15,121 Topics
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[code] function ConvertToUpperCase() { var result; var numaric = "sonia"; var Character = numaric.charAt(0); result=Character.toUpperCase(); //In Result char is coming in UpperCase /[B]/I want how to replace the charater at postion 0 in numaric with result[/B] } [/code] | |
hi all! i have a question. i want to add an img to a specific cell in a table(which is inside a form) with inside a javascript function. (i greened which function i use, which cell i want, and which img i want) this is the code i write so … | |
Hi everybody, I am using a CrystalReportViewer control in my web application project. I put this control in an UpdatePanel but I found that print button doesn't work anymore. How can fix this problem ? | |
How do I create a field in ajax? I am totally new, i using this ajax form and i need to create a new field!: [ICODE]'||var|get|||||if|id||||||||||||||||||||value|span|style|function|className|return|div|false|important|label|RequiredField|RequiredFieldVisible|li|document|innerHTML|px|ContactFormJs|class|title|type|text|http|message_label|else|focus|name|for|display|contactform|width|input|this|contact_form_website_label||where_did_you_hear_about_us_label||your_country_label|none|ContactForm||JS|setAttribute|_required|nbsp|contactformroot|window|flv|navigator|option|SecurityCodeLoader|visibility| inpt_email|contactformskin|auto|create|contact_form_name_label|onkeyup|contact_form_email_label|select|textarea|height|createGUIDKey|appendChild|indexOf|setTimeout|val_email|Scripts|userAgent|css|ul|inputs_width|email|selected|on|SecurityCodeCheck_required|new|SubmitReservation|visible|getElementsByTagName|inpt_website|true|addEventListener|renderContactFormJs|ActiveXObject|attachEvent|loadStylesheet|firstname|SecurityCodeCheck|unselectable|SecurityCodeOverlay|href| new_security_code_label|top|hidden|where_did_you_hear_about_us_input_enabled|countries_input_enabled|InputJs|val_website|submitReservationForm|contactformjs|msie|MSIE|test|with|strong|Internet|Explorer|name_li|contact_form_name_label_required|email_li|contact_form_email_label_required|website_li|contact_form_website_label_required|where_did_you_hear_about_us_li|dropdowns_width|onchange|where_did_you_hear_about_us_label_required|your_country_li| your_country_label_required|comments_li|overflow|ismaxlength|message_label_required|AntispamPanel|position|size|onclick|generateNewSecurityCode|button|validateReservationForm|ReservationSent|color|white|font|trial|version|of|acidmartin|wemakesites|net|pageId|reservationid|reservationbody|LoadingItemFix|where_did_you_hear_about_us_array|length|countries_list|antispam_enabled|dropdownheight|overflowY|inpt_name|comments_enabled|appName|head|toLowerCase| disableReplacedButton|substring|createElement|checkSecutityCode|removeClassName|replace|createRequestObject|Microsoft|by|messagemaxlength|brjsSkin|brjsFolder|srjsSkin|srjsFolder|srjsEnabled|srjsItemScrolling|srjsOptionsListHeight|inputjsrootfolder|inputjsenabled|inputjsskin|init|load|onload|contactformenabled|AJAX|Hotel|Reservation|Form|cannot|be|used|To|make|reservation|please|use|different|browser|Skins|Styles|form|autoComplete|off|ContactFormJs_|contactformwidth| RelativeFormWrapper|LoadingPanelProperties|loading|panel|properties|LoadingPanelPropertiesDitherColor|dithercolor|personal|info|where_did_you_hear_about_us_please_select|your_country_label_please_select|comments_box_height|cols|rows|security_code_instructions|relative|img|116|src|Transparent|gif|maxlength|security|code|javascript|void|buttons||area|submit_form_button_text|contact_form_submitted|background|829360|12px|line|22px|weight|normal|left|block|indent|static| margin|padding|align|center|Created|target|_blank|lorem|ipsum|dolor|sit|amet|replaceButtons|replaceSelectBoxes|your_country_label_SkinnedSelectBox|where_did_you_hear_about_us_label_SkinnedSelectBox|rounded_corners_enabled|initInputJs|Opera|border|20px|chrome|safari|renderAjaxLoadingPanel|enableReplacedButton|5000|click|10000|Math|random|0x10000|toString|attachDomEvent|getElementById|link|rel|stylesheet|split|val_name||val_comments|val_where_did_you_hear_about_us| val_countries_input|clearRequiredClass|required|field|1000|RegExp|XMLHTTP|XMLHttpRequest|Sent|created|Martin|Ivanov|open|php|msg|personname|country|website|hear|onreadystatechange|readyState|hideLoadingPanel|2000|displayLoadingPanel|send|null|disable_after_submit'.split('|'),0,{}))[/ICODE] | |
I have used floating DIVs in the following layout. They jumps sometimes in Firefox. [url]http://www.web-ideaz.com/clients/cleanmiddleeast/index.php[/url] It is perfect in IE and Chrome. Any help? Thanks! | |
Okay i am going nuts here i have a jsp page with multiple task to complete add,delete update . in order to do so i knopw i must set vlaues of a hidden input to say add,delete or update based upon what buttom was pressed so i have made the … | |
Hi professionals, I have a problem and it is the following: Say I have 2 HTML pages. In page A, I want to display part of page B.(content between a div tag pair with ID in B) Now I was able to use the XMLHttpRequest object to get the complete … | |
I see that previously others had the same problem I am having. When I click on my contacts list and "email contact" I get a javascript error message in the lower left corner. Then a page which says this site is not available. It then disappears and the screen comes … | |
I use this function to add rows dynamically in a table [code] function addRow() { var tbl = document.getElementById('applications'); var lastRow = tbl.rows.length; // if there's no header row in the table, then iteration = lastRow + 1 var iteration = lastRow; var row = tbl.insertRow(lastRow); // right cell var … | |
I'm trying to create an image gallery/menu with text info. I used CSS to create a gallery so that when you roll over one of the thumbnails, a larger image and new text displays above (basically by changing the content from 1px wide and high, so it's 'invisible', to 479px … | |
Hi, I'm new at javascript. I'm looking for help with the code below. I am trying to create a nav bar with opening and closing divs (vertical tab menu). However I'd like to have the ability for the user not to have to close the div in order to select … | |
Hi everyone.. I don't know if this post would fit here. is there anyone here has futher knowledge regarding the creation of Thunderbird Extensions/Add-Ons. By means of self-study, I have learn the components in creating such add-on. It's a packaged file which consist of Javascript, XUL, RDF, Manifest etc.. I … | |
I have little experience with php & javascript hybrid pages. A friend has a webform php page that has the html form code at the bottom. The form works well but I want to take the first input text field and have it displayed in a <div> on the page … | |
I want to do something with JavaScript on my website but don't know how to implement it, but i've found it has already been written by someone and is available to download free as they've put it on net. So is it right morally to use something that someone has … | |
hi i need a little help pls. im trying to write a Black Jack game with JS(home assignement) can someone pls tell me why when i click on the img, the number 4000 doesnt change? here is the code [code] <html> <head> <title>Black Jack</title> <Script Language="JavaScript"> function hit(f) { var … | |
I have a parent and child window. the parent window contains an array parentArray. this is the parent window: Code: <html> <header> <script language="javascript"> var parentArray = Array(); ... </script> </header> ... </html>the child window looks like this: Code: <html> <header> <script language="javascript"> function cutArray(){ window.opener.parentArray.splice(1,1); } </script> </header> <body … | |
I'm trying to use a local HTML file as a SOAP client. I'm new to this, but I believe that leaves JavaScript or a normal POST form as options. I've gotten some responses from simple web services using [URL="http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-wsajax/"]some code from IBM[/URL], but I keep getting errors when trying to … | |
Hi all, I am working on an application.In which i am using calendar. In this page i am using calendar for Travel date and other for Return Date. But i want that if i will select past date from calendar then is should give alert that we can select past … | |
I'm validating two records entity type and name using ajax but my problem now is that it works well all other browsers except firefox. var basiccounter ; function ServerSideValidation(contact_counter,detailed_counter,f,selection,o_name) { basiccounter = 0; //sending entity type to the server var urlEntity = "entity_type.php"; urlEntity = urlEntity+"?type="+document.getElementBYId(selection).value; urlEntity = urlEntity+"&sid="+Math.random(); checkName(urlEntity,"GET", … | |
Good Day all I have a Usercontrol that has a Gridview and its hosted on my aspx page and the aspx page is defined like this [CODE]<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/SubjectMasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="SubjectStruct.aspx.cs" Inherits="SubjectStruct" Title="o! WebEditor : Subject Structure" %> <%@ Register Src="SubjectNote.ascx" TagName="SubjectNote" TagPrefix="uc4" %> <%@ Register Src="SubjectDetails.ascx" TagName="SubjectDetails" TagPrefix="uc2" … | |
Hi frnds, I m new to ajax. I have implemented the ajax autocomplete <ajax:autocomplete source="insSearchText" target="insSearchText" baseUrl="<%=searchURL %>" parameters="searchText={insSearchText}" className="autocomplete" /> It is working alright,but i need that when the autocomplete list has been populated,and down key is pressed the option in list should auto fill the textbox accordingly as … | |
I've created a admin center, that has two seperate login permissions. Admin which can edit listings, etc... and Viewer which can only view listings, and edit 1 or 2 of the listings details and not all of them like the admin. I've seen web-sites where certain text input fields are … | |
Hello, I have copied this code but I do not really understand what this code is about. . :?: When I put this into my code to expand certain terms, it shows result but it just shows the last record in my table..not taking the variable I posted. Can anyone … | |
Hi friends, I am able to create a row dynamically with 3 cells(i.e column). In my 3rd cell i need to add another row. Is it possible to acheive it. I am using Java script for it. This is the table structure: [code=html]<table align="center" id="msgfield" width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="1" bordercolorlight="#999999" … | |
I would like to syndicate content from one website to sections withing many other websites. So far I've been using iframe but the problem is that the content presented on these websites is not indexed hence does not improve SEO. [B] I was wondering if you have a solution for … | |
I was wondering if anyone knows any Carousel script that can display photos, which one can slide in between using a slider? I.e similar to Mooflow, but I want to display only one photo at the time and don't want the zooming effect when sliding. I was hoping there might … | |
hi all, I am new in php. I want to show every row one by one during processing with check icon in the right side from row 1 up to row n? table row 1 √ row 2 √ . . . . . row n √ | |
Hi friends, I need know how make a image rounded with the help of Javascript. If anyone knows the script please let me know. I have given a link below that shows the sample of how i need the image. zazzle.com/cr/design/pt-mug Please help!!!!!! | |
| Hi, I'm trying to create a page that contains a table that is hidden initially (on page startup). Later, when a link is clicked, the table should show permanently. The problem I am having, however, is that when I click on the link, the table shows for a second and … |
I do not much understand what is going on. The iframe is transparent in all browsers but IE. I need to change the background color in IE, of my iframe and cannot figure it out. My code is below. It is pulling from an external file exfile.js. Nothing i have … |
The End.