2,534 Topics
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why this code give error like "Warning: json_decode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in <b>E:\wamp\www\datefun\show_cart_update.php</b> on line". Please help me. I am new in php and json <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <script> function update_cart_detail() { var aData = new Array(); aData[0]={ "session_id":"64qu9ng2o8o996s21bjt9321h1", "order_id":"26", … ![]() | |
I have a select box that looks up values from my database, and then runs a jquery function to display the results, function is working fine, but some of the values in the database have spaces i.e "BT Global" the results are returning everything that starts with "BT" any help … | |
I need to submit a form on which there is a group of inputs(that can be dynamically generated) that needs to be an array of objects(list of dictionaries). I Dynamically generate the following item when a button is clicked on the form: var count = 0 $("#add-order-item").on("click", function(){ count += … | |
Hello. This is a multi-part question. I have researched each aspect of it before posting here, but I am posting this in case anyone may point out something I might have over-looked. * I am building a profanity filter to be used upon submission of a form - I assume, … | |
Hi guys i need to know how to input before load the search box in Jquery DataTable? anyone because i try to edint the either line "var input = '<input type="search" class="'+classes.sFilterInput+'"/>';" under function _fnFeatureHtmlFilte OR line "sSearchPlaceholder": "", and imomodify. but nothings happend:( ![]() | |
i have a codes thats calls in my JSP but i want the search button have a value before its loads because of filtering of data heres my code i try to add a value here var input = '<input type="search" value="Null" class="'+classes.sFilterInput+'"/>'; and here "sSearchPlaceholder":"" but nothings happen :( … | |
Hi, I have a header with a brief about someone, and I have an icon that should replace the brief div with social icons, I've already coded the basic markup, but I don't know how to do that with jquery Here's my code: <div id="info"> <h4 id="aboutinfo">I’m <span>Omar Soliman,</span><p>a front-end … | |
Alright so I'm trying to figure out why this code will show the menu bar on the computer when the page is loaded, but not on my Samsung Galaxy S4 whenever it's loaded. Here is the code, I can provide the link if needed, but I would prefer not to. … | |
Hi, I am trying to add some values retrieved from database, into a HTML table which I've already created using jQuery & AJAX. My data is getting retrieved properly, but its not getting displayed when I am loading the HTML page. Could anybody help ASAP?? Here's the code I'm using … | |
I have to change $ into jQuery due to conflict validation. Please find code. It seems an issue with the line that jQuery validation passes an error. how to solve this ? Line with an error: Manipulator.prototype.setupEvents = function() { var self = this; jQuery('#add').on('click', jQuery.proxy(self.onAddClick, self)); jQuery('#randomize').on('click', jQuery.proxy(self.onRandomize, self)); … | |
I'm doing a one page site. At the top of the page I have a fixed position header with logo, menu etc. As it stands now, when I click on a menu link to take me to the relevant section it takes me there ok but as the header is … | |
I have tried different free jquery responsive imagesliders. They do work but the problem is they dont stay confined in the div container where i put them. Looking at the code i see parts which use px instead of % or em. Could that be the reason the dont truly … | |
Hi I want to greet user when they type their name in the textbox. e.g WHEN THEY TYPED IN THEIR NAME A LITTLE POP UP, OR A LINE APPEARED IN AREA THAT SAID “Hi XXXXX, nice to meet you!” Here is the sample code. <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-xs-3 control-label">What is … | |
Need help with the quiz problem. I want to set time limit for each question in quiz module (say 30 seconds) and after that time, the form will auto submit the question (auto submit = no option selected = unanswered). There are 3 questions, so total time limit is 90 … | |
I am using an ajax to load form fields. When the you select the school, the grade fields load. When you select the grade, the show name check box appears. When the select all box appears, I have to click the select all box twice for it to work. I … | |
I've been using thisJQuery code to fade in divs (all of the same class .showme) But what I would like to do is fade out the previous div as the next one fades in. Can anyone offer assistance on this? $(document).ready(function() { /* Every time the window is scrolled ... … | |
I tried different jquerry sliders from the internet. Some work but only as full background while i want the slider containend in a div "<div class="banner"> ". Im now using unslider from unslider.com, while the sliding works the images totally leak out of the div container.How can I change this … | |
Hi.. I want to reset the multiple file input field. Actually my file input field is an array. I used the following code and it works if the input field is not an array. <script> $(function() { $('input[type=file]').change(function () { var regex = new RegExp("(.*?)\.(jpg|jpeg|png|pdf)$"); var f = this.files[0]; $.each(this.files, … | |
Hi, This will do the job, but it's ugly, so how to do this more elegant? $('ul').prepend('<li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li>'); $('ul').append('<li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li>'); Thanks in advance! | |
I feel like this is a very dumb question but please excuse me if there is an obvious answer. I have just recently seriously dug into JQuery (loving it by the way). Anyways in the code below you can see I have the color to animate to white and green … | |
Hi.. I’m trying to create circular menu bar,but my menu bar is nearly similar to tympanus circular menu bar(visit [Click Here](http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/CircularNavigation/index2.html)) but in tympanus if we want menubar we must click open/menu button I want menu bar(fixed) to be display without any any clicking and instead of button i need … | |
Hi, i'm trying to implement a flot.js graph using a custom php array as data. Here is what i've done : <?php foreach ( $dynamic_prices as $limit => $price ): $coordonnees[] = array($limit,$price); endforeach; ?> <?php echo json_encode(($coordonnees), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); ?> This code outputs : [[5,9],[6,8]] is it the right format … | |
**Question:** I am new to JQuery. I wanna passing my values to another page using Jquery by clicking on 2nd button instead on submit button. I tried echo what values it carried to another page (a.php) and I got, "[object HTMLInputElement]". There's no values on a.php page. I got "array(0) … | |
I'm still getting the same error. Sometimes my "normal" jquery will work, sometimes it will not. Note: im targeting .sub-menu with a .after and inserting an icon. you click the icon and it displays the hidden menu.. why does it work sometimes but not others??!!! This is totally driving me … | |
Hello, My website www.m.keybench.com is supposed to have a sticky header.. It works sometimes but others it will not actually add the class "sticky," to the header.. I think it might be because I have a secondary jQuery library hooked up to the site. Any help is appreciated! | |
Hi everyone, I am having some problems implementing a js slide caption on my webpage and I would appreciate if someone could help. Here is the Js caption http://ryun.github.io/HCaptions/ and here is the code I am working with : <html> <head> <style> .cap-overlay{ font-family: monospace; font-size: 26px; color: #666; } … | |
I have several pages that has the following mark-up in it, but the value of the datetime attribute is on each page different. <a class="index" href="#"> <time datetime="2015-W01"> <strong>week</strong> <strong>01</strong> <strong>2015</strong> </time> </a> On each page I include with PHP at the bottom a page with the following mark-up: <ul … | |
Hi, I would like to put steam effect on my home page. How to make animated steam effect using jquery? Please help me. My Website : http://hotels-b2b.com/biryani/ | |
Hi I am having two textbox, textbox1 is having autosuggest feature. i want to display related value based on textbox1 value. can any one pls help me. i collected the code from internet **Output Example** Report Name : PHP Report Version: It has to display the Verison from the database. … | |
Hi, im trying to increment the numbers to create unique id so i did: twin_chairid1 = 1; twin_chairid2 = 2; var twinseatsid = "twinseat" + twinseats; //create div for twin seats $("<div class='twin_seat' style='width:120px;display:table-row;'></div>").attr('id', twinseatsid).appendTo(cinema).draggable({ containment: cinema, snap: true }); //create unique id var twin_chair1_id = "B" + twin_chairid1; var … |
The End.