2,935 Topics
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Hi, For the users, i grant the permissions to create a table and then i also given the permission to alter table i.e grant alter on san to user; Logging as user: Table (design mode), am getting the error: "You are not logged on as the database owner or system … | |
I am having a table named "Society" And 5 master tables "BlockA","BlockB","BlockC","BlockD","BlockE". The "Society" table contains the foreign key columns of all the 5 master tables. Now when i write the select query it takes a lot of time to execute, as 5 tables are referencing one table and joining … | |
So I've looked for an answer to this question on the web but couldn't find anything that covers this specifically. Our database stores the project version in the format #.#.# (Rev_#) so there is both text and numbers in the string. I have no control over the data so I … | |
Hi. I was creating an enrollment system for my Thesis, and my adviser told me that I must have a Code in my program that Synchronize database from client and server so that if the terminal connection is "Up" the data will go to the server and if the connection … | |
Hi a have 4 tables Table A ID | Data 1 --------------- 1 | A Table B ID | Data 2 ----------------- 1 | B 1 | C Table C ID | Data 3 ---------------- 1 | D 1 | E 1 | F Table D ID | Data 4 … | |
Guys, Need your help. i need to obtain the nearest date from 3 tables. attached my scripst. th problem with this scripts it creates double entry in receipt date with the same transaction specially for this ESN "268435459407885398". [CODE] SELECT p.ESN, p.ReturnDate, s.Receiptdate, e.Shipdate FROM #Product p with (nolock) CROSS … | |
I have Sql2008 enterprise edition and want to install on windows 7 ultimate edition,it is giving error for version compability.what is required to do? | |
Hi, I am having trouble with retrieving records on my database. My layout was this.. [CODE]UsersList Username Firstname LastName Role Records TheUser ApprovedBy DateApproved [/CODE] The first text are the table names while the indented once are the field names. I have a table named Records. TheUser and ApprovedBy was … | |
Hi, I want to convert Single Column values to Row. Table Original Content: Code Amount Expenditure 10027 5000.00 LOCAL CONVEYANCE 10027 320.00 LOCAL CONVEYANCE 10116 1589.00 TRAVEL EXPENSES 10095 350.00 LOCAL CONVEYANCE 10095 1215.00 TRAVEL EXPENSES Expected Output : Code LC TE 10027 5000.00 NULL 10027 320.00 NULL 10116 NULL … | |
hi, can someone help me? i am using vb.net2010 and mssql as my database. what i want to do is when i open the form, the database will auto increment the student id and show it on the text box. | |
Hello Every one ! i am trying to make query to show the growth of sale of the product month wise ,i have one table name Sales .having following fields , SalesID,ProductID,amt,Qty,SalesDate i use this query to show my records [CODE] select ProductID,Amt,Qty,substring (datename(month,SalesDate ),1,3)as months,DATENAME(YEAR,salesdate ) as years [/CODE] … | |
Hi, I am trying to use the PIVOT function in SQL Server 2008. I have a query that I think should work, but whenever I execute it, I get the errors: Msg 265, Level 16, State 1, Line 25 The column name "CompleteTime" specified in the PIVOT operator conflicts with … | |
hi, what i need to do is to get information from 2 tables and show it to the listview. for example, i want to get the surname, first name and middle name from the student_info table and the Payment_Status from the accounting_system. i don't want to show the information that … | |
Hi Guys , i have faced a sql command problem. That is currently i have 2 different table [ICODE]a) Select ID, Name from Table1 where ID >=1 and ID ID <=3 ID | Name 1 | Alan 2 | Amy 3 | Andrew [/ICODE] [ICODE]b) Select ID,Sum(Points) as [Total] from … | |
i want to create a stored procedure that can return the initial character of two string inside the description field. ex. Computer Security -> in one data only if i use this statement select left(description) from table1 i want to return only CS when i run my script. is there … | |
I have a form where a user can search for properties from a database. Everything is working except for the suburb search. I would like the user to be able to search for more then one suburb. At the moment I have the information from the textbox being separated into … | |
Hello Every One ! I m working on a software , i have one field name expiry_Date , now i want to make an query which subtract the current date from the expiry_date and give answer in no.of days , i use getdate() for current date , can any one … | |
i have four computers connected to broadband ADSL router MS SQL Server is installed in all computers while i have done steps given here [url]http://support.microsoft.com/kb/914277[/url] it had worked on local networking some time ago but now its not accessing remotely. i m confused its just because of broadband ADSL. if … | |
Guys, When i run this sscript i got an error in Where clause? Where should be place this where clause? [CODE] SELECT p.ESN, p.ReturnDate,s.Receiptdate,e.Shipdate FROM USProductRecovery p with (nolock) OUTER APPLY((SELECT TOP 1 Receiptdate FROM ESNSalvReceipts s with (nolock) WHERE ESN = p.ESN AND Receiptdate > p.Returndate ORDER BY Receiptdate … | |
Hi, I want to get Indian Standard Time (IST) in Sql Server 2005. How can I achieve this? Note: SELECT 'SYSDATETIMEOFFSET', SYSDATETIMEOFFSET() this query works fine in Sql server 2008. Is there any option in Sql Server 2005? Thanks in Advance | |
Hello everybody and thank you in advance for any suggestions and help I hope to receive. I have Mysql experience but now I am working on my first M$sql database project, and I am getting frustrated. I am using php and would like to export a query. It is quite … | |
Hi.... I am trying to connect sql server with vb.net in Visual Studio 2008 with foll. code.... but it is having problem....what is the problem? Please tell me.... 1. I created "publication" databse. In table i took 2 columns...fname and lname and fill the records... 2. I took DataGridView onto … | |
Hello, I would like to create a small procedure that fetches the names of the columns of a table and uses them as a variable name. Let me explain. TableA Ref, FullName, FirstName, Age, ... 1, Jones, Charles, 32 2, Bridge, Dom, 26 3, Goodtime, Jack, 46 ... And I … | |
hi, i have a project written in visual studio 2008. and i copied the folder to the network drive. and from another pc when i run the exe file of the application an error occurs because the connection string is different, how can i make the application which is in … | |
Hello again! So now i can save the picture in the database, now i have to retrieve it. this is my code for the saving of the picture, [CODE]Dim ms As New MemoryStream() studentpic.Image.Save(ms, studentpic.Image.RawFormat) Dim arrImage() As Byte = ms.GetBuffer ms.Close() Dim strFilename As String = lblfilePath.Text.Substring(lblfilePath.Text.LastIndexOf("\")) Dim cnn … | |
HI, Am having a table named "test" in the server A -> running Sql Server 2000. [CODE] synchronized in server B (Insert,update and delete in the server A)[/CODE] Am having the same table named "test" in the server B -> running Sql Server 2005. I don't know, how to carry … | |
can anyone please help me with my update statement, i am trying to update a row within a access 2007 database here is my code. [CODE] Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand Try con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Ace.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & Database & ";Persist Security Info=False" con.Open() cmd.Connection = … | |
Hi, I am trying to add up the quantity of various items found in a table, that is controlled by a second/third joined table using the IN search criteria. However I am unable to work out getting the SUM of all the items. The tables are as below: [ICODE]Table One: … | |
Guyz i need changes in this stored procedure "between" or anything like ven i enter a start date and end date on as 26 dec twice i get error set @Result = (select COUNT(*) from Employee_Leave where Employee_Id = @Employee_Id and Leave_Date = @start_Date AND ) and does not duplicate … | |
I am trying to display the result from a query in to a table. I can do this pretty easily when doing queries from mysql, but cannot get it to work with mssql. Below is the code I used to actually make sure I could get the data (and it … |
The End.