15,113 Topics

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Member Avatar for rahul8590

the follwong is the basic java script i wrote and its not working (giving the desired output as i wanted ) [code] <html> <head> <title>hello </title> </head> <body> <h1 align='center'> Using Arrays </h1> <script language = "JavaScript"> emp = new array(5) emp[0] = rahul emp[1] = rahul1 emp[2] = rahul2 …

Member Avatar for Dukane
Member Avatar for Ana D.

Hi, I'm playing with javaScript and AJAX and using the source code used in this page: [url]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/webforms/MultiSelectDropDown.aspx[/url] (Actually I copied the code on the Default.aspx to the page I was working on, which has a MasterPage and translated Default.aspx.cs from C# to VB.NET) However, I'm having an "Object Required Error" …

Member Avatar for Ana D.
Member Avatar for sivakumarl

Dear Friends, we are facing a problem with alt attribute in Java script.While retrieving alt attribute in IE its working fine but in FireFox we are getting as undefined.Please give solution for retrieving the alt attribute in firefox. please find the below code for how i am retrieving... <html> <head> …

Member Avatar for sivakumarl
Member Avatar for KikoLtd

hello, i have created a bottom bar like facebook's. I want to have some menus on that bar so when i click they will drop up and have some text inside (code). i don't know how to do that and i don't know how to have image and text in …

Member Avatar for daved83

Hi everyone, I hae created a dropdown menu using ajax where each option is populated dynamically based on the previous choice. It works great on Firefox thanks to help I got on this forum. It doesn't work on IE however. I believe this is because IE doesn't recognise the innerHTML …

Member Avatar for michael.ngobeni

I have a flash file that reads an xml file and writes the text on the flash. The problem I have is when the client does not have the font that I'm using. I looked on many websites and they always say you have to do the following [LIST=1] [*]Open …

Member Avatar for fuego2008
Member Avatar for waxy41

My colleagues and I have a problem that is really frustrating us. We have created a WebService using Delphi. This web service has functions which construct an XML file from a database/other files and in theory sends them to the client when it calls the corresponding function. Our plan is …

Member Avatar for palash_kol

I have designed a masterpage in asp.net. There is a dropdown list in my asp.net form which select that masterpage. But each time when I select an item from the dropdownlist the entire page gets refreshed. I want a javasript code to block the refresh of dropdownlist item selection and …

Member Avatar for mbirame

Hi folks, I'm afraid I'm pretty new to javascript, so I apologize in advance for my inexperience. I am trying to do a simple thing: I have a page with three items that I want the user to agree to (a beta signup agreement). I want them to have to …

Member Avatar for mbirame
Member Avatar for mohanvamsi_18

Thanks in advance... My question is.. I have one text box there user types the date as follows (d-m-yy) 5-4-09 or 15-3-94 how can i convert them into exact (dd-mm-yyyy) 05-04-2009 or 15-03-1994 is there any 'javascript' code to convert the given date into my desired formt... please help me...

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for santhanalakshmi

Hi, I want to [B]check only one checkbox[/B] at a time using html. please help me out....

Member Avatar for dottomm
Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi all, I am making a form in which i am using two radio button.Now i want that if i click on first radio button and after that i will click on submit button then page should go different page . If i click on 2nd radio button and after …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for sam023

the more i deep to javascript more i got confused..!! . . i have put a autocomplete texbox in a row.. which have two more buttons Add/Remove..!! . . With add u can append clone row under original row... and withy delete u can delete the row..!!!! . . Problems …

Member Avatar for sam023
Member Avatar for BlackKite

Alright so im trying to write a simple temperature conversion but i can't seem to get it to work 100%. My problem seems to be that I want to check to see which field has had a number entered in it, and then run the correct conversion function accordingly. I'm …

Member Avatar for BlackKite
Member Avatar for sarithak

HI frnds... here i am using 1024 * 768 resolution....when i am including header file by using iframe.....this is perfect in 1024 * 768.... But, when i am going for another resolutions(800) Some part of my header file is disappear...atleast there is no scrollbar... Resolution: 1256..than the right side of …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for socalfoolina

Hi, I would like to know if there is a way to keep the script as is but also [B]add[/B] a function to this script so that if a user clicks on another tab (div) the open tab will close on click? Please see code below: Thanks in advance! :icon_smile: …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for jay.barnes

Hello! I was wondering if I could get some assistance with something that is probably easy for even an amateur javascript coder, but, I just can't seem to get after trying every iteration of code I can imagine. The deal is, is that I'm trying to put together a PHP …

Member Avatar for jay.barnes
Member Avatar for Kennedy_f

The Java programming language provides a mechanism known as exceptions (in the glossary) to help programs report and handle errors. When an error occurs, the program throws an exception. What does this mean? It means that the normal flow of the program is interrupted and that the runtime environment attempts …

Member Avatar for fuego2008
Member Avatar for polo_coins

I wrote code below it open me a new window and show current time but I want it will show it in same window and chnge each second here is my code (i think I must use [COLOR="Green"]setInterval function[/COLOR] to change time each second but if I put the call …

Member Avatar for fuego2008
Member Avatar for sam023

i am making a table with dynamic increament of rows on click of button..!! i have used an autocomplete textbox in a row...!!! which is based on textbox id..!! . . as i know that id should be unique.. so how can i change ID then..? [code=javascript] function add(oRow) { …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for pabzzmike

hello, i have a mysql database which i use a php script to search and display results with fields make, model, price, year and would like to add extra functionality with presumably javascript to add a drop down form field as when a particular make is selected from the list …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for sam023

I m using an AutoComplete Textbox..!! i want to pass id and value to the next page..!! here is my code..!! PHP CODE [code=php] $sql1="SELECT * from 0_ledger where group_id not in(1,7) and user_id = $userid"; $result1=mysql_query($sql)or die('Query error:'.''.mysql_errno()); $aUsers = array(); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result1)) { $aUsers[$row['ledger_id']] = $row['ledgerName']; $imp_aUsers = "'".implode("','",$aUsers)."'"; …

Member Avatar for sam023
Member Avatar for b0tz

Hello, I need a script that will be added after </body> and will be displayed at the top of the page. I know is posible, I have one : [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> var object = document.createElement('div'); object.innerHTML = 'The banner script is HERE'; var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; body.insertBefore(object, body.firstChild); </script>[/CODE] The …

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Member Avatar for spivey

I'm new to ajax so bear with me. Here's what I need to do. I have an area of a page that has a search look-up for cover art. Currently, when you click on it, it fixes the url and fills a field in that section of the page. I …

Member Avatar for cg5572

Hi all, I've heard great things about this place, so thought I'd see if anyone had some thoughts on something that's been bugging me. I'm creating a script which causes the page to scroll when the mouse is held down within 1/3 of the page height of the window edge. …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for MattTheHat

Hi all, I'm having some fun with the good old "object expected" error from IE and was hoping you guys could help me out. I get the error message Object Required : Line 86. mmm cryptic as there is only 67 lines on that page but after some digging I …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for DealthRune

I need help with this logout link i made When you click it, it should show a confirm box, but it doesn't. Heres the Javacript [CODE] <script language='javascript'> function confirm(){ var f = confirm("Are You Sure You Want To Logout?"); if(f){ return true; } else{ return false; } } </script> …

Member Avatar for DealthRune
Member Avatar for sam023

i have tried to close child window and refresh parent window..!! and thts working fine..!! . . what i have to do if i want on close child window and refresh particular portion of parent window..! . . is it possible..??? . . thanks.!!

Member Avatar for halukakin

Hi, There is this nice upload ajax script which I would like to use on my site, it's called "Fancy Upload". You can a see demo&code here: [url]http://digitarald.de/project/fancyupload/3-0/showcase/single-file-button/[/url] The demo shows only one upload form instance on the page. However I want to have three upload form instances so that …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Totaal

Hello guys! im a Totaal and i need help anyone and Very Very Thx about "Airline Reservation System"??ref(Internet and WWW How to Programe 2nd). below is the case and i hope someone can help me.. thx.. 12.23 (Text Analysis) The availability of computers with string manipulation capabilities has resulted in …

Member Avatar for essential

The End.