15,127 Topics
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Hi, I am writing a web site in vb.net. I need to show javascript confirm box before data is inserted. so if cancel is pressed program flow stops, otherwise data is inserted. quick help will be much appreciated !! :) | |
hey, i started learning javascript programing n i wrote this simple code to test, it isn't working, here's the code :- [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> { function mltest() { var fnmae=document.myForm.fName.value; var mName=document.myForm.mName.value; var lName=document.myForm.lName.value; var rtxt; rtxt="Your full name is : "; rtxt+=fName; rtxt+=mName; rtxt+=lName; var finalName=""; document.myForm.finalName.value=rtxt; } } </script> … | |
app: [url]http://apps.facebook.com/brainchecker[/url] this was just for learning experience I am having trouble with how to get the permissions dialog open directly instead of that initial go to facebook.com page which directs me to the dialog | |
Hello, I want to ask how to retrieve the value of javascript variable in PHP, like this: [code]<script type="text/javascript"> var data = "12345"; </script> <?php $phpVar = $data; ?>[/code] thanks | |
Dear ajax expert, [URL="http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_ajax_php.asp"]http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_ajax_php.asp[/URL] Refer to the link, using the sample, I'm able to use php ajax to populate 1 text box which I've already pre-define (not using "echo '<input type='text'..") -- the info came from a table e.g. Search: [jo ] Name: [John doe] sql --- select name from … | |
i am submitting a form in javascript and i want it to submit on key press submit, but it wont work. here is my code: [CODE] <script type='text/javascript'> function login(evt){ if (evt){var keyCode = evt.which ? evt.which : evt.keyCode;}else{keyCode='';} if ((evt == '')||(keyCode == 13)){ if (document.forms["login"].email.value=='') { alert('You must … | |
Hi, I am working with PHP. I have a field in my form, which is basically a text box. But as the user start to type it will show a list of matching items, fetched from mysql table. I can have a drop down, but in a drop down , … | |
I have a code that I call from `Button_click` event. The code adds a new row to the table and attempts to add onclick element to every td element in the new row. Somehow, onclick does not work. Any help is appreciated. Here is the code: function insRow() { var … | |
I'm stuck on this project and not sure what's going wrong. I need to return the temp conversion of a users input on click. Any help would be appreciated. [code] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title>Temperature Converter</title> <script type = "text/javascript"> <!-- … | |
I am currently using a anylinkmenu in my website but for some reason it is not showing in IE9. The menu works and you can click on the links but the images aren't displaying. Does anybody know if there is an image display compatibility issue in IE9 please. Best Regards, … | |
hello, iam very new in jQuery. Need help asap please. on my asp.net page I want to use two jQuery functions. 1. Clears textBox when user clicks on it. 2. Clears all inputs when user clicks on btnCancel button. I made two functions [CODE] //clears value from onclicked input $(document).ready(function … | |
i am using the following code to submit a form: [CODE] <script> function marktaskcomplete(){ document.forms["markcomplete"].submit(); } </script> <? if ($_POST['markcompletevalue']=='yes'){ include "dbconnect.php"; $taskid=$_POST['taskid']; $query="UPDATE tasks SET status='0' WHERE uid='$id' AND id='$taskid'"; $result=mysql_query($query); if ($result){ echo "<script>location.href='?goto=taskmanager'</script>"; }else{ echo"fail"; } mysql_close; } ?> [/CODE] and when i try to submit more … | |
Hi there, I have added a validation script to this page [url]http://antobbo.webspace.virginmedia.com/webediting/documents.htm[/url] but it is not working the way I want it to, I am sure I made some silly mistake. Basically I want to make sure that people actually input something in the form below before submitting it. If … | |
I'm using elRTE editor. but i don't want to use default elRTE menu. i built a graphical and favorite menu with anchor tags and css in my HTML page. my menu is on the top of my page and my editable area is in the middle of the page (i … | |
Hi, I'm creating the layout for a dynamic webshop, all pictures are getting dynamic IDs to have their elements changed. I'm currently having errors with the code below and have no idea why. the argument id is not null, however document.getElementById(id) is. I don't understand how that can happen :S … | |
Hi, I am working on a php form where, I have 5 [B]rate[/B] , 5 [B]quantity[/B] & 5 [B]amount[/B] fields. The user will make entry on amount & quantity fields, and onchange the amount fields will be calculated, I also have a TOTAL field which will also be calculated from … | |
Hi all. I have script that use two arrays. It pushes original array values to the newly created array. it dont pushes into new array duplicate values. for Ex; the orginal array is [B]var arr=['one','two','three','three'][/B]new array will be var newArr=['one','two','three'] the second three will not copied. but one disadvantage is … | |
hi, i need help from you ^^ i don't now how to add java script into this programmed. the result should be come out with "you are interested in: (either one or all check box they click)". i hope you guys can help me on this. Thank you ^^ [CODE]<html> … | |
Hi all, Sorry if I post same thread. I cannot find any similar post to handle my problem. I manage to show/hide tables(which I put on DIV tag) by using 2 radio button which is Kes and Lot. But I'm having problem by starting click on either Kes and Lot.The … | |
Hi all :) I want to make the toggle button so that it will [B]display the specific hidden container[/B].. for the example let say that i got all of these list of containers : [CODE] <div class="post_header"> <div class="post_toggle">Show Post</div> </div> <div class="post_container"> <div>post content 1 goes here..</div> </div> <div … | |
Hi all :) I basically want to use the .append() data to append the data that I got to the selected div. this is variable that i've declared [CODE] var li_template = '<div style="display:none" class="load_reply"><div class="reply_img"><img src="status/blankSilhouette.png" /></div><div class="reply_text"><a href="#" class="blue">Test Name</a><p class="tex">%s</p><div class="date">%r · <a href="#" class="light_blue">Like</a> · <a … | |
Hello, I have these div tags, they're very similar but I just need to change the IDs. Is there anyway to condense this code? [CODE] $(document).ready(function(){ //Full Name var changeName = $('#changeName'); var cancelName = $('#cancelName'); var fullnameDisplay = $('#fullnameDisplay'); var fullnameChange = $('#fullnameChange'); var helperName = $('#helperName') changeName.click(function(){ $(this).hide(); … | |
On a recent project, I decided to make use of Ajax to make a dynamic Shopping cart. When a user adds to their basket, the basket decends from the top of the screen and displays their contents. Each item [B]should[/B] show a small thumbnail image on each line which it … | |
How I can write down a code which uses two Two AJAX-es in combo-boxes? For [B]Country[/B], when user clicks Country combo-box, [B]State Combo-box[/B] will fetch with respective Country, and if when user clicks [B]State combo-box[/B], [B]cities Combo-box[/B] will fetch with respective State. All data will came from database. I successfully … | |
i'm having 2 select boxes, if i change the first one i would like a 2nd select box to change the content, everything is comming from a database. not xml because i want everything to be stored in a database for. is this possible with an onchange command or something? … | |
I made a simple slide show using jquery and "setInterval() " function. Everything working fine but I just need to start this serInterval function only after the div or page loads completely. I will post my code here ... [ICODE] 1. $(document).ready(function () { 2. var s=setInterval('slide()',3000); 3. }); 4. … | |
Say I have 2 input fields, both containing dates with the format (dd mmm yyyy), for example, 07 Mar 2010 (Yes, there is a space between date, month and year). Well basically I need the second input box to calculate 60 days (not 2 months) after the first text box. … | |
I need to learn ajax can i have some material to learn...plz send me or give me useful link to download some materail | |
Hi all. Can anybody point me in the right direction as to how to implement the editor that opens up when I click Start new thread or post reply? Also when displaying the replies how is the feature with syntax highlighting and indentation for the code snippets implemented ? Thanks. | |
I'm just trying to output a value, but whenever it gets to "var max = tb1.value;" it stops working. I can't find out what's wrong with my code. [CODE]<html> <head> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var tb1 = document.getElementById('textbox1'); function output() { var max = tb1.value; document.write( max ); } </script> <title>asd</title> … |
The End.