15,688 Topics

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Member Avatar for ivanichi

how to handle nested object with map for display on flatlist or text or other component at react native. i tried to display using text and flatlist but didnt work, i want to display like this ![Screenshot_13.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/2/f5686c337385104ecbb4a6d7531275fa.png) this is my code, can anyone help me const Schedule = () => …

Member Avatar for Dani

In terms of performance, which is the best jQuery CDN to use? The one at cdnjs.cloudflare.com, googleapis.com, jsDelivr, code.jquery.com, etc?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Tom_46
Member Avatar for cuion

Hello there! Im an NodeJs instructor. Iam an experienced Crash course instructor. Marina is my student. She has to access my API. I have only the CPANEL hosting. How do i host NodeJS in Cpanel. Kindly help. Waiting for your feedback. Please help. Urgent Best Regards Lakshmi Swaminathan

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for tawanprp

Hi i'm a beginner in Java. I have school assigment where they want to save employee array to the file and can load it back with replacing the current array in GUI when it hit button save or load. Also, if i want to save or load the array with …

Member Avatar for freesoft_2000
Member Avatar for surveypacific

What is a “MIME type”, what does it consist of, and what is it used for? can anyone pls provide with example?

Member Avatar for JeanMilburn
Member Avatar for Tafadzwa_2

JQ is taking a car trip with his family. On the trip, he will stop for fuel, food or lodging. When stopping for gas, JQ will record the amount of fuel he is willing to pay for. When the family stops for lodging, they will also have a meal. JQ …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Greg_11

I have a project where I need users to be able to save their work, then at a later date select the session/data from their previous work and continue. I have completed all of the coding (and it works) to save the current session under their userid, and populates a …

Member Avatar for JeanMilburn
Member Avatar for discuss
Member Avatar for BluMess

Hi, I'm having trouble using the $(this) identifier in JQuery. I'm using the qtip plugin, and I want to send an ajax request, which can be done with the plugin. I'm trying to pass the id of the element to the script but it's not seeming to work - the …

Member Avatar for Moshe_2
Member Avatar for james702

Hello everyone! The handoff between design and development has always been torture for me. I know that there are several cool handoff tools, that can ease the process, but recently I've read an article https://ester.co/blog/figma-vs-sketch and an idea come up to my mind. Do these design tools have any relation …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for gaauiop5

I'm trying to redirect user to "userinfo.php" after successful registration, but the browser terminates the redirection because it goes into endless loops.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Luxiaoxian

def fib(num): if num<=1 return num return fib(num - 1) + (num - 2) num = int(input("enter a number higher than 0: ")) print(fib(i))

Member Avatar for John_165
Member Avatar for Emeka_2

Hi all,` The below code is giving me problems. <?php $ddaa = $pdo->query("SELECT id, stockname, stockno, producer FROM storemaster order by stockname");; while ($data = $ddaa->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo '<option value="'.$data['stockno'].'" data-producer="'.$data['producer'].'"> '.$data['stockname'].'</option>'; } ?> This is the script: <script> $('#stockname').on('change',function(){ if($(this).val() !=0){ $('#stockno').val($(this).val()); $('#producer').val($(this).attr('data-producer')); } }); </script> All I wanted …

Member Avatar for Greg_11

I am trying to hide a radio button based on wether or not a user is an admin <?php if (($_SESSION['admin']) == 0) ?> <script>document.getElementById('adminbutton').style.display = 'none' </script> <?php if (($_SESSION['admin']) == 1) ?> <script>document.getElementById('adminbutton').style.display = 'block' </script> Obviously the above doesn't work.. Any help is, as usual, greatly appreciated. …

Member Avatar for Jaayy909

Hi Guys, I have been recommended to join up with a company called [Appoly](https://www.appoly.co.uk/) to complete my mobile application, would this be a good idea? If anyone could help me out, I would appreciate that. :)

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for 652yokohoma
Member Avatar for 343divyankjain

Hello, I wanted to make a unique UI for My website, which should be look like https://www.beyoung.in/ This website. provide me a valuable suggestion.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for MiltonVines2020

Help me to solve the task. Create function which consider letter in word. Example: func(“Eduard”) return E: 1, a: 1, d: 2, r: 1, u: 1

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Darren_8

Hello Member, I am doing front end development from the last 2 months. I have got 1 project from a client. Almost the work is completed but now the client is also demanding for right click disabled for all webpages something like [this](https://www.usersadvice.com/). I have done it but the source …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for mekineer

I would like to start building a search database, by providing a portal for users to search a search engine, like Google. Is it possible for a visitor to the portal site, to present to Google their own IP address, instead of the portal site's IP address? Is it also …

Member Avatar for Web_14
Member Avatar for Xozz

Hello. Is there anybody here who's eager to help me building a webgame? It's mostly written in PHP and there are some Javascript and CSS files included. I put it on Github. I haven't been using a framework (yet). If you first want to know more, just ask (of course). …

Member Avatar for Xozz
Member Avatar for sonalid1701

Heya, have been in the lookout for some good Javascript resources. So far have been [practicing](https://www.interviewbit.com/javascript-interview-questions/) from Interviewbit, Edureka and those freely available sources on the net. It would be great if ya'll could share few important topics that are most likely to be asked in the interviews as well …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for bprosic

Hi, how can I use regex or string replace to add missing "p" tags to sentences without tags. I tried matching* and splitting first the whole string matching "h" and "pre" tags but dont know how to merge it. `*let regexRule = /<pre>(.|\n|\r\n)[\s\S]*?<\/pre>/g;` Example - input let someVariable = "Basket …

Member Avatar for Diafol_2
Member Avatar for SabithaSri
Member Avatar for Naj_1

Hi everyone, I am currently building a wordpress site related to the photo which will be used to carry out many social projects. It's been months that I block on one subject, I am looking desperately for a person who would have the kindness and the skills to bring me …

Member Avatar for Lonx

Good day y'all, Im an intermediate Python dev and I've just finished building my first major Python project with UI. I tinkered a lot with tKinter (pun almost unintended) and even tried PyQT5. Both of these are time consuming to work with and tKinter's GUI looks like it shouldve been …

Member Avatar for Nosipho_1

um i am so bored at school i hate my teachers , school, and all the subjects i want to make fast money so i think i have a solution for my problem since i am a trap music girl i am in love with cardi b i would love …

Member Avatar for John_165
Member Avatar for Eugene_15

I need to refresh my div tag (galleryadv) after ajax post submits to prepare for the next submit. But after submit successfully and refresh, my customized selection tag always changes to the default selection tag. would need some help to resolve my customized selection tag background color, it changes back …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for zetaholmes

I'm experimenting with nodejs/coffeescript and also the jade engine. I see from examples that setup seems pretty usual. app = express.createServer().listen process.env.PORT app.configure -> app.set 'views', __dirname + '/views' app.set 'view engine', 'jade' app.set 'view options', layout: true app.use express.bodyParser() app.use express.static(__dirname + '/public') app.use app.router app.get '/ekmHoliCal/index', (req, res) …


The End.