15,127 Topics
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Hello, I am not sure this is the right place to ask or not but I find it the most relevant compared to any other subforums. I have this assignment to demonstrate simple XSS (cross site scripting). I have to craft an URL that would display a webpage, but some … | |
Hi. I want to have a drop down list that display's images instead of text when it's active, but returns to text once the user selects it. I was wondering if someone more experienced in the DOM could give me some pointers. | |
Is there a way to modify this script to print current window & a seperate web file? The code below only prints the entire page. But, I need the function to include the entire page after the form data is submitted, plus an additional "terms and conditions" page which is … | |
Hi there, Hope someone can help... I'm developing a "Startpage" for a client's customers. He wants all information relevant to his clients to be displayed on 1 web page. We have come up with [url]http://www.systemattend.com/index.php[/url] All is well until we tried logging in to Novell Groupwise. It seems it won't … | |
hi everyone.. I'm struck in a problem .... that i want to refresh two td/div {with whatever it is possible} at the same time , without refreshing or reposting the other fields of the form in html by clicking a button using PHP/js/Ajax/HTML. I want to do this exactly as … | |
Hi, I have a requirement to present Netvibes like interface to the user, wherein the user can select the no. of columns to display the portlets. Based on the no. of columns selected, the portlets will be displayed in the respective no. of columns. I am looking for approach and … | |
Hello, I want to delay showing all of my links on my page for a few seconds until all the animation I am doing is done. I was wondering if there was a way I could delay placing them using javascript. In other words I want them to not show … | |
Hi.. I am new in php +ajax.....Now i am doing project in php+ajax+linux environment...i create a login page using php,ajax,mysql,, i have mysql tables are. register,slideshow,,,,,In register table having following field... 1.uid (autoincrement)2.first (firstname)3.last(surname)4.user(username),5.pass(password) In slide show table having following field,,, 1.uid 2.pid(presentation id,autoincrment) 3.slideno 4.description 5.location(this is what image … | |
I work for a company that does not allow us to have access to the internet but I need to create graphs using HTML. What I want is this file to be able to read from a file and create a graph that tracks four values; A,B,C,D. The graph needs … | |
Hi experts wanna some help from u ppl.. i want a page exactly like [url]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex6/[/url] [url]http://www.dhtmlgoodies.com/index.html?page=ajax[/url] [url]http://www.yaldex.com/FSmain.htm[/url] to name a few.. i mean to say i want a form in which the menu button and the content of that menu button must be displayed in same page. i have executed … | |
Hi, I am facing a problem with alert message on my web page. When alert message is shown, my current web page which fires events automatically after 3 seconds stops until the alert message is gone.So instead i want to use a div which if shown as alert msg my … | |
I'm looking for a piece of code I used years ago to reveal a link at a later date. All I had to do was wrap the link in this piece of code and - presto - it revealed on the date and time that I wanted it to reveal. … | |
Hi I'm attempting to learn by re-creating the adobe spry gallery demo in DW CS3. I can create the gallery - no problems there but I'm stuck trying to implement the thumbnail grow effect. When I use the code from the demo - copy and paste my page appears but … | |
Hello Friends, I am Mandar, I use more than 3 java script in my web page But I have a querry regarding this. I want to set execution sequence for each javascript ? so I can decise which one will execute first ? So how it will be done ? … | |
Is there a better way to write this short code? It goes to topics that dont exist, I want it to check first so that dosent happen, and not to go to topics in a particular forum, a forum url looks like this (last number being the forum id) [url]http://inny.ipbfree.com/index.php?showforum=1[/url] … | |
[code=javascript] var cBrand = document.getElementById('cBrand'); var cType = document.getElementById('cType'); var cStyle = document.getElementById('cStyle'); var cFrame = document.getElementById('cFrame'); var cGroupSet = document.getElementById('cGroupSet'); if (empty(cBrand) && empty(cType) && empty(cStyle) && empty(cFrame) && empty(cGroupSet)) { alert("Please Choose atleast 2 Criteria"); return false; }else{ return true; } [/code] The above code is not working … | |
This is what happens: I have an input submit button. On mouse over text is changed from RED to WHITE. On mouse out text is changed from WHITE to RED. Simple eh? Well IE does it fine but FF makes everything change to RED border, etc. [code] jscript: function over(button) … | |
Hi i have variouys different javascripts i have found on the net that allows me to generate random images, images as links and random text. Can any one help me create and all in one random genrator so i have text with an image as a link? Many thanks | |
Hai... I'm new to Ajax.. I've seen many cool site pumped with ajax requests. How can I fill the content with ajax responseText ONLY after the page structure has been fully loaded? is it matters if the file is not an html? is .html file faster to render than .php? … | |
Hi, How to this type of validation using JavaScript? [COLOR="Green"]Scenario[/COLOR] In my SEARCH page, user was given 5 types of field[COLOR="Red"](drop-down menu)[/COLOR] to choose from. User can select either 1, 2,3,4 or all the field's option to make a search. I know how to do validation field by field[COLOR="Red"](need to … | |
I am making dynamic changes to my current page's DOM with javascript, and would like to visually inspect the code that was rendered. Is there a easy way to do this? Off the top of my head I was thinking i would have to transverse the DOM and output all … | |
hi i am developing a site in asp.net 1.0 for validation i have created a js function where i am checking all controls for null my text boxes are validated with that function but not combos. here is the code i used to validate combos [code] if(document.Form1.cboCity.selectedindex == 0) { … | |
I am still new to CSS, how would I add a drop shadow around the main conent of this page? [url]www.racexpressions.com[/url] I have been trying for a while but I can't seem to get it to work. Thanks! | |
what i want to do is this: [CODE] function foo(param1, param 2){ [INDENT]this.bar=function(){ [INDENT]this.intervalID=setInterval(this.fbar,5000);[/INDENT] } this.fbar=function(){ [INDENT]//(do stuff with the properties of "this" alert(this.intervalID);[/INDENT] } [/INDENT] }[/CODE] but setInterval will not carry over the properties of "this". when this happens: [CODE] var apple=new foo(5,27); apple.bar(); [/CODE] i need apple.fbar(); to … | |
Hello, I am messing around with javascript. I am trying to create a function to which i can pass a constructor and recieve back an object. Kinda (read exactly) like the new keyword. call it a learning exercise. I have a working model but i don't like it. here it … | |
Guys check this site.. [url]http://symbian.mobilethemes.com/downloads/info/24346.jsp[/url] If you are not logged in.. it gives a IE tool bar saying "You are not logged in."similar like the ActiveX warning of IE.. Any idea how this was done.. | |
I am having this compatibility probelm with IE vs. Firefox. The below code works perfectly fine in IE but not in Firefox. Essentially it is a pair of radio buttons and an Iframe below it. I want the Iframe content to change when the radio button option is selected. the … | |
I have this code that automatically displays a table with mysql data depending on the selection from a form. I need to add code to make this refresh every 30 seconds. I ave googled this and after trying every single way I know to implement the setTimeout() function, I have … | |
Hi. I need some help with arrays in JavaScript. I am creating a slideshow and have to store the images in an array on a separate file. I need some feedback as far as am I missing something in this file and how can I then call this array into … | |
April 13, 2008 I have a web-site that is a Google Map mash-up and I place my markers by listing them in the body right after the map loads (in a load function). I convert my data from a spreadsheet to xml and then use a program to write the … |
The End.