](https://github.com/crashlytics/backbone.statemanager) and I also realized how to switch beteen different states. But i still don't know how can I store my application level data or models using statemanager and secondly are my states object which I addd into statemanager, they …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for guyinpv

Hi guys, I'm looking for comments and suggestions regarding the use and place of jquery/ajax in site development. I know jquery allows a lot of cool stuff and so does ajax, but when a site becomes heavily based on these tools, the use of PHP dwindles. I am used to …

Member Avatar for guyinpv
Member Avatar for GraficRegret

I am trying to add the ability to add an href to specific pictures in my slideshow, however I am not sure how to create an href in javascript or jquery, I have searched all over, however my web searching skills are weak and I have thus far been unable …

Member Avatar for GraficRegret
Member Avatar for SMode55

Hello, here's my problem. I am building an administration page that displays the users where you can edit or delete them. This page is built using jquery's $.Post ajax function and I am trying to nun jquery inside the page that is called by $.post but it doesn't work at …

Member Avatar for SMode55
Member Avatar for code_rum

Here is my code: $(document).ready(function () { $(".submit-text").click(function () { var startdate = $("#startdate").val(); /*This line returns mm/dd/yyyy */ var starttime = $("#starttime").val(); /*This line retruns hr:min AM/PM */ var dtstart = new Date("startdate" + starttime); alert(dtstart); }); }); ****On alert it displays invalid date... but if I use.. var …

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Member Avatar for chr.s

Hello, A website I'm working on requires that the Prototype framework is included, but I'm also using jQuery for some custom behaviours. I'm using the jQuery [maximage](http://www.aaronvanderzwan.com/maximage/1/) slider plugin almost successfully; the only issue is that it seems to conflict with prototype - yes, even with jQuery's noconflict used - …

Member Avatar for chr.s
Member Avatar for Rizi004

Hi there, I m using jquery ajax function to get the data from server and i m getting the data in associative array on success, but now i want to convert that associative array in javascript, how i can convert PHP associative array in javascript array. Waiting for your quick …

Member Avatar for Rizi004
Member Avatar for methuselah90

Is it possible to link jQuery menu to tabs? For example if the user selects "By Filter" in the menu below I want it to open up the Search By Filters tab. How can I achieve this? JS $("#menu").menu(); $("#search").tabs(); HTML <ul id="menu" style="border: 0px; background:none"> <li><a id="2" style="cursor: pointer">Search</a> …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for fheppell

I need to have a script that warns users of leaving without saving changes $(document).ready(function () { $('input').change(function () { window.onbeforeunload = function () { return "You still have unsaved changes!" }; }); }); I found this code, but it goes off when I click the submit button, which is …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for oishi

I am trying to load php file with jquery into div. The php file contains pagination. However, when i tried it, it seems that, the jquery is not working. But, when I access it in website directly, its working. Do you have any idea how can I load the php …

Member Avatar for oishi
Member Avatar for tomparker

This may be a little 'outside the box' as far as mega menu's go, but I'm trying to do a 'flyout' or submenu off of a mega. Take a look at http://morningstartv.com, and hover over 'Channels'. When 'Sunday Services' is hovered over, I want a menu to appear to the …

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Member Avatar for vinaysrk

`Inline Code Example Here`i have a page defalt.aspx <body> <div id="content"></div> </body> and i have genereated dynamic div through jquery reference to id "content" like #(document).ready(function(){ var a=$("#content"); $(a).append("<div class="scrollbar"><%--some content here-----%></div>") }); this above jquery work fine and seen in inside the "content" when i run the default.aspx but …

Member Avatar for menakshi
Member Avatar for methuselah90

I am trying to display results from the process page on the host page. At the moment I keep getting the **Uncaught ReferenceError: data is not defined** error message. How do I go about fixing this? **form.php** $(document).ready(function () { // variable to hold request var request; // bind to …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for JayJ

I think I'm just having one of those weeks where whatever I try to get this work simply does not work. At one stage I did not think that I was far off solving this problem, but now I feel as if I'm further away from the solution. I'm simply …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for romiaujla

I have the following code on a website, And my issue is that this code given below fades the flash file on all the browsers that I use on a Mac computer, But when I use windows it only fades the flash file on Google Chrome, but does not fade …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for asif49

I don't know how to quite word this question but I was wondering how to make some jquery interact with programs outside the browser. For instance, if something is clicked on the website of a particular company, and a software from that company is installed I'd like to be able …

Member Avatar for gon1387
Member Avatar for cgull

Hello, I have downloaded the plugin maskedinput from: [Click Here](https://github.com/digitalBush/jquery.maskedinput) Trying to use it on a site I am developing with codeigniter and foundation framework, the index.html file that comes with it works well on my site, I get this error: TypeError: $(...).mask is not a function The jquery files …

Member Avatar for cgull
Member Avatar for notconfirmed

Hello, I develop a simple script that capture the product using .net WebBrowser control. this is the link http://www.groupon.cl/descuentos/multiple-locations/desde-39900-por-8-sesiones-de-depilacion-ipl-en-axila-rebaje-de-bikini-con-opcion-a-zona-facial-en-estetica-carola-rodriguez-hasta-90-off I have a problem in getting the time in jquery count donw control. Please help me to find a solution. Regards, jeffrey

Member Avatar for cursedbustah
Member Avatar for brenton_77

I can't seem to get the jquery ui autocomplete to allow spaces as it ends the query. I need to be able to type a users first and lastname name and have the results returned, however on pressing space between the first and last name the query ends. I've tried …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for brenton_77

Hi All, I've hit a brick wall trying to get the jquery autocomplete to work correctly. The problem is with the .php file and the way the While loop works, as what it does is create a array for every name rather than one single array. I've tried to move …

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Member Avatar for jtok

Sorry for everything being marked as code. It wouldn't let me post it unless I did (and, yes, I did try using the Inline Code option as you can see by the single quotes around much of what is written here). I have a page with an updatepanel that contains …

Member Avatar for jtok
Member Avatar for brianbabu

Hi, can someone explain me the entire working of jquery.filedrop.js? I have used the filedrop for a project but i am interested in knowing it fully in detail so that i could improve its functionality and modify the code according the reqiurements i get from my client. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for techyworld

Hi i have a registration form .. somewhere in my form i have an image(registration is written) btw div tag: <div id="test"> <img src="..."/></div> <label>username:</label> ....... .... ... <div><label onclick=Onchange(1)>Login</label></div> Now i have an option :login" on this form if user has already registered. When click on "login" the image …

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The End.