15,113 Topics

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Member Avatar for jeezcak3++

I am trying to download the full videos behind this flash player. Please investigate. Thanks! HTTP link: [url]http://www.3dbuzz.com/vbforum/simplevideo.php?v=2064[/url] [CODE=javascript]<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> window.focus(); </script> </head> <body> <div style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:100%;height:100%;" id="container"> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="/vbforum/swfobject.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById("container").innerHTML = '<a href="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="/images/sx/youneedflash480.jpg" width="640" height="516" border="0"></a>'; /*var s1 = new SWFObject("http://www.3dbuzz.com/vbforum/mediaplayer4.swf","mediaplayer","100%","100%",""); s1.addParam("allowfullscreen","true"); s1.addVariable("file","2064&q=0.mp4"); …

Member Avatar for solomon_13000

I have been trying to get this form to work but it just dont seem to work. The buttons does nothing but keeps pointing to the same form. This is for the mozilla browser. Did I miss something? [code=html]<html> <head> <title>Admin</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link href="../_assets/skin/cms.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for rapture

Hello all, I've submitted something similar in the asp.net forum so if you frequent both you'll see it in both places. I'm curious if javascript or ajax can help us accomplish some of our tasks, here is the post in the other thread: Hello all, I'm a bit newer and …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for polo_coins

Hi,I have maybe stupid question but are anyway to build "forum" on javaScript or Html without using SQL or ASP maybe there is way client send his information directly to the page? Thanks,Sergey

Member Avatar for DangerDev
Member Avatar for polo_coins

I want reset user choice of radiobutton here is my code [CODE=javascript] form action="mailto:meerovichsergey@gmail.com" method="post" enctype="text/plain"> <fieldset> <legend>Your opinion</legend> <input type="radio" name="choice" id="op1" value="All was perfect ,answer to all question." >&nbsp All was perfect ,answer to all question.<br/> <input type="radio" name="choice" id="op2" value="Arcticle is good,but there are a things to …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for polo_coins

I wrote this code bellow but it doesn't work how I get to [B]bgcolor[/B] of [B]tr[/B] tag? [CODE][COLOR="Red"] <table id="menutable" name="table1"> <tr onmouseover="ChangeCol()" id="tr_1"><li><a href="main.html" name="main" target="main">Main Page</a><br/></tr> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function ChangeCol() { var col="#998800"; document.menu.tr_1.bgcolor=col; } //--> </script> [/CODE][/COLOR] thanks.Sergey

Member Avatar for polo_coins
Member Avatar for aosmith

I'm having an issues with this script from my own debugging it appears that the readyState is doing the following 1 ... 4 ... 1 ... 4 the second time it appears not to have any response so I end up seeing my content shortly (if all my debugging alerts …

Member Avatar for aosmith
Member Avatar for Bhilal

I am new to AJAX. that's why I ask it to you. i search it in daniweb and google but i decided ask it. anyway, my question is : how can i dropdown list from database like google. I want to use it in searching the word in a dictionary …

Member Avatar for eamonn_henry

I really am stumped by this problem and would appreciate some help.. I am tryiing to build a site on a computer running Wiindows XP and using, mainly, FrontPage 2003 although I have also used Notepad to try and solve a problem that has arisen. The problem is that IE6 …

Member Avatar for fredricksmith
Member Avatar for psyb0rg

I have a main.php page with multiple divs. I load whole pages in these divs using AJAX. Some of these pages have forms with submit buttons. The structure of the pages is like so: For acc_settings.php [CODE]<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="acc_settings.php" > . . <button type='submit' name='update' >UPDATE</button> </form>[/CODE] So the …

Member Avatar for psyb0rg
Member Avatar for Bhilal

how can I align the link i mean i can i manage the 4 link two of them at the left corner two of them at the right corner? [code=html]<style type="text/css"> .sag {text-align: right} .sol {text-align: left} </style> <a class="sol" ... <a class="sag"...[/code] but it doesn't work

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for Chad Gary

This is an AJAX/Prototype problem, which is independent of the server-side scripting language I'm currently using. I have the following multi-demensional nested array, which I have successfuly turned into a JOSN Object as such: [CODE][{"PlayerName":"Ron Artest","Positn":"Forward","Height":"6-7 l","Weight":"260","College":"St. Johns"}, {"PlayerName":"Kobe Bryant","Positn":"Guard","Height":"6-6 l","Weight":"205","College":"Lower Marion High Sc"}, {"PlayerName":"Andrew Bynum","Positn":"Center","Height":"7-0 l","Weight":"285","College":"St. Josephs"}, {"PlayerName":"Pau Gasol","Positn":"Forward","Height":"7-0 …

Member Avatar for danielpataki

Hi Everyone! I don't think this is a hard question for all of you well versed in javascript and jQuery, but I seem to be having some problems. I am building a forum and I am experienced in PHP, MySQL and even in jQuery now somewhat, but I have run …

Member Avatar for hengzhe
Member Avatar for Chad Gary

I'm having difficulty trying to return a multi-demensional array using Javascript Prototype's Hash Object. I have been able to return the values of the following associative php array using JSON and Javascript Prototype's Hash Object: php array [CODE]$player = array( 'PlayerName' => 'Ron Artest', 'Position' => 'Forward', 'Height' => '6-7', …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for sam023

is it possible to fetch data from mysql and storing it in javascript array..!!! . . waiting for valid reply.. :)

Member Avatar for abhims32
Member Avatar for Tekkno

I would really appreciate some help with this. I have searched and searched the internet but cannot find information on exactly what I am trying to do. I have a javascript toggle function: [code] function toggle_change() { var ele = document.getElementById("change_log"); var text = document.getElementById("Toggle_change"); if(ele.style.display == "none") { ele.style.display …

Member Avatar for Tekkno
Member Avatar for matthewl

For the last three days I have been working on developing a view panel that will display the users site stats and there sites info on one of my site. I plan to use a absolute div with a title bar that is the handle for the drag and drop …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for cguan_77

hi, just need help on how to get started on how to make a scrolling text on an iframe..like a scrolling news on a page.. any ideas is greatly appreciated :)

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for zegames

Hi people, How to I can detect if a div was changed after the page loaded? E.g. by innerHTML function. ps: onChange not is valid for tag div. Reference here on [URL="http://w3schools.com/htmldom/event_onchange.asp"]w3c[/URL]. Thanks!

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for CNSKnight

While I am a veteran OOP programmer, I am stumped on aspects of the scope of javascript objects. What follows is a self-contained custom javascript class who's function is to manage a suite of containers as accordion sliders. I got it to work but must-be I'm not sure why it …

Member Avatar for CNSKnight
Member Avatar for mephex
Member Avatar for mephex
Member Avatar for sandipan.rcciit

hello i want to prevent copy image from website. for that i found a trick. [CODE] <SPAN STYLE="background-image: url(hemcircuit.gif)"><IMG SRC="transparent.gif" WIDTH="195" HEIGHT="190" BORDER="0"></SPAN> [/CODE] where[COLOR="Red"] hemcircuit.gif[/COLOR] is main image and [COLOR="Red"]transparent.gif[/COLOR] is tranparent image file . [COLOR="Red"] WIDTH="195" HEIGHT="190"[/COLOR] is the width and hight of original pic. it is working …

Member Avatar for JugglerDrummer
Member Avatar for nizar-t

How can I block a content from being copied and right clicked.............. please I want it fast

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for Xessa

Hello people. I have a pop up window and i have 2 pages that open the same pop up window. I want to make a button hidden when one specific page opens my pop up. If the other page opens my window; i want the button to be there and …

Member Avatar for Krishna_vs
Member Avatar for HarryGabriel91

Hello guys! I want to create a dropdown menu to my site and I did it with JS instead of CSS because some functionality was needed that is'nt available in CSS, so I wrote it completely in JS (the styling is in CSS of course). Now, after I've ironed out …

Member Avatar for HarryGabriel91
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hey guys, I have come unstuck... cost... I started using Ajax yesterday and have been pleasantly surprised by how easy to use it is... What Ive done is build a crude instant messenger, which people need to log into... however, because of how I intend on using it... I want …

Member Avatar for lifeworks
Member Avatar for Cheeki

Hi guys, I was hoping some one could help me with a problem im having with Ajax. Im very new at Ajax and don't really understand it completely. My current situation is as follows: 1: I have a main page which loads a flowchart.gif image. 2: Along side the flowchart …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for arunajasmine

Hi everyone, I am doing my application and running it in my browser as [URL="http://localhost/FormBuilder/index.php/controllername/action"]http://localhost/FormBuilder/index.php/controllername/action [/URL] eg.. [url]http://localhost/FormBuilder/index.php/forms/view/1/5/Invitee[/url] results the correct page. which is generated bby using the datas in my Database. But if i tried to use like [U] [url]http://myipaddress/FormBuilder/index.php/forms/view/1/5/Invitee[/url][/U] only some parts are retrieved from my database.WHy so …

Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm looking to create a drop-down menu with rather long option titles. The problem is that I want to restrict the boxes size otherwise the size changes to the length of the longest entry. When I use the length attribute, it forces the drop-down to be a certain length, …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for praveenrajmat

Hi... I am using one filedset within div and wrote javascript for dragging the fieldset. I am able to drag, but it is coming out of the div( scrollbar ). Scrollbar should scroll when fieldset is dragged out of the scrollbar since it is defined within the div. How can …


The End.