286 Topics

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Member Avatar for Ahmed2

Hi guys, I'm trying to read data from an excel "csv" file and save it in a list. the problem is that I want to have a copy of this list named "list1" that will not change during the manipulations and claculations, because when I copied the contents of "list1" …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Eagles36

I have the program working up to the point where at the end of every test it fails and get. where do I need to look to start fixing the failed tests.(files are attached at the bottom) This is my output: START OF TEST 1: Testing insert, attach, and the …

Member Avatar for uzairrahim
Member Avatar for ogrishmania

I want to delete the first element from a list. this is my list: struct dlist { int liber; //it translates as "free" don't know what this is int nmax; //maximum number of elements DATA *pv; //a pointer with which i can move in list, also DATA is int }; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jnewman3

So I've been working on a Hash Table that uses nodes to store data. I'm having issues figuring out the copy constructor and assignment operator overloader. In my main I instantiate 3 hash tables. 1 default(size 10), 1 size 7 and another one that copies hashtable size 7 to it. …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for cryonize

I have a bit a of a problem because I have no idea what's going on in my code. Could someone guide me with this? **It has to swap the nodes themselves. ** #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; typedef struct node { int DATA; node *NEXT; }; node …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for while(!success)

Hey guys, I am writing a program which uploads a text file into a linked list then displays a menu prompt to the user. All of my functions work fine except when I try to exit the menu/program. The program crashes and I don't see where it is coming from. …

Member Avatar for while(!success)
Member Avatar for brandon93s

I am writing a program in C to build linked lists from scratch. However, I am getting hung-up on trying to build a link list that will automatically sort itself. By this, I mean that the nodes will automatically be placed in the correct location. My current code is putting …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for pce369

I wrote a linked list program in C++ which compiles and works well. But I have been told that a) I have to have two separate structs instead of one that contains both the info and the node; and, b) that I have to use two pointers instead of the …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for cryonize

Can anybody tell me what's wrong with my selection sort of linked lists? It's meant to sort the whole node, not the data. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; typedef struct node { int DATA; node *NEXT; }; node *HEAD = NULL; void Create(int data); void Display(); void Sort(); …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for cryonize

Hello again, I am asked by my professor to create a program using selection sort in a linked list. Selection sort with sorting only the data is pretty easy, but I'm having a hard time because he made us sort the nodes themselves. Can anyone help by giving atleast the …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for cryonize

I was asked to create a program that enters numbers and displays the before sorting order, and the sorted order displaying the previous node address and the next node address. I was told not to swap the data inside the nodes, but move the nodes themselves. I have a problem …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for cahitburak

Hi all. I am trying to build a Binary Linked Trie but fail in basic pointer operations.Following code can be built but in debug or run mode, it breaks and outputs the error. [ICODE]typedef struct node { char ch; node *next; }; struct node *root = NULL; void add(struct node …

Member Avatar for cahitburak
Member Avatar for Usoda

I have a Product class that is the parent of 3 other classes; Books, Movies, Music. And the Product class connects to the Store class that holds the Store's location. If I need to find a certain Product I have to traverse the list of each the Store class and …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for abed1986

Hello everyone, I have a program that intends to create a doubly linked list of structures, using the following header (q1.h): [CODE=c]typedef struct lNode* ListNodePtr; typedef struct lNode { char* string; ListNodePtr next; ListNodePtr prev; } ListNode; [/CODE] This is my implementation: [CODE=c]#include "q1.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> …

Member Avatar for abed1986
Member Avatar for cryonize

Hello! I have this problem with creating a linked list inside a linked list. Think of it as recording a list of customers, and at the same time, recording a list of items they bought individually. I tend to think that I might lose the head node and it's probably …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for nyxxie

struct looks like this: [CODE] struct ListNode; typedef ListNode* ListType; struct details { char first_name[20]; char last_name[20]; int start_number; int end_number; }; struct ListNode { details data; ListType next; }; ListType list = NULL; ListType head = NULL; ListType * PointerToHead = &head; [/CODE] I have a circular linked list …

Member Avatar for muraj

Hi all. I could really use some help on adding a node to the end of a doubly linked list. First off here is my node class along with the class where the adding should take place. For simplicity I did not add the other parts and classes of the …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for linezero

[CODE]void merge() { if(start==NULL) { start=start2; } else { temp=start; while(temp->next!=NULL) { temp=temp->next; } temp->next=start2; } temp=start; if(start==NULL) printf("\nList is empty"); else { printf("\nElements of the list:\n"); while(temp!=NULL) { printf("%d\t",temp->info); temp=temp->next; } } system("pause"); system("cls"); main(); }[/CODE] the following code is use to merge two linked list into one and …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for SAM2012

I have a simple query, I am using code for "QUEUE IMPLEMENTATION USING SINGLE LINKED LIST" [url]http://ds4beginners.wordpress.com/2006/12/17/queue-implementation-using-single-linked-list/[/url] for my program but having an issue if you pleas help me. [CODE]public class queue { gcroot<message^> msg; queue* next; public: queue(); queue* enqueue(queue*,message^); queue* dequeue(queue*); void queue_display(queue*); void setbinding(String^); String^ getbinding(void); }object, …

Member Avatar for SAM2012
Member Avatar for drico7041

Hey, I created a phone directory program. But I was wondering if I could get some hints on how I could create a txt file and add, delete names and numbers on the txt file. [CODE]import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; import java.lang.Object; import jpb.*; public class PhoneDir { private static LinkedList …

Member Avatar for dantinkakkar
Member Avatar for thache

I've been trying to figure out whats wrong here, but I just can't wrap my head around it. My compiler outputs the following when I attempt to compile it. [CODE] z:\Desktop\tmp\proj4>cl proj4_linkedlist.c Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 16.00.40219.01 for 80x86 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. proj4_linkedlist.c …

Member Avatar for thache
Member Avatar for shaffatshah

I have a file(myfile.txt) with the following lines, the records are semicolon delimited [I]Bon Jovi;Living + 2;EP;A+ Metal Maze;Aliotta Haynes Music;LP;B- Shore Brothers, The;Wipe my door, check;LP;C+ Bulman, Dane & Greg;Dane & Greg Bulman;LP;C- Calbert, Herb & The Mexico Brass;Rise;LP;A´[/I] . . . I want to write a c program …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Gsterminator

I need to know how to create methods to compare two sets of singly linked lists. The only problem is that I can't put a linkedlist inside the method parameters. Please help [CODE]import java.util.*; public class SLinkedList { protected Node head; // head node of the list protected Node tail; …

Member Avatar for Gsterminator
Member Avatar for Gsterminator

I need help with an add boolean method in a singly linked list, The only difference is that i start off with a dummy head. The method's job is to add non-repeating objects to the linked list. Please help: [CODE]public boolean add(Object newData){ Node current = head.getNext(); Node v = …

Member Avatar for Gsterminator
Member Avatar for Rimojenkins

Hello. I am working on a data structures program that should be quite easy, but after programming in assembly language using mips, I forgot a little bit of C++ and can't remember how to do this. I've used my googlefu for at least 2 hours and still have this problem. …

Member Avatar for Rimojenkins
Member Avatar for Jnk

Hello I am a new to C++ and have some questions. I have two classes called Point and Square like this: [CODE] class Point { int x, y; public: int getx() const { return x; } int gety() const { return y; } Point(int a, int b) { x = …

Member Avatar for Jnk
Member Avatar for GoodOldFashion

See I probably have the littlest knowledge on working with Linked Lists and I was thinking of creating a program that will accept three numbers which will be arranged on the list. However, I need to display the numbers everytime I input them, which I don't know how. My goal …

Member Avatar for GoodOldFashion
Member Avatar for needforkevin

hello all! i am working on a bank account type program where the user can add accounts delete accounts make deposits and so on. i have most of the code working but i am getting an error and i cant figure out whats wrong. if someone could steer me in …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for vincenzorm117

I have been having trouble developing a function that frees all of the memory associated with structs of a linked list. Im not asking for a clear cut answer, just an idea or a function that can aid. F.Y.I. the linked list contains a head struct and a tail struct …

Member Avatar for sorry711
Member Avatar for Ayzu

I'm trying to implement priority queue using a singly linked list, but the program is not running in the best way, n the display function is showing just first n last node's data , y??? [CODE]#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> struct node { int n,p,b; // Data members for getting Task no. ,Priority …

Member Avatar for Ayzu

The End.