15,113 Topics

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Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm trying to do the following: 1. Click on a row (ANY cell of that row) 2. Depending on where I clicked, a javascript function should get the value of EACH cell in THAT row, and populate it to text boxes. Below is my code thus far: [CODE] <html> …

Member Avatar for Dukane
Member Avatar for cj1

Hello all. I am unable to solve two problems creating a contacts form using dreamweaver CS3. My other problem is posted under the heading, "Modify code created with Dreamweaver CS3, to compare two text feilds". For this posting, can someone please tell me how to modify my code, pasted below, …

Member Avatar for McFant
Member Avatar for phutisemenya

hi, All i have two options form; one hold $selection that select suburb from datadase and other $suburb which “Selected Records”. when a suburb is double clicked, it should automatically be added to the corresponding selected section; and be removed from the selection list. The same with a record that …

Member Avatar for penepepe

Hi there! i've got an html form and i want to make sure some fields are not empty before it gets submitted. i've read many examples and i've written some code but i have no idea why it doesn't work (it's as if the javascript script didn't exist). i don't …

Member Avatar for penepepe
Member Avatar for onejavaone

html code: [CODE]<ahref="javascript:void(0);"onclick="alert(tree2.getAllChecked());">Get list</a>[/CODE] this calls script code [CODE] dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getAllChecked=function(){ return this._getAllChecked("","",1); }[/CODE] how to get the list to the nxt jsp page (not to alert box)

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for zido85

Hello, I have a little problem, and i want to ask if someone can help. My problem is, Im using AJAX to get PHP page result (the result is called from MySql and inserted in a table) in a DIV contained in my main PHP page where i m using …

Member Avatar for scarypajamas

Oh, so I know you can include html files inside html files using: [CODE]<!--#include virtual="myfile.html" -->[/CODE] The problem is, I might want to change the html I include based upon variables passed between web pages. For example... [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> var name = getValue("myValue"); //getValue returns the value of a …

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for leviathan185

My issue may be similar to daved83's issue where my script works as designed in firefox but when used in IE6 (the only IE i have tried so far but matters because it will only be used on IE6 at this stage) his was in AJAX and I am new …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for Altairzq

Hello, I'm new at Ajax and Javascript. Can anyone help me on this? I'm calling 2 Ajax funcions, one after the other, with a delay time in between. The first call executes a script that inserts a row in a MySQL database. The second call execustes a cript that lists …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, Is there a way to reference a table cell in a table that will have X amount of rows? I want to use javascript preferably... The only methods I know of are "getElementById" and "getElementByName" - Problem is, since the cells are only known once the page is run, …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm trying to set table cells according to co-ordinates [x][y] - does anyone know if this is possible? Here's what I've done so far: [CODE] <html> <head> <title> Trial & Error - Table Cells </title> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> function getRow(t) { var col=t.cellIndex; //Gets column number clicked on. …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for daved83

Hi everyone, I hae created a dropdown menu using ajax where each option is populated dynamically based on the previous choice. It works great on Firefox thanks to help I got on this forum. It doesn't work on IE however. I believe this is because IE doesn't recognise the innerHTML …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for Terry56

Hi to all, Hope you all will be fine.Please tell me what's wrong with this code, why it is not working on internet explorer 6 even i check the browsers which the user is running, works fine on some browser but not on all browser and on also different versions. …

Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I have a javascript function that sets the value of an input area on my page. I need to update the function so that it also sets the value of the input area on a separate page. Currently, I am using a frameset, so I can see both pages …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for atplerry

i am designng a site the uses CSS and the CSS Uses Javascript, On the first load of the page the popup block the css from displaying it content which i guess is the java script and the pop up do distort my page at first load until i remove …

Member Avatar for leviathan185

I have written some code for template generator but I am having issue getting the formatting when it is generated in the <textarea></textarea>. I want to have it to look like Service Affected: {then populated text} Service Status: {again populated text} Current/Next Actions: {populated text} it ends up printing out …

Member Avatar for leviathan185
Member Avatar for flockit

Hello, I want to stick one DIV to the bottom! I've managed to do that but when I scroll down the DIV doesn't scroll smoothly! Below is my code:- [CODE] <div id="x"> <center> <div id="footer" style="width: 95%; background-color:#66CCFF; border: 1px normal black; top: 100px; position:absolute; align:center; height: 50px" align="center"><center>A</center></div> </center> …

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for KlNTARO

Greetings. I'm stumped with a particular problem involving an ajax script that works for Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Chrome... but unfortunately does not work with any version of IE [I](*actually I haven't tested IE6 or less yet, but who cares about those anymore*)[/I]. On the HTML side, a list of …

Member Avatar for farhan386
Member Avatar for coollife

reg = /^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,4})$/; what is the use of / operator and ^ what does + used for why \ please explain in depth Thank u

Member Avatar for farhan386
Member Avatar for gokul.raja

Hello, I need to know this one. How can we get printer status using JavaScript and also how can we give MS word document print command using JavaScript.

Member Avatar for farhan386
Member Avatar for eduardor2k

Hi to everyone, i'm new to javascript and to daniweb, what i want to do is to put all the properties from all the divs of the page, to all their child elements, this way, for example. [code] <div style="background-color: #000000"> <b>Text</b> </div> [/code] would change (using javascript) [code] <div> …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for revata

I have this email validation which checks to make sure a "@" sign is present but doesn't check for "." I just need to add this to the function which I thought would be pretty easy but has proved otherwise. Here's my script: [code=html] <script type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_findObj(n, d) …

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for leviathan185

Hi, I seen an IDE a while ago that stated that you do not need to install or require Admin Priviliges to use on any PC. I can no longer find it. Does anyone know of such an IDE?

Member Avatar for leviathan185
Member Avatar for Chad Gary

I have the following nested javascript collection (below) and I'm trying to access the information within the collection using prototype so I can properly style and layout the data. I'm stuck and would like to know if anybody could assist. [CODE]var teams = { "team1:" { "QB": "Alexander Hamilton", "RB": …

Member Avatar for Chad Gary
Member Avatar for coollife

[url]http://www.braiform.com/Menu-Two/Hanger-Catalogue/?id=29[/url] check the above website . on mouse over of any image a pop up appears and displays the image information i want to achieve the same thing in my project Please tell me which language is used for this purpose and how to do that.

Member Avatar for coollife
Member Avatar for pocketmaster

I need to modify the invetory program to be CARS not cd's, dvd's or computer equipment. I have the program for cd's, what would it take to change the pruduct to CARS?

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for vishalkhialani

Hi, My aim is to have one div element move up when there is a mouse over and another div element to become visible when the same mouse over effect takes place. I managed to do this you can see the video here [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmdx4p_FE4M[/url] and the code I used is …

Member Avatar for Hoaxygen
Member Avatar for jaiprakash22

Hello everyone, I am developing a product (java based) which requires heavy time scheduling. I wanted to use a DHTML ajax calendar package. Does anyone have any experience in any of the packages out there? I am particularly interested in [URL="http://web2cal.com"]web2cal events calendar[/URL]. I downloaded their free example and tried …

Member Avatar for cy133r

i create an autocomplete textBox with Ajax/PHP that read data from a data base.it works properly but there's a problem about one letter (k). when i type this letter in the box, it doesn't show anything in the dropdown list (while there are some words begin with "k"). i guess …

Member Avatar for nostalgia149

I have used the following codes for the slideshow alongwith a bit more of these....but need some changes. [code] var photos=new Array() photos[0]="images/8-x-10-tasveer-5e.jpg" photos[1]="images/93vande-mataram.jpg" photos[2]="images/2008_slumdog_millionaire_005.jpg" [/code] now wht i need is that all these images should appear from the database.. i tried doing this with some naive codes but failed.. …


The End.