15,688 Topics
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Hello i want to make a script so that users can record audio through their mic. I found this online https://github.com/streamproc/MediaStreamRecorder/blob/master/demos/audio-recorder.html but i how i can make the recorded audio to be stored on a table on my database? | |
Hi All, This issue keeps reocccuring and I can not for the life of me figure out why. When I add ANY AJAX control to my ASP.Net project, I end up getting an error that a reference in the designer is not defined. For example, if I add an UpdatePanel, … | |
Hi, I am trying to submit data and saving it to the database queries are inserting properly but the problem is that when I try to insert the data the message column Let suppose i Type in Hello World! In data base it show as undefined whhy is that so … | |
**Plz provide me a complete example of "Passing specific table row data in Bootstrap Modal" i.e on clicking edit link of a specific record, details for that record should be displayed in modal Table data is fetched with PHP from MySQL database. Plz help me out...** | |
How to make popup login and register from index.php to work and to parse data in mysql I have: Index.php, login.php, register.php In index.php I have modal popup and I want to user can login and register from popup. I try with ajax but not working. Here is my code: … | |
Hello, I have this code here. I am trying to show the different options with radio box. There is something wrong in my code, however I can't figure out what it is. Any help? <div id="questions"> <p><img src="images/pic_survey.jpg" width="279" height="104" alt=""/></p> <p>Please take our five second survey!</p> <h3 class="hSubtitle">Question 1</h3> … | |
Focus not working. What is the error in my code Dynamic Textbox Code: select query $i =1; while() { <input type="text" name="class_teacher_entry[]" id="class_teacher_entry<?php echo $i; ?>" class='marks' size="5" maxlength="3" onkeypress="return onlyNumbers(event);" onblur="markValidation(this.value,document.getElementById('marktotal').value,<?php echo $i; ?>);"/> } <Script> function markValidation(a,b,i) { var c = parseInt(a); var d = parseInt(b); if(c>d) { … | |
Hi. When trying to pass a parameter to the mehod I get error: not found I've been trying other url syntaxes (@url.action) but to no avail also. script inside input/index view <script> $(document).ready(function () { $("#btnSubmit").click(function () { var presc1 = $('#p1').val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", … | |
I want to upload file using php ajax then insert all the data such as chapter name, lesson name and id on database. How can i do that? pls help me guys. Thank you :) | |
Hi. In my MVC project I have a button that has to trigger a script. As it happens the page doesn't listen to the event. I put the script in my view where the form is. this works <script > alert("it worked"); </script> this doesn't work <script > $(document).ready(function () … | |
Hi all. I cannot pass the values from the textboxes onm a form to the controller. view code <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $("#btnSubmit").click(function () { var presc1 = $('#p1').val(), aviad1 = $('#a1').val(), $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", url: "comparar", data: "{'presc1':'" + presc1 + "', 'aviad1':'" … | |
Hi, I'm trying to .push several urls to a global variable inside a function of a javascript and casperjs script. The global variable does not seem to be filled with the data. var page_links = ['http://www.olx.pt']; var product_links = []; casper.start(); function spider(url) { casper.open(url).then(function() { var pager = this.evaluate(getMorePages); … | |
Hello everyone, I have 2 JSP files, lets call it 1.jsp and 2.jsp. I have a javascript function in my 1.jsp file, that I am calling 2.jsp, and passing one argument. as follow: 1.jsp function call1Servlet () { var myId = document.getElementById('lblId').textContent; window.open("/myapp/2.jsp?myId="+myId, "", "toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,width=1024"); } Now, in my 2.jsp … | |
Hello all, How can i import my mysql table data to google spreadsheet? Also i want to add data in spreadsheet from particular cell. i have referred following web pages, but i can't get much idea. https://support.google.com/docs/answer/40608?hl=en http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-googledata2/ please help me. Thanks ![]() | |
Hi guy for part of my school final project, pls i need a script to restrict user from clicking a web page session and redirect them to login with alert of 5 seconds. Let me explain it very well, there is a school project im working on now that has … ![]() | |
how to create a program that simulates the process of dealing cards from a 52-card deck by generating 1,000 random integers in the range 1-52 assuming the numbers 1-13 are clubs 14-26 are diamonds, 27-39 are hearts, and 40-52 are spades displaying number of times each suit occurred in the … ![]() | |
I've tried several ways to attempt to disable parallax scrolling when the window is resized below a certain size but have been unsuccessful. I've tried if else statements, self invoking functions and functions that call another function depending on screen size but they are not responsive meaning that I am … | |
Hello, I have created many functions and I am trying to show messages ie when user successfully registered invalid username password invalid this and that I tried to do so using the session_start concept please let me know if this is a good approach or should i do another way … | |
Our teacher wants us to put this in a nested loop but didn't explain how to do it at all, can anyone explain this to me with visuals? Step by step would be great, but I understand if that's way too much. 1 212 32123 4321234 543212345 65432123456 | |
Hi. I have to do a MVC project and I don't know exactly how to do it. on the clientside I will have an input form the data (at least two codes and up to 8) will be sent to the server (best way?) then the server will access a … | |
How would one write a pseudo:after css element as a HTML tag place it specifically in the mark-up then create a css rule all at the start of the loading of the DOM ? | |
Hello, Recently I wa trying to develop an audio player of sound cloud as I got inspiration from here http://en.israelstory.org/episode/whats-love-got/ you can click file 1 by 1 and notice on the player hw is it playing I also tried to do the same but it's not orking when I clicked … ![]() | |
![]() | What is the best practice for including JQuery in Codeigniter? I've tried including the following line in my controller code: $this->load->library('javascipt/jquery'); But, when the page loads, I get > Unable to load the requested class: Jquery My setup is using xampp, CodeIgniter folder "CI" is located in /htcdocs/ci/. Thanks in … ![]() |
Hello, I would like to create FAQ with a dropdown text if I click the > and it should open a new text sentence right underneath it. Could anyone teach me or advice me where to find a jquery like that? + Far far away, behind the word mountains, far … | |
<script> $(function() { $( "#city_name" ).autocomplete({ source: 'search.php' }); }); </script> any body help pass parameters to search.php | |
I am persevering with Javascript slowly, and attempting to modify a code I saw that I thought would work for me - click to change/enlarge image and attach appropriate caption. I have: function showPreview(path){ var theImageElement=document.getElementById("img"); var theCaptionElement=document.getElementById("legend"); theImageElement.src = path; /*if(path == "../WSRUxhtml/photo/LImg/Barfleur.jpg"){ theCaptionElement.innerHTML="Barfleur arriving at Portsmouth"; } else … | |
Does anyone have a pure JavaScript sample of an http GET that works in the Microsft Edge browser? | |
Hello I have created a website recently and my client is saying that your website is not secured I have easily created new tables and even a kid can get in to your database and modify your database. is this because I have used this <a id="svgtriangle_f9" xlink:href="mainpage.php?apart=1&floor=9" class="portfolio-link" onmousemove="ShowTooltip(evt, … | |
I have two dates var date1="2015-09-18 06:08:50"; var date2="2015-09-18 06:08:51"; I am suffering to get greater one date2. any body help me. |
The End.