2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for a.muqeet khan

guy i was given a qeustion for my exam that What is the most commonly booked room type for each hotel in London? to this i replied [CODE]SELECT MAX(R.roomno)AS most room selected FROM ROOM.R,HOTEL.H,BOOKING.B GROUP BY roomtype WHERE H.hotelno=B.hotelno AND city='london' [/CODE] my problem is that i dont know if …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for MARKAND911

I want to create a SQL login in SQL2005. I tried creating it but it gives me error message [COLOR="Red"]"Create failed for login 'username'. User does not have permissions to perform this actions"[/COLOR] What to do now to create a SQL login in sql 2005

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for violette

hi all. here's my problem;. I would like to have a macro to export data from an excel file into the database(SQL) for insert and update data purposes. but i'm not sure how to do this.Can someone please show me a code syntax on how to do it?the excel file …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for spowel4

Is it possible to create a stored procedure to delete all records from a table (i.e. DELETE FROM <tablename>), but pass the table name to the procedure as a parameter? My desire is to have only one procedure for deleting multiple tables' records; I would simply pass in the table …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for CSharpUser

I'm new to MS SQL and trying to solve a problem where I need to extract specific data from a remote SQL Server 2005 DB into a local SQL Server 2008 R2 DB. In a Stored Procedure, I'm trying to use Linked Server via Ad Hoc links in the following …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for Mahesha999

Hi there. I am learning SSAS using Wrox book. I followed the tut in the book to create a project in BIDS (Business Intelligence Studio by Microsoft). Deployed the project in SSAS, which gave success status. However while browsing it in Cube Editors browser pane it gave me error as …

Member Avatar for vishwanath.m
Member Avatar for manhthaodn

I have 3 tables: A, B, C. How to insert 100000 rows into table B, while inserting have data is the random data are taken from Table A and C Thanks for help!!!!

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for odysseous

Hi, I have a problem with reading a csv file with SQL server UNH+ATOPHOEXEDI+AVLABL' PLD+AII+RE11S' TRV+1+40+DU03+MAN+LCA+20110706:0000:1' ACC+1+SUNNY HILL HTL APTS ?+ POOL 3*:11113+:: PAPHOS+20110706+3:3 STAR++E:1:999' PRC+A:825:3*C:0:1:15+9+5:2475:9:1BDR APT 2/4 INLAND VIEW+2:4++SC: SELF CATERING' TRV+2+40+DU03+MAN+LCA+20110706:0000:7:N:20110713:0000' ACC+2+SUNNY HILL HTL APTS ?+ POOL 3*:11113+:: PAPHOS+20110706+3:3 STAR++E:1:999' PRC+A:4900:3*C:0:1:15+9+5:14700:9:1BDR APT 2/4 INLAND VIEW+2:4++SC: SELF CATERING' . …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for sasom88

Hi! I need some help. Let's say I have 3 tables (t1(id,ds), t2(id,ds) and t3(id,ds)) where the tables don't necessarily have the same id fields. For example: t1 id ds 1 1 2 0 5 7 t2 id ds 8 5 1 2 t3 id ds 9 3 8 5 …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for Arjun_Sarankulu

Procedure is created on SQL server inserting the data from sql server to oracle databse When individually run the query it executed in 10 sec When run through procedure it takes sometime 1.5min and 5min [CODE] CREATE procedure sp_Trade_Book as Begin SET NOCOUNT ON BEGIN TRY --Begin of TRY BLOCK …

Member Avatar for moone009
Member Avatar for faizAtOddz

is there any way to backup an sql server 2000 database using the front end (Vb6) ...... Had been it in Access itz even possible via save as dilog I ve done it but sql 2000 is a problem

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m

Hai, I Have an sp like this: [CODE]ALTER procedure [dbo].[SP_ClassInsertion] @ClassType varchar(50), @ClassTypeId varchar(50), @ClassName varchar(50), @SchoolId varchar(50), @ClassID varchar(50), @BatchId varchar(50), @Userid uniqueidentifier, @ClassCategoryId varchar(50), @SchoolClassCategoryId varchar(50) as declare @STATUS int begin if exists(select Class_Id from SCH_Class where Class_Name=@ClassName and School_Id=@SchoolId and Is_Valid=1) begin set @STATUS=0 end else begin …

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Member Avatar for dfn77

NOTE: If this is too long, scroll to the last paragraph where hopefully I've summarized my problem. I have a simple problem. I have two tables, one is for the "header" and one is for the "details" of the header. I need a view to return all details and the …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for jacksantho

Hi, 1. Just am created a user for the login 'test'. 2. As with this login 'test', i logined to the server. 3. I don't have the permission to create the database. 4. So i tried this query: [CODE] use master grant create any database to user go[/CODE] 5. Am …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jovillanuev

Guys, I have those records. how to i removed the first 10 records and the last 2 records(-U)in string. P300-1110-C731-U P300-1110-INCREDIBLE-U P300-1710-DEVOUR-U P300-1710-DROID2-U P300-4410-THUNDRBLT4G-U P333-4110-8530-U Here is the correct Result: C731 INCREDIBLE DEVOUR DROID2 THUNDRBLT4G 8530 Thanks in Advance. Jonel

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Ichcha

hi , I have database 'center' with huge data and wanted to create a dummy 'test' database for 'center' db with 1000 random data for testing purpose. I generated script to copy the db but the resulting 'test' db was tables without data. i need 1000 samples for all the …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Eagletalon

Hey guys, Alright I have a tricky assignment to do in a view that will enable my next program to run MUCH faster and more reliable... Now I need to list all Items (1 table) and their locations where they are stored (2nd table) in a way that enables 1 …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for LAMDB

Hi all, I need to run a query that performs a count(*) on a table. This gives me the subtotals for each group. Now I need to sumarize the subtotals with sum the results given by the previous count. What would be the best way to do this? Thanks.

Member Avatar for nahjipeel
Member Avatar for Dumb Fish

HI, I don't know how to get the lastest data form the database. do anyone can give me some exmaples to see how to retrieve the latest 50 data.

Member Avatar for jovillanuev
Member Avatar for jovillanuev

Guys, what particular drive/folder to stored the text/csv/excel file that the bulk insert will be reading? what if in my local drive is this applicable? or it should be in the shared folder in the server. Thanks, JOV

Member Avatar for jazzyb

Dear Friends Hi I have developed VB application which uses SQL Express. When We install SQL Express it is by default set to install Service Account = Network Service. But I want to create installer which should install SQL Express 2008 (With Service Account = Local System) and along my …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for jackparsana

Hi, I have database in mssql 2008. In that, I want to fetch Column names from table in array. Is it posible? Please give me some suggestion. Thanks in advance. Jack

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for ashishsax

OK, here is what I want to really do: I need to write a single SQL query to do the following: select count(1) from TableA where [condition1]/ select count(1) from TableA where [condition2] One way of doing it is: [CODE] select (t.numerator/t.denominator) as ratio from (select (select count(1) from TableA …

Member Avatar for ashishsax
Member Avatar for DarkBerzerk

some times i connect to the localhost via Windows Authentication and i loggin normally, sometimes i get this error and after i restart the problem solve, now even if i restart always the same error :/

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for SAINTJAB

Hi guys, am having an issue with a mssql query an running in mssql 2005 server. I have two tables debttable (customer, subcat, drugs, form, total, paid, date, balance qty and amount as columns) and debtsum(customer, subcat, total, paid, date, balance). Now since both tables have some columns in common, …

Member Avatar for SAINTJAB
Member Avatar for Arjun_Sarankulu

I have data in the column '4.00504572690003' when i use select round(4.00504572690003, 2) it gives 4.01000000000000 How can i achieve 4.00 from the same. I tried a lot but didint get.

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for anish.anick

Hi All, I have a table which holds the values like shown below [ICODE]ID Col-1 Col-2 Col-3 FID 1 Good Yes Easy 101 2 Bad Yes Hard 101 3 Good Yes Medium 101 4 Good No Medium 101 5 Good No Medium 101[/ICODE] I want to have a query which …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for DmytriE

Good morning, Firstly, let me say that I have zero experience with database, servers, etc. Now that I have prefaced this long question with that tidbit let me ask the most basic questions. What is the difference between MySQL and MS SQL? I think they do the same thing but …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for aci.herobo

I am trying to set up a form for potential students to give their information for a language academay. When I tested the form with <input type="text" name"Nombre"> type of fields everything went fine. As soon as I tried to introduced drop down menus or typ radio elements the data …

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The End.