1,765 Topics

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The stock market is in apparent free fall again this morning, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average down 387 points and the Nasdaq is off 56 points. Global markets are particularly hard hit, with Japan's stock index down 10% - at lows we haven't seen since 2003. Weirdly, gold and …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]You can do one of two things; just shut up, which is something I don't find easy, or learn an awful lot very fast which is what I tried to do. ~Jane Fonda [/I] Steve Ballmer doesn't seem to have learned Jane Fonda's big life lesson. In fact, dude doesn't …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

The stock market has responded favorably, relatively speaking, to the rumor that Microsoft is once again making a bid for Yahoo. Traders are buzzing over whether Steve Ballmer will make the same $33 per share offer now that he made a few months ago. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if …

Member Avatar for khess

After posting [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3340.html"]5 Things I Wish Linux Had[/URL], I did some mulling and gathered comments from readers and compiled this additional list of items that I wish Linux had. I've also included one thing that I wish Linux didn't have. These are part of my 2009 Wishlist and are more …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Wow! Now that really is a hard question to answer isn't it? If you listen to what 'Barmy' Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO and 43rd richest person on Earth, [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/20745/53/"]has to say[/URL] then you might be forgiven for thinking it is Google (I'm going to f****** kill Google), or maybe Apple …

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According to Russian forensic security experts and 'password recovery' specialists ElcomSoft, the days of protecting documents and files with 40-bit encryption are now officially over. It has now released a product which uses Thunder Tables technology to unlock password-protected documents that have been created using Microsoft Word. In fact, it …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Steve Ballmer should limit his worries to Microsoft and his advice to his employees. Last week the Microsoft CEO reportedly had the audacity to suggest that Apple "become more like Microsoft," and loosen the bonds between Apple hardware and software. Is he really that clueless? Surely he's aware that it's …

Member Avatar for EddieC
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Well, as they say in Vegas, in for a dime, in for a dollar. Or in the case of the Congressional bailout that President Bush wasted no time whipping out his sharpie and signing into law, how about $700 billion? The revote in the U.S. House of Representatives was never …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Of all the most cloying and over-rated virtues, for me self-deprecation is the worst. You know the sort of thing: people ask me what I do for a living and I tell them I write a bit, only when they press me do I confess that I write for most …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

On the face of it it's excellent news that Microsoft and the Washington State Attorney General are fighting against web scams. The sort of scam they're looking at is pretty clever if you're an inexperienced user. You're surfing a website or three - never mind what sort, we're not here …

Member Avatar for scru

In another interesting development showing that open source truly has a place in corporate computing, Microsoft announced on Sunday that it will be adding the JQuery JavaScript library to ASP.NET. The move came after many ASP.NET developers requested similar features to those that JQuery provides. According to Scott Guthrie of …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]You can't go back and you can't stand still If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will ~The Grateful Dead. [/I] Gloomy economic reports continue to pervade our daily news. It has me wondering if the problems on Wall Street will eventually trickle down to the tech sector …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

The market is hovering around positive territory - but barely - after billionaire financier Warren Buffett announced that he was plugging in $5 billion to newly-minted commercial bank Goldman Sachs. The investment was seen as a vote-of-confidence in the splintered financial sector by one of America's most respected market visionaries. …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

The stock market is down 370 points after Monday trading and nobody is really sure where we go from here. I’ve been around Wall Street for over 20 years and I’ve never seen anxiety like this – people are scared to death and a run on investment accounts - including …

Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

What can your IT department learn from Microsoft's latest advertising bungles? Plenty. When the company released its "Mojave Experiment" ads (which I'd link to but the site forces you to install Silverlight to view them), the premise was rather sad. It seemed to suggest that at least one of the …

Member Avatar for khess

Here is the big announcement I promised you from VMWorld. [URL="http://www.mokafive.com"]MokaFive[/URL], a Desktop Virtualization company, originally created Desktop VMs (Virtual Machines) that reside on a USB flash drive. Now, MokaFive takes Desktop virtualization to the next level: Your Desktop on your phone. [INDENT][COLOR="Green"]MokaFive specializes in mobile desktop virtualization – meaning, …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Making what now seems like the next logical step for operating system evolution, VMware today told the world about [url=http://www.vmware.com/technology/virtual-datacenter-os/]Virtual Datacenter OS[/url], which it positions as a way to "pool all types of hardware resources--servers, storage and network--into an aggregated on-premise cloud." The solution gives enterprise administrators flexibility and options …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

The second [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBWPf1BWtkw"]Microsoft-Seinfeld ad[/URL] was released Friday. It had a few funny moments, but once again left most people shaking their heads wondering exactly what Microsoft hopes to achieve. I'm not sure they know. Although they may have a game plan, it's hard for anyone to see exactly what it …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

A new application programming interface released this week gives development and test teams the ability to link their ground-based test systems with virtual operating systems accessed through a browser. It all comes from [url=http://www.skytap.com/]Skytap[/url], which earlier this year released [url=http://www.skytap.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=63&Itemid=120]Virtual Lab[/url], a Web-based infrastructure that provisions virtual hardware, software, networking …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

This morning EMC, Microsoft and IBM announced they had worked together over a two-year period to create a [URL="http://www.fiercecontentmanagement.com/story/ring-bells-major-ecm-vendors-send-content-sharing-standard-oasis-today/2008-09-10"]content interchange standard[/URL] for enterprise content management systems. It may not sound like much, but it's meaningful on several levels. For content management customers, it means it will greatly simplify moving content …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Microsoft yesterday released a [url=http://support.microsoft.com/kb/954593]security update[/url] intended to fix eight critical vulnerabilities in as many as 42 Windows apps and components, including IE6, Media Player, Office, SQL Server and Visual Studio. The patch was made available before they could be discovered and exploited by malicious hackers, or at least before …

Member Avatar for EddieC

If your plan is to strong-arm customers into offering your products exclusively, you had better give them something people want to buy. With Microsoft and Windows Vista, such is not the case, and Hewlett-Packard isn't taking it lying down. HP, the world's number one PC supplier in terms of volume …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

If you have to release a statement explaining your commercial, I think it's safe to say it was a failure. The much anticipated [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM_72QXCtN4]Microsoft commercial[/URL] featuring comedian Jerry Seinfeld debuted yesterday, and quickly rose in the viewer ranks on YouTube. Not only was the 90-second spot not funny, it left …

Member Avatar for raythemoneyman
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[I]"Jerry, I have to tell you something. This is the dullest moment I've ever experienced." - George, watching laundry, in "Good News, Bad News" episode of Seinfeld. [/I] I woke up this morning to find a [URL="http://startupmeme.com/microsofts-first-seinfeldgates-ad-a-home-run-to-trash-can/"]Tweet from Startupmeme[/URL] that the first Seinfeld ad for Microsoft had hit the airwaves. …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Wasting little time coming out of the long US Labor Day weekend, Google released a shiny new browser aptly called [URL="http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2008/09/fresh-take-on-browser.html"]Chrome[/URL]. Why on earth would the world need another browser at this point in the history of the internet is unclear, especially another open source entry, but one thing is …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

For the record, I don't think there is a lot of money in web browsers. They don't draw a lot of advertising money (although many of the web sites they send users to make money via advertising) and nobody has found a great profit-making model out of browsers, either. Just …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for newsguy

Look, I know it is fashionable to knock Internet Explorer. It is an easy target, and I will admit to aiming my own fair of kicks over the years. But when Beta software gets slated for having some bugs, well isn't that just taking things a little too far? That …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

Are you participating in Hack Week? That's Novell's open invitation to the world for suggestions on how to improve its openSuse Linux distro running through this Friday, Aug. 29. And you might just even win a prize. Calls for porting [URL=http://www.gnome.org/projects/tomboy/]Tomboy[/URL] to Windows (and maybe even Mac OS X), adding …

Member Avatar for EddieC

In the late 1990s an innovative company called Enroute Imaging came out with QuickStitch, a program that could analyze a series of digital photos and "stitch" them together into a single image. It cleverly figured out where the image data repeated and combined the photos seamlessly. It was really cool …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

I can just hear Jerry Seinfeld’s monologue taking jabs at Redmond: “…and what’s with Microsoft Vista—Bob and Windows ME weren’t embarrassing enough?” Who knows, maybe he already has. But now all that must be put aside as he takes on the role of pitch man for Vista. Do the folks …

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The End.