2,533 Topics

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Member Avatar for andrew89

I have created a script that will send form data via XMLHTTP using POST and then update a div with the results. This is working fine as the correct results are displaying in the table, however I am having a few issues with launching some JQuery effects. The problem I …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for bipiney

Hi, In my aspx page I have a gridview inside a panel as below <asp:Panel runat="server" ID="pnlContainer" ScrollBars="Auto" Height="781px" Width="1250px"> <asp:GridView ID="gvCashFlowDtls" AutoGenerateColumns="False" runat="server" Font-Size="Small" DataKeyNames="UID" Width="98%" onrowdatabound="gvCashFlowDtls_RowDataBound"> <HeaderStyle CssClass="GVFixedHeader" /> <Columns> . . . . . . . . . </Columns> </asp:GridView> </asp:Panel> This is the style I used …

Member Avatar for bipiney
Member Avatar for DTOXX

I'm attempting to use the activeSlide class in the Cycle plugin, but I can't seem to get it to work properly using existing markup for the pager. This is the code that I started with, and it works just fine (thanks to pritaeas.net): [CODE]<style type="text/css"> #nav { margin: 5px; } …

Member Avatar for u74

Can anyone please explain for developing rich internet applications which one of these two technologies (Flash VS jQuery) is better to use based on criteria such as "Pros and Cons or situations" and why? Please explain in details, it is very confusing. Thank you.

Member Avatar for raju.kona
Member Avatar for Chad Gary

I have a selection box that allows me to select muliple items. I'm trying to use the click event handler to send an array of multiple selections back to the server using the $.ajax function and I'm having some issues. Please help. Below is my html, javascript code, and PHP …

Member Avatar for Chad Gary
Member Avatar for haribo83

Is it possible to show the details of each record from the recordset in a show hide way? Each record would have a title - I need the sliding div to show the relevant info when the title is clicked on. Don't know if i've made this very clear so …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for nadskap2

Hey... I've got some problems with jQuery. Code: jQuery: [code] <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".bspicdiv").animate({height:0},"fast"); $(".bspicdiv").animate({width:0},"fast"); $(".bspic").click(function(){ $("#box").animate({height:500},"fast"); $("#box").animate({width:500},"fast"); $(".bspicclose").click(function(){ $(".bspicdiv").animate({height:0},"fast"); $(".bspicdiv").animate({width:0},"fast"); }); }); }); </script> [/code] PHP/HTML: [code] echo "<a class=\"bspic\" href=\"#\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"./bsbilleder/".$file."\" height=\"80\" width=\"80\" /></a>"; echo "<div class=\"bspicdiv\"><a href=\"#\" class=\"bspicclose\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"./bsbilleder/".$file."\" height=\"450px\" width=\"450px\" /></a></div>"; …

Member Avatar for urbancalli

[CODE] $(document).ready(function(index){ $(connectSort).each(function(index, obj){ $("." + this).sortable({ connectWith: ".connectedSortable_" + this, cancel: '.state-disabled', revert: true, start: function(event, ui) {alert(ui.item.attr("title")) }, stop: function(event, ui) { } }).disableSelection(); }); }); [/code] the first function(start: function ..) displays an attribute (title) of the dragged item once the sorting starts. supposedly, the second function …

Member Avatar for urbancalli
Member Avatar for asf

I am learning to use JQuery and have created the following code after reading various tutorials. I still don't quite get how JQuery variables and arrays work. Can someone point me in the right direction as to how I can print the current filename below the image and how I …

Member Avatar for tqwhite
Member Avatar for laghaterohan

Hello, I have a gridview in my project (asp.net , C# ) . I want to apply the Jquery to this gridview thereby adding various functionalities to the gridview in a easy way. I found out that in javascript i need to add a plugin ( which i d/w thru …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for bsewell

Hi all, I'm trying my first bit of jQuery code but am familiar with Java programming. I'm trying to create a function that loads a div with an image in it, which will fade in and then after 4 seconds move onto the next image. I want it to create …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for wewehalim

Hi, I am making a form validation for my website. I need to put red asterix (*) in the compulsory field. In my form, if "Country" value is Australia, then the "State" and "postcode" field is necessary. If "country" is not Australia, then the "state" and "postcode" field are optional. …

Member Avatar for wewehalim
Member Avatar for Froger93

Hello all, I am having some real issues with internet explorer. I have created a jQuery image rotator (flick along a selection of images). Everything works on everything but internet explorer. So much so that Internet Explorer doesn't even display the first image even before the transition. Instead I just …

Member Avatar for kflorida78
Member Avatar for bsewell

Hi all, I wondered if this was possible. i have a div, which I would like some images to rotate as the background-image so it is a slideshow. In additional, I want a fade in/out effect between the image transition. Basicly, what I'm asking is, how do I do it? …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for urtrivedi

I have some doubt regarding jquery and ajax. What is the difference between jquery and ajax? Do jquery accesses server resource or its just do the things at client side? while solving a problem what to choose out of these two?

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for cjay175

Hey everyone, I just got a solution from here, but I think I spoke to soon, as I ran into another problem right away. I have been playing around with it for a couple days now, and just hoping that someone could explain or see why it isn't working. I …

Member Avatar for cjay175
Member Avatar for peter_budo

In my current project we need to provide drag&drop functionality of items from left to right and vice-versa and on click of the button send array of item IDs to server. Main problem was that we couldn't get array across to server and online examples that we found did not …

Member Avatar for manolisvl46

i would like to ask if there is a way to change on a drag and drop jquery i use the image src from the li div that i drag it on the ul div that i drop it... with a jquery i found something like this [CODE]$('#dropContainer').droppable({ drop: function(e,ui) …

Member Avatar for Ender330

Thanks for your help in advance. I have my draggable using JQuery and it woks great. The problem now that I am having is that when I put in a Java Script Applet/Widget I have to put this in the code: <script type="text/javascript">some widget code information</script> So my code looks …

Member Avatar for amby

Hi, I want to send three text box values to server using jquery ajax. problem is that, i dont know the exact syntax to send three data. When i try sending one data(also change no.of parameters to one at server side method), its going good but when i try to …

Member Avatar for amby
Member Avatar for theflashjg

[B]The page:[/B] [URL="http://www.edutecher.net/links.php"]http://www.edutecher.net/links.php[/URL] [B]The problem:[/B] Using the selection on the left side loads the results on the right using a JQuery AJAX post shown here: [CODE] function updateLinks(){ $("#linkBody").fadeOut(500); $.post( 'ajax/linksfilter.php', $("#updateForm").serialize(), function(data){ $('#linkBody').html(data); } ); $("#linkBody").fadeIn(500); return false; } [/CODE] After the request displays the results there will be …

Member Avatar for peter_budo

I have little bizarre problem. Working in Java web development we have project that we use plenty of templates from Velocity. Where one template can refresh section of it self and display one or more templates. My problems is that in parent template I have to pop up window with …

Member Avatar for Donall
Member Avatar for EvilOrange

i have this code: [CODE] var current; startOff = $('#all').offset(), offString = "{top :"+ startOff.top +", left :"+ startOff.left + "}"; current.css(offString); [/CODE] When "offString" is alerted its fine - eg {top: 123, left: 342} BUT it doesn't seem to like it, but when the alerted output is added into …

Member Avatar for EvilOrange
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

hi, i have a website where i provicde a link. On clicking the link a controller action method is called to generate a zip file after creation of zip file is done, i show the link to download the zip file by replacing the link to create a zip with …

Member Avatar for nccsbim071
Member Avatar for amby

Hi, I have a javascript object which is converted from json to java script object. i want to display its values like after each key value pair, i want to insert new line. but i dont know exactly how to do that. below is my code, please take a look …

Member Avatar for amby
Member Avatar for apollokid

Hi all, i have this function, it slides down a div #dd_about and stays down until i click on the body, is there a way to keep the div down until i move from the div and not click? Im new to jscript and jquery thanks. Any help is appreciated …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for sniigg

Hi, I have a html document when i run in Internet explorer i am getting the desired output(j query working fine). But i copy pasted the same code in aspx page...the same code is not working properly...

Member Avatar for sniigg
Member Avatar for lich

i want to redirect the page after submitting to the exact page with the tabs. but when i submit it just loads the same page. but what i want is it should load under the home tabs. my other pages are loading in the div tags which are loaded using …

Member Avatar for tharu123
Member Avatar for amby

Hi, In my code behind file, I called Soap web reference and retreive data and diplay in grid view and it worked. But when I convert retreived data to Json text and send back to java script and on client side, convert json text to java script object and when …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Romik84

Hi there, I just try to figure out a function which will dismiss a text and saves it in cookies for next page reload/visit. My current code looks as follow: [CODE]<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="jquery.cookie.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $.cookie("viewState"); var theState = $.cookie("viewState"); $("#R1").click( function () { $("#secret").hide("slow"); $.cookie("viewState", …


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