15,113 Topics

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Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi I have a small app, my first real ajax project, which gives you details for product availability, for each day. The user selects a day (from a calendar) and then a time slot within the day. The app then displays how many slots are available for purchase, on that …

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Member Avatar for Mortez Maya

Hi, in my project I'm using following javascript code to print my page [CODE]<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function CallPrint(strid) { var prtContent = document.getElementById(strid); var WinPrint = window.open('','','letf=0,top=0,width=1,height=1,toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0'); WinPrint.document.write(prtContent.innerHTML); WinPrint.document.close(); WinPrint.focus(); WinPrint.print(); WinPrint.close(); prtContent.innerHTML=strOldOne; } </script> [/CODE] Now question is that how can I know printing document is finished ?

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for polo_coins

I have a menu and I want when I mouseover them it change their color and style .Are the any suggestion?

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for drugoholic

Hello, I have this reservation form found on the main page of: [url]http://www.avis.com.lb/[/url] As you can see the current month "August" is selected as the default month and so is the year and day (the day is programmed to jump 2 days ahead for the renting of the car...) However …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for db11

if i have a java interface on a website and that interface contains a box where a user enters a string and then submits it. If I wanted to rapidly submit strings from a list I had (in a text file say), how would I go about doing this? I …

Member Avatar for db11
Member Avatar for avaitla

I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this issue. I am creating a basic function that will handle movement of an item that is absolutely positioned on a webpage (function moveElement). I begin with the onload event item which calls function prepare which calls function moveElement with …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for Ranjeet_08

Hi all, I have a problem in javascript , ajax and jsp. Please see this url [url]http://xil.co.in/print_screen_2.JPG[/url]. I am working on this form. There are sum buttons (like submit , add ,edit at bottom of this page , but not visible in printscreen). On click of a radio button on …

Member Avatar for mortalex

Hey, I'm trying to create a dynamic drop down box where the first drop down box populates the second drop down, but it isn't working. I have two tables; pricelist with fields, -id -groupname -item -price groups with fields, -id -groupname I've got the code and to me it looks …

Member Avatar for leadinnasirawan
Member Avatar for moiseszaragoza

Hey I am trying to know what is the value of of a check box (true, or false) but i cant seem to get it write [CODE] function getPrice(boxName){ alert(form1.Soft_Top_Cloth.checked) // Hard code box name it works alert(form1.boxName.checked) // passed threw variable not working } [/CODE] [CODE] <input type="checkbox" name="<%= …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for anish.anick

Hi All, I need to cache some javascript variable values across the page. Consider page 1 has a javascript variable which holds some value and If the user take page 2 and clicks the browser back button the javascript variable value on page 1 will be lost. How can i …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for garyfrost

Hi I want to include two sets of javascript on one page and in doing so one of the functions stops working. Here is the scripts I am trying to use: 1. [code]<script type="text/javascript" src="slider-js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="slider-js/easySlider1.7.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#slider").easySlider({ auto: true, continuous: true }); }); </script>[/code] 2. …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for genesistr

Hi, I have timer class and some classes use timer. but when i come back from timer with callback function, i can see this. properties. [CODE] function Timer(dName, dCallback){ this.timer = null; this.name = dName; this.isRunning = false; this.interval = 50; this.callback = dCallback; } Timer.prototype.Start = function() { this.timer …

Member Avatar for UncleJoe

I have an array of div elements that apparently is too long, but I need all the divs for my dragNdrop application. Could someone suggest a work around? The dragNdrop initialization is... [code=javascript] var elements=['div1','div2','div3',.....,'div400']; //Doesn't work properly var elements=['div1','div2','div3',.....,'div200']; //Works properly window.onload = function() { elements.each( function(item) { new …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for wblakenc

Hello all, I have run into an issue with an JavaScript expand menu (you click a menu option a sub-menu shows, moving the other main navigation menu options down). Well I have designed a nice custom script to do just this. The problem is, how do I keep that sub-menu …

Member Avatar for wblakenc
Member Avatar for dthatsme33

I am creating an classifieds section for the newspaper that I work for. I am able to get the ads to display and search them. I want to add a few features: Save ad Print ad E-mail ad Does anyone know how to do the Save Ad feature? Basically you …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for manizzi

hi guys? Im new to this so please bear with me. I have not seen a practical example of what I am trying to do so i'd appreciate any help I get. The code below contains a form with a number of fields. I am trying to query the database …

Member Avatar for manizzi
Member Avatar for JohnNemec.com

Is there a way to count the number of items in a option list? I have an alphabetical list and when you select a letter a select option list will populate with links. I would like to display to the user how many links are in the box. The code …

Member Avatar for JohnNemec.com
Member Avatar for Qasim Ali

hi I have a freetextbox, a hiddenfield and a button on my web page. By pressing the button it insert the text from hiddenfield into freetextbox at current cursor position. I am doing this task using java script. when I run the webpage it give me Object required error. The …

Member Avatar for jaylenong
Member Avatar for THEMARKER

hello there, I 'm new to this, but I'll appreciate it if someone could help me with my script I'm writing a javascript that add's site to favortites. It works fine in IE but not in anything else. This is for a clients site who uses Mac and linux. I …

Member Avatar for drugoholic

Hey there, I'm facing a problem with a calculator on my site, you can see it here: [url]http://axa.seomena.com/fr/calculez-vos-primes/calculez-vos-primes-assurances-medicales[/url] The problem is, when you choose the "number of family" whether you're a family of 1 or a family of 6 and more, (in the next step) if you choose anything but …

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Member Avatar for arunajasmine

HI, i am new to JQUery and Ajax.I am trying to use the value returned from the Ajax call to the another Ajax call.. like [CODE] $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "http://localhost/FormBuilder/index.php/forms/saveForm/", async: false, data: "formname="+formname+"&status="+status, success: function(msg){ //alert( "Data Saved: " + msg); getformid=msg; }//success });//ajax $("#fb_contentarea_col1down21 div").each(function() { //alert("Form …

Member Avatar for Phollos

[B]What it is now:[/B] I'm working on a personal blog because I'll be visiting Sweden for 4 months. I've found / hacked a script that allows the user to mouseover swedish words and have a static translation box show the translation. Working site at [URL="http://sverigejourney.tumblr.com"]http://sverigejourney.tumblr.com[/URL] The current code I use …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for quibbie

I am looking for an autofill script to use with with a point of sale system. We would like to hook a credit card reader to our computers and when we swipe the credit card it will autofill the customers information the fields so it does not have to be …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for surekhavk

have a javascript in which i am trying to assign the value to a hidden field and getting the below msg 'document.Form1.H_ROWID' is null or not an object i am getting the value in the alert box but not able to assign it o teh control [code]alert("row " +M_ROWID) document.Form1.H_ROWID.value …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for gaya123
Member Avatar for Xessa

Hey; i have a table and rows. For example two texts In one row my text is "Helegelemere" In another row my text is "More" But in my JSP page they don't seem identical. For example It looks like Helegemere More And because of after every word i have a …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for sivakumarl

Hi Friends... I developed web application which contains script validations in most of the html pages in these validations i used document.forms[0] its working fine in IE , but my problem now i need to execute this application in FireFox browser,but FireFox is not supporting document.forms[0], so please tell me …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for solahere

Hello Everyone, I had a small problem in my page. There are some select menus that the user can select and there is a download button which on click should allow the user to download a file based on the selected options...I used the following code under the onclick event …

Member Avatar for solahere
Member Avatar for arunajasmine

in my application i am using Ajax post like [CODE] $('#fb_contentarea_col3 #fb_contentarea_col1down2 #saveForm').live("click", function(){ if(!$("#formName").val()==""){ if(saveDraft=='on') status="Incompleted"; else status="Completed"; var formname=$("#formName").val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "http://localhost/FormBuilder/index.php/forms/saveForm/", async: false, data: "formname="+formname+"&status="+status, success: function(msg){ getformid=msg;//returned FOrm id is saved in the JQuery variable }//success });//ajax $("#fb_contentarea_col1down21 div").each(function() { alert("Form id "+getformid);//alerts me …

Member Avatar for arunajasmine
Member Avatar for Cheeki

Hello guys, I don't know if there is already a solution for this but I'm having a lot of problems with re-loading the Ajax div tags. At the moment I have two div tags in my main index.php file, called "flowchartDiv" and "buttondataDiv". Now what I'm trying to do is …

Member Avatar for essential

The End.