2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for jbisono

Hi friends, can you guys help me to find the best way to track information changes in sql server 2000, like a free utility. The problem is that i need to track every single table because i want to figure something out. we have an ERP System and there is …

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Member Avatar for Arjun_Sarankulu

i have two column in table select Col1 + ' ' + Col2 from test It gives output as Arun Kumar But i want output as Arun Kumar Can anyone help me out

Member Avatar for Arjun_Sarankulu
Member Avatar for samuel_1991

Hi, I need to use query to check if a person has made a purchase during the month of his / her birthday. If yes, I have to give the person 10% discount. So, I have my database as such (Some of the tables are omitted due to its relavancy): …

Member Avatar for noamwegner
Member Avatar for Tank50

Hi Guys I want to crete the SQL Tigger.There is table called Fruits.In fruits table it contain ITEM_CODE,ITEM_NAME and PRICE.So there is application that used to insert the values into fruits table. So I want once ITEM_Name or ITEM_CODE is update then sql trigger execute and It insert the update …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for ejazmusavi

I have suddenly deleted a sql server databse file from Sql server management studio. and recovered it using a data recovery software. but now unable to open this database. the error is "aaa.mdf is not a primary database file error 5171". i need urgent solution plz. help me to solve …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for noamwegner

what are the diffrences between CREATE INDEX [WITH IGNORE_DUPLICATE_KEY OFF] and CREATE UNIQUE INDEX it sounds the same! and if anyone knows when creating a plain INDEX just CREATE INDEX whether it creates a clustered or nonclustered index couldnt find an anshwer to that thanks in advance

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for virendra_sharma

Hi, i want to write a query for employee's who's name start with "a" and end with "b". Thnks in advance :)

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for shayankhan

Hello guys i am little bit confuse here with the code can any one help me out .. i want max customer paid in shopping and their name i dont know that i am using right way or not but guide me here [CODE]Select sum(od.unitprice * od.quantity) as Amount, (Select …

Member Avatar for shayankhan
Member Avatar for aishapot

[CODE]Sub retrievepic() Dim conn As New SqlConnection("data source=.\sqlexpress; integrated security=true; attachdbfilename=|datadirectory|\WAIS.mdf; user instance=true;") Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select ImageData from ImagesStore where ImageId=@ImageId", conn) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ImageId", 3) Try conn.Open() PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(New IO.MemoryStream(CType(cmd.ExecuteScalar, Byte()))) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally conn.Close() End Try End Sub [/CODE] This is my code for …

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Member Avatar for deva89

Sir, I am currently doing a project on "Pharmacy Management System". My question is "Can I used DataGridView to show the items that i have searched and the rest won't be visible??" If yes then can anyone give me the code for search button?? I have used the following code …

Member Avatar for kamilacbe
Member Avatar for Begginnerdev

Hello, I have one more question. I am connectinag to SQL Server 2008, not express, and I keep getting the "login failed for user "..."" The connection string I am using is: [CODE] Dim connStrg As String = "Data Source=" _ & ServerAdressTextBox.Text & _ ";Initial Catalog=" & _ DatabaseNameTextBox.Text …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for aishapot

I need to save pictures in my database, my database is MSSQL as of now, my code for getting the picture is this: Private Sub browsepic_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles browsepic.Click With dialogpic 'Open File Dialog sa toolbox .InitialDirectory = "C:\Users\CAMILLE\Pictures" .Filter = "JPG Files|*.jpg|PNG Files|*.png|GIF …

Member Avatar for aishapot
Member Avatar for craigus12

Hello, I am creating a web server which lets me insert into a table. The user invokes the specific ID and its meant to append to the table with that ID, startdate and an enddate. [CODE] <WebMethod()> _ Public Function reserveVehicle1(ByVal vID As Integer) As Boolean Dim strInsert As String …

Member Avatar for craigus12
Member Avatar for denmarkstan

Good day people please i need your clearification here: i want to go for mcdba certification. i do not understand these category exam stuff of 70-431, 70-293, 70-290, 70-291 etc. please let someone explain for me. thank you.

Member Avatar for mlesniak
Member Avatar for 1stoptutorials

Hey Everyone hope all well. I have this code that works perfectly on a mysql database [CODE]<?php // visit http://php.net/pdo for more details // start error handling try { // connect $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=name', 'name', 'password'); // enable error handling through exceptions $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); // create safe query $query …

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Member Avatar for geoamins2

I am facing the problem when i m attaching the ms sql 2005 database file in win7... MICROSOFT SQL SERVER ERROR 5120

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Member Avatar for erum

I am unable to restore .bak file in sql server 2005 ,Although i took back up from sql server 2005 and restore in the same version,its giving me an error ... does any one thing think that .bak is corrupted or whatever... please give me any remedy in that case …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for jitendra_tcil

We have an error on time of database attachment error 948 in ms sql server management studio 2008 what is solution of it

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for manhthaodn

Here is the link to download my database with sample data (Management Inventory): [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?9o5ycrqot2risa8[/url] I am making a query to access redundant or missing quatity of material. [B]Report[/B] MatId CusMatName TDK NTK XTK ... . . . . . . . . with: TDK: [CODE]select detail.MatId as ID_Nhap, SUM(Quantity) as …

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Member Avatar for jadiebabe

Hi, I am actually an HR consultant with minor experience in SQL, have asked our developers for help and received the query below, but it is not working - Please help!!! My Client records training for employees, these employees need to be recertified at certain dates. I need a report …

Member Avatar for DemonBob
Member Avatar for Turismosan

I want to write a program in C# that will populate the fields in a database that I have created, for example... I have fields in the database such as TotalWins, Name and TotalCredits. In the C# program, I want to have users enter these values into textboxes and when …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for moone009

I have a foreach loop package that parses through some flatfiles and imports them into a database. Instead of using a batch script to grab files only with todays date I would like the the ssis package to only parse files with some sort of getdate() function. SSIS 2005 sorry …

Member Avatar for imobby

I am making a DBMS using C#.Net and MS SQL. i want to display the data using crystal reports. In the Database Fields when the Database Expert wizard opens after choosing OLE DB (ADO) and then OLE DB for SQL provider, i have to give the Server, user & password …

Member Avatar for sweetyp

How do i insert multiple rows in database. for example: I have 3 list: list1: a1,a2,a3,a4 list2: b1,b2,b3,b4 list3: c1,c2,c3,c4 I want to insert a1,b1,c1 in 1st row. a2,b2,c2 in 2nd row,... How do I write one sql insert statement to do that?

Member Avatar for joe_bolla
Member Avatar for slacke

Hello everybody. How do you do? I have a really odd problem. I am using an application which is running on MS OS-es. (MS Windows XP SP3, MS Server 2003) This application connects to a remote SQL server (MS Server 2003). The version of MS SQL was 2000 (previous free …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for nameunknown

Hi everyone, we have constructed a content management system that gets updated quite frequently and is used by many clients for their day to day opperations for their websites. We have decided to build a section of the CMS with additional modules that we will host on our cloud and …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for aishapot

I'm trying to store a data from the checkbox. when i checked on NSO Birth Certificate it has to be stored into my mssql server. here is my code If nso.Checked = True Then strsql = "insert into student info(Requirements) values ('" & nso.Checked & "')" Dim sqlcmd As New …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for jovillanuev

Guys, I have an SSRS report with a month to date parameter. the date parameter is set up like startdate 10/01/2011 - enddate 10/31/2011. I would like to run this every first day of the current month through ssrs subscription. I need your idea guys to tis in subscription. thanks. …

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Hello, I'm currently working on a database application where the application can show a number of risks and counter-measures. Now i'm updating the application so it is possible to upload new risks without having to open the database. However, each risk has an riskID, a number that was being put …

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Member Avatar for gozlemci

Hi There; I have a MS-SQL 2005 in my computer. There is a [I]person [/I] table, and this person table have three columns; [I]name[/I], [I]surname [/I]and [I]address[/I].They are nvarchar(50). I hold the data of my company on it. User can make some queries over it via HTML. PHP code does …

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The End.