286 Topics
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I'm getting a segmentation fault when I try to search a linkedlist using the following description: [CODE] //! Searches for the first occurrence of value v that appears in the list //! after node n //! //! @param v The value being searched for //! @param n The node in … | |
Hi guys. For some reason I cannot get the linked list to print. I want to copy it(which works) but I cannot get the list to print after copying it. Any suggestions? [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct node { int info; node* next; }; int main() { node* list; … | |
Hi guys I'm trying to finish my assignment, I stuck in a weird situation. I'm trying to create a pointer a linkedlist. This linkedlist contains pointer to a user-defined objects (City) and I'm trying to add City to this linkedlist and then iterate through the linked list to find and … | |
I'm writing up a program for a class I'm taking where I need to make a linked list stack & queue. Right now I'm not quite done, but I'm having problems calling the functions from the .h file. What's happening is in the while loop, I'm trying to get data … | |
this is a program that my teacher gave me in the class. but i didn't understand it....please explain it to me step by step... [code= c++] #include<iostream.h> class queue { int element; queue* next; public: queue* enqueue(queue*,int); queue* dequeue(queue*); void queue_display(queue*); }*head,*tail,object; queue* queue::enqueue(queue* head,int key) { queue* temp; temp=new … | |
i'm having a problem on the program we're tasked to do. originally, the "option" is an int but someone suggested to make it a character. i thought the problem was solved (i want to make the program print: "invalid output" if the user inputted non-numerical values) but when i tried … | |
Hi guys!! I'm currently developing an opensource CMS. but I've noticed that lots of Pro Programmers use Linked List. and of course if I want to make a opensource CMS I want to code it Professional way. that's why I've decided to use Linked List instead. the problem is I … | |
SortedInsert() is a function which given a list that is sorted in increasing order, and a single node, inserts the node into the correct sorted position in the list.I know this code works fine.I am just curious to know why we can't use just single pointer to node to traverse … | |
Pretty interesting problem about linked list. This program is about autobuses. Each autobus is given by brand, registration number, number of seats, kilometres and year when the bus was made. The program is organised as menu and when you hit number it calls some function. Problematic function: it should NOT … | |
Hello, How can I save a string input as a double linked list in dynamic memory in C++? Thanks in advance | |
I need the node sorted (selection sort) whenever the data is entered front or end or deleted front or end. How to get it sort automatically everytime user entered a data? countItems() doesn't seem worked to the selection sort... This is my Node class. Mostly no problem... [CODE] public class … | |
[CODE] private Node<T> addAt(Node<T> node, T value) { if (node == null) { // special case return new Node<T>(value, null); } else if (node.getNext() == null) { // other special case node.setNext(new Node<T>(value, null)); } else if (node.getstuff().getName().compareTo(value.getName()) > 0) { node.setNext(new Node<T>(value, node.getNext())); } else addAtEnd(node.getNext(), value); } return … | |
Creating a program to read a text file full of words in alphabetical order. I then have to read it into a Linked List. The linked list should output total number of words, which I have managed to do. After this it needs to calculate the min and max depth … | |
Hello, I attempted to create a linked list in Assembly which takes the values from x and stores them into the list LinkNode. While it does work properly in doing this, I am unable to get any calls to procedures to work after calling my GetLink procedure. The calls seem … | |
Hey guys, I'm writting a program that reads a list of names from a file called name.txt and instert these names directly into a linked list in alphabetical order of [B]last[/B] names. For example, if the text file has these names: Henry Johns III, Albert Einstein, Henry Johns II, Mary … | |
I am very much a beginner and trying to create a linked list, asking the "user" to input 5 or 6 values. My problem is that I don't know the correct terminology or how to store the user's input so that I can create my pointer to the next value … | |
I have been working on a number of card games. Important, of course, is shuffling the deck. I have come up with a few different ways to do this. Currently I do not shuffle, but to deal a card, I lay out the deck in order, selecting a random number … | |
Hi, I am trying to create an automated trading system and am fetching data from an API (interactive brokers) API. I need to store 30 nodes of tick data( Tick is a reference type struct I have created) and store it in a linked list. When i start the system, … | |
Hello Guys, I have implemented a linked list. And my output looks something like dis: ************************************************* The elements in the list : address is = 163196952 ADOC1100250100000119666 address is = 163196968 ADOC1100250100000119666 address is = 163196984 ADOC1100250100000119666 address is = 0 ADOC1100250100000119666 TOTAL NO OF ELEMENTS IN THE LIST ARE … | |
Hello Guys, I have found many source codes to implement linked list. But all are inserting or deleting the node values after user's choice. I dont want that. Insertion should happen dynamically. I have a client program running on another system. I fetch the data from that system through my … | |
Hello I am working on a project for my roommate that involves reading in a text file that has x's and o's. The x's mean a wall and the o's mean an open path. The maze begins at 0,0 and ends at 15, 15. This makes the graph 15x15. I … | |
I'm developing a doubly linked list. Now the way I'm currently navigating it is by using a current position pointer, that starts at the tail and then loops round however many times you need (you'll tell the function) and it will then get to that node. Now, I'm having to … | |
Hi all! So our T.A. gave us a function to use in our programming assignment as follows: [code=php] struct node *delete_from_list(struct node *list, int examnum) { struct node *cur, *prev; for (cur = list, prev = NULL; cur != NULL && cur->examNumber != examnum; prev = cur, cur =cur ->next) … | |
This is a program im writing for class. Here is the exception im getting: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at LinkedList_final.insert(LinkedList_final.java:72) at LinkedList_final.main(LinkedList_final.java:247) Basically, my program reads a text file and parse a string. And then, add the string to Linked list. Thank you for your time and any help … | |
| Hi, My program keeps coming up with an Access Violation after I moved the code manipulating my linked list from the main function to a sub function. Looking at it with the debugger, I found that the sub function destructs the linked list, and then the main function attempts to … |
This is the program i'm trying to develop. It's not an assignment or anything. I'm just a newbie trying out new stuff. But I'm getting frustrated with this. [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; //========== struct ========== struct nodeType { string song; int rating; nodeType *link; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //========== function ========== … | |
I'm just a 4-months newbie in C++, and I have an assignment to do a small phonebook program for DOS or FreeDOS. This is what i got from days after searching: This is CTelrecord class that would save every record in details [CODE]class CTelRecord { private: int szTime; char szName[_MAX_NAME_LEN_]; … | |
the inputs are these computer 21 sabanci 4 sabanci 6 university 6 university 12 computer 17 university 3 computer 9 computer 6 sabanci 2 university 9 problem occurs at third line when the input name1 is equal with the previous input name1. Really thx for helping. Sorry for mess. #include … | |
Hello, I want to make a linked list program consisting of one main link, and each main links have sub link. [CODE]Main 1 -> Main 2 -> Main 3 -> ... -> Main N -> NULL | | | | Sub 1-1 Sub 2-1 ... ... | | Sub 1-2 … | |
struct Employee { /* Employee details */ char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1]; /* name string */ char sex; /* sex identifier, either 'M' or 'F' */ int age; /* age */ char job[MAX_JOB_LENGTH+1]; /* job string */ struct Employee *prev, *next; }; static void menu_add_employee(void) { static struct Employee *employee_list = NULL; { … |
The End.