15,113 Topics

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Member Avatar for cmaclennan

Hi Guys, I really hope someone can help me out here I have a php form that submits to a database which is all fine, a portion of the form allows for more rows to be added as needed but for some reason it only allows for upto 9 rows …

Member Avatar for aashishn86
Member Avatar for deleti0n

Okay this is what I am having trouble with Button "d" i want it to run in a sequence of button A, b, then c. then b, c, then a. and soforth. I've been working at it for a week now. I have button a b and c working just …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for gsknaveen

how to capture keypress or keydown in textbox using asp.net with c#.net. can any one give me some help

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for alvalany

hi frnds, I have just studied html, css and javascripting. I think that though I got familiarized with the syntax and the purpose of these, I don think I am able to do something good . Can someone suggest some small projects I can work on So that I can …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for swastikpadhy

Hi, I have a JS for submit the screen. [code=JavaScript] var screen=document.getElementById'newComponentDetailsEntryForm'); screen.action="<%= request.getContextPath()%>/"+"newComponentDetailsEntryViewAction.do"; screen.submit();[/code] this is working fine in IE but can't work in firefox. Kindly suggest. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for elreso
Member Avatar for arunajasmine

Hi, i am doing an application which make use of JQuery and Cakephp . In this i am using like the following to retrieve the values from my controller side [CODE] var getformid; $.getJSON("http://localhost/FormBuilder/index.php/forms/getFormEntry", function(json) { getformid=json.forms[0]["id"]; alert("Form id inside "+getformid); });//json alert("Form id ouside "+getformid);[/CODE] In the above code, …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for davecoventry

I have had a look at some javascript functions in the form: [QUOTE] $('#css-style-definition').click(function() var newText = $('#console-msgs').html(); [/QUOTE] Does anyone recognise the syntax? Where can I get information on what is happening here?

Member Avatar for davecoventry
Member Avatar for genesistr

Hi, I have Image.js and Main.js files. I create image object like test = new Image(...); and it can be seen on screen but when i try to do call Move method like test.Move(x,y); it crashes. Is there anyway to do that? My code : main.js: [code=JavaScript]var objBall = new …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for zappan

Hi everyone, I had a problem when to run the code. it mention that Unknown server tag 'ajaxToolkit:CascadingDropDown'. i already include the ajaxtoolkits reference and also [code]<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="ajaxToolkit" %>[/code] What is my problem?.

Member Avatar for Tschuikow
Member Avatar for Mel64

I have a PHP form with a html section at the bottom. There are 14 input text fields on the form and I want the form to send of the email as it should do and also take the name field, pass it to the following web page and display …

Member Avatar for Mel64
Member Avatar for jamesgurung

I'm trying to serve static content from a cookieless subdomain s.mydomain.org.uk, so that image/css requests from pages at [url]www.mydomain.org.uk[/url] don't get sent with needless cookie data. The trouble is that Google Analytics insists on adding its cookies (_utma, _utmz) to those requests anyway! My code is: [CODE]<script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script …

Member Avatar for eaRthLinG
Member Avatar for morecrab

I save the css file which contains : [code=css]table { border:thick; border-style:outset }[/code] But i just want to use it on one/two table, not all. ie: [code=html]<body> <!-- table with css --> <table> <tr><td>Name</td></tr> </table> <!-- table without css --> <table> <tr><td>Class</td></tr> </table> </body>[/code] How could i do that ?:?:

Member Avatar for morecrab
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm having problems with aligning my header.html - I'm using a frameset with 2 rows, one for the header and one for the main area of the page. The problem is that I'm trying to use vertical-align to move my links in the Header page to the bottom of …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for derekn

Please help me. I have a site which we'll call "mysite.com" that contains 3 frames. Frame 1 is stuff that never changes (header image, counter, etc). Frame 2 is a menu. Frame 3 holds the contents of whatever link is clicked in Frame 2. The problem is that I don't …

Member Avatar for derekn
Member Avatar for manilaguy

Hi guys! I'm designing my first site and i've stumbled on huge block. Problem I'm having is that Ajax doesn't seem to update my MYSQL table in firefox. I have two forms and two functions (each initiating a XMLHttpRequest). First is to display a MYSQL query using PHP and second …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm trying to configure a nested frameset within an Iframe. I'm not sure if it's possible but maybe someone can help me out... [CODE] <iframe src="Home.jsp" allowTransparency="true" width="770" height="580" frameborder="0"> <frameset cols="10%, *" border="0"> <frame name="leftFrame" src="Black.html" /> <frame name="rightFrame" src="White.html" /> </frameset> </iframe> [/CODE] With this code; either …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for kako13

Hi, In [B]search_results.php[/B] I have a variable named [B]$path[/B] which display something like: [I]C:/documents/personal/home.doc[/I] I would like to create a [B]button[/B] that link to a new window which is going to display: [I]C:/documents/personal/home.doc[/I] Right now is being displayed in search_results.php like this: [CODE=php] echo "<td align=left bgcolor=$bgcolor id='title'>&nbsp;<font face='Verdana' size='2'>$path</font></td>"; …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Bhilal

how can i don't allow that the picture load again i mean when i refresh my page it loads picture again how can i solve this problem that the upper part of the page will refresh the down part not. I wrote this but it doesn't work on chrome and …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for arunajasmine

Hi, i am doing an application like a Form builder.. I am having a design page where i am generating the Fields using JQuery and displaying them each in a Div in the Preview panel of the same page. In my code i am saving all the Fields in the …

Member Avatar for JugglerDrummer
Member Avatar for johnfrey

This code helps you to add the current webpage to the browser's favorite pages section. [code=syntax]<a href="#" rel="sidebar" onclick="if(document.all && !window.opera){ window.external.AddFavorite(location.href, document.title); return false; } else{ this.title = document.title; }">Add to bookmarks</a>[/code]

Member Avatar for JugglerDrummer
Member Avatar for jyotiu

Hi all, i ve a function which is responsible for some validations, disabling and enabling of some text boxes and a group of radio buttons .... now i want to generate the function name to be called from another function using a for loop and then appending the for loop …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for arunajasmine

Hi , In my application, there is a view page to show the table of Attributes name as the header and its value filled by many people below. Like Name Age salary a 22 18912 b 23 89972 c 23 781273 i want it like above .. But i am …

Member Avatar for arunajasmine
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

[code] function ConvertToUpperCase() { var result; var numaric = "sonia"; var Character = numaric.charAt(0); result=Character.toUpperCase(); //In Result char is coming in UpperCase /[B]/I want how to replace the charater at postion 0 in numaric with result[/B] } [/code]

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for severman

hi all! i have a question. i want to add an img to a specific cell in a table(which is inside a form) with inside a javascript function. (i greened which function i use, which cell i want, and which img i want) this is the code i write so …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for Mortez Maya

Hi everybody, I am using a CrystalReportViewer control in my web application project. I put this control in an UpdatePanel but I found that print button doesn't work anymore. How can fix this problem ?

Member Avatar for agentili

How do I create a field in ajax? I am totally new, i using this ajax form and i need to create a new field!: [ICODE]'||var|get|||||if|id||||||||||||||||||||value|span|style|function|className|return|div|false|important|label|RequiredField|RequiredFieldVisible|li|document|innerHTML|px|ContactFormJs|class|title|type|text|http|message_label|else|focus|name|for|display|contactform|width|input|this|contact_form_website_label||where_did_you_hear_about_us_label||your_country_label|none|ContactForm||JS|setAttribute|_required|nbsp|contactformroot|window|flv|navigator|option|SecurityCodeLoader|visibility| inpt_email|contactformskin|auto|create|contact_form_name_label|onkeyup|contact_form_email_label|select|textarea|height|createGUIDKey|appendChild|indexOf|setTimeout|val_email|Scripts|userAgent|css|ul|inputs_width|email|selected|on|SecurityCodeCheck_required|new|SubmitReservation|visible|getElementsByTagName|inpt_website|true|addEventListener|renderContactFormJs|ActiveXObject|attachEvent|loadStylesheet|firstname|SecurityCodeCheck|unselectable|SecurityCodeOverlay|href| new_security_code_label|top|hidden|where_did_you_hear_about_us_input_enabled|countries_input_enabled|InputJs|val_website|submitReservationForm|contactformjs|msie|MSIE|test|with|strong|Internet|Explorer|name_li|contact_form_name_label_required|email_li|contact_form_email_label_required|website_li|contact_form_website_label_required|where_did_you_hear_about_us_li|dropdowns_width|onchange|where_did_you_hear_about_us_label_required|your_country_li| your_country_label_required|comments_li|overflow|ismaxlength|message_label_required|AntispamPanel|position|size|onclick|generateNewSecurityCode|button|validateReservationForm|ReservationSent|color|white|font|trial|version|of|acidmartin|wemakesites|net|pageId|reservationid|reservationbody|LoadingItemFix|where_did_you_hear_about_us_array|length|countries_list|antispam_enabled|dropdownheight|overflowY|inpt_name|comments_enabled|appName|head|toLowerCase| disableReplacedButton|substring|createElement|checkSecutityCode|removeClassName|replace|createRequestObject|Microsoft|by|messagemaxlength|brjsSkin|brjsFolder|srjsSkin|srjsFolder|srjsEnabled|srjsItemScrolling|srjsOptionsListHeight|inputjsrootfolder|inputjsenabled|inputjsskin|init|load|onload|contactformenabled|AJAX|Hotel|Reservation|Form|cannot|be|used|To|make|reservation|please|use|different|browser|Skins|Styles|form|autoComplete|off|ContactFormJs_|contactformwidth| RelativeFormWrapper|LoadingPanelProperties|loading|panel|properties|LoadingPanelPropertiesDitherColor|dithercolor|personal|info|where_did_you_hear_about_us_please_select|your_country_label_please_select|comments_box_height|cols|rows|security_code_instructions|relative|img|116|src|Transparent|gif|maxlength|security|code|javascript|void|buttons||area|submit_form_button_text|contact_form_submitted|background|829360|12px|line|22px|weight|normal|left|block|indent|static| margin|padding|align|center|Created|target|_blank|lorem|ipsum|dolor|sit|amet|replaceButtons|replaceSelectBoxes|your_country_label_SkinnedSelectBox|where_did_you_hear_about_us_label_SkinnedSelectBox|rounded_corners_enabled|initInputJs|Opera|border|20px|chrome|safari|renderAjaxLoadingPanel|enableReplacedButton|5000|click|10000|Math|random|0x10000|toString|attachDomEvent|getElementById|link|rel|stylesheet|split|val_name||val_comments|val_where_did_you_hear_about_us| val_countries_input|clearRequiredClass|required|field|1000|RegExp|XMLHTTP|XMLHttpRequest|Sent|created|Martin|Ivanov|open|php|msg|personname|country|website|hear|onreadystatechange|readyState|hideLoadingPanel|2000|displayLoadingPanel|send|null|disable_after_submit'.split('|'),0,{}))[/ICODE]

Member Avatar for DangerDev
Member Avatar for fakhrizaki

I have used floating DIVs in the following layout. They jumps sometimes in Firefox. [url]http://www.web-ideaz.com/clients/cleanmiddleeast/index.php[/url] It is perfect in IE and Chrome. Any help? Thanks!

Member Avatar for fakhrizaki
Member Avatar for osirion666

Okay i am going nuts here i have a jsp page with multiple task to complete add,delete update . in order to do so i knopw i must set vlaues of a hidden input to say add,delete or update based upon what buttom was pressed so i have made the …

Member Avatar for osirion666
Member Avatar for beanryu

Hi professionals, I have a problem and it is the following: Say I have 2 HTML pages. In page A, I want to display part of page B.(content between a div tag pair with ID in B) Now I was able to use the XMLHttpRequest object to get the complete …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for dburd1935

I see that previously others had the same problem I am having. When I click on my contacts list and "email contact" I get a javascript error message in the lower left corner. Then a page which says this site is not available. It then disappears and the screen comes …

Member Avatar for BeiBei

The End.