2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for Link82

Hi All, Re-doing a giant, old, crusty sp. So here's a questions for all of you. I have two temp tables: #temp_acct_codes and #temp_hour_tracker. #temp_acct_codes contains these two columns in addition to a slew of others: week, hours, date_worked. #temp_hour_tracker contains week, hours_already_worked, 1_0_hrs, 1_5_hrs, 2_0_hrs, diff_hrs, eper_hrs, loc (different …

Member Avatar for Link82
Member Avatar for kalium

Hi, I have a table which was holding values in a text field in ISO-8859-1 format. I am wanting to convert this data to UTF-8. I started by changing the field type to ntext. Should I also need to pull out the data, re-encode it in UTF-8 and put it …

Member Avatar for UndiFineD
Member Avatar for mania_comp

hi guys I want know that whether is it possible that to implement Client - Server architecture by using SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS EDITION as a main server and on other client PCs also I have SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS EDITION . So can i connect to main server from …

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Member Avatar for nolesce

I am working with a third party program that sends data and files to a web based repository for our customers. I have rewritten the ASP side of things and cleaned that up but we have run across a problem. The internal (3rd party) software when sending files to the …

Member Avatar for nolesce
Member Avatar for cheapterp

I am using the SQL 2005 Express edition for SQL server. The database resides on another server and I connect to it from my machine through the object explorer. I have created a trigger to run certain queries and updates, but can't seem to find the trigger listed under [QUOTE]MyDB->Programmability->Database …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for entercow

Hi All! I am working with an MSSQL DB which stores images as blob's. When I pull out the blob it seems to be cut off at a fixed length. Every image only displays the top 1/3 or so. My query is very basic and has no limitations in it …

Member Avatar for entercow
Member Avatar for Aussie_Here

I want to create a procedure to update a table. It takes number of input parameters(one of them is the @pID) and updates four columns which have the pID=@pID and only one of these four columns can be updated if the value of another column='F' in addition to pID=@pID. How …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for SQL_n00b

I have been reading up quite a bit on the topic of Stored Procedures (SPs) and keep coming across contradicting opinions from various 'SQL experts' on whether or not they should be used. Sometimes it's a downright 'No' ([I]Frans Bouma's[/I] Blog for example -- google the term for the article), …

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Member Avatar for ssudhamca

hello i want two table records in substring query table1 name (membermaster ) column names [B]mficode,centercode,membername[/B] values ex [B]045323,1061,shanthi[/B] table2 name (memberloanmaster) column names [B]loanrefcode ,centercode,closedate[/B] values ex [B]045323/1,1061,2009-04-03,[/B] both tables mficode and loanrefcode and centercode as comman, how do i select mficode and centercode and membername, compare with loanrefcode …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for penfold33

Hi I need to generate a CSV of names and address from a table and I would like only one result (it doesn't matter which) per distinct email address. If possible, they also need to be ordered by DateAdded descending so I can select just the most recent 1000 results. …

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Member Avatar for ssfftt

I used COALESCE with LIKE in my query: [code=sql]WHERE Column1 LIKE '%' + COALESCE('Togas', Column1) + '%'[/code] apparently the rows with "[" and "]" characters are excluded from query result. is it possible to include those rows in the result? thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for faruque_alam

Hi I have three MS SQL 2000 Servers distributed as follows: (img Server 1: Name: JBCB_SRV1 OS: Windows 2003 SE DB: MS SQL 2000 Server SE MS SQL Replication: Publisher Source DB: Northwind Server 2: Name: WEB OS: Windows 2000 Server SE DB: MS SQL 2000 Server SE MS SQL …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for deostroll

Is there a way to isolate the nth record from a table using [U]sql queries alone[/U]? The table is a [U]non relational[/U] one and you cannot use any temporary tables...Do u think there is a possible solution for this in MS SQL Server 2000? Otherwise tell me whatever you know? …

Member Avatar for huangzhi
Member Avatar for darkocean

Hello everyones, I want to delete where my id has unique identifier in the table in my database.... how can I do it? Thanks

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for CNIDog

I need to create a table to store matched pairs that I can query and get a count of how many times a particular matchup was entered. For example "5" might be paired with "6", but "6" might be also paired with "5". (Quotes are for clarity - not to …

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Member Avatar for Alexpap

Hello all, I want to create a custom login form for SQL Server 2005, which will have 2 textboxes(Username,Password). When the users clicks the submit button then i want to check the SQL Server users with that username and password,if exist. I need this to be answered asap! Thanks in …

Member Avatar for Alexpap
Member Avatar for 21KristianN

Dear everybody hope someone can help me!! Im trying to SUM data from 2 different tabels without any ID connection between and I what to subtract the results from eachother afterwards.. how do i do that. lets say i have tabel1.costs and tabel2.profit I would like to SUM the data …

Member Avatar for 21KristianN
Member Avatar for mohankumar554

hi. i have to print the time table in database .. like rows and columns. for example like this 1 2 3 4 mon tue wed thu fri sat so ,how to write the query and how to insert the rows and columns .can u tell me the answer..

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for mohankumar554

hi, i need to print the last row of the table in the data grid form .i am using the sql server and c#.net.. i want to print the recently inserted row of the table.. can u tell me the answer..

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for kralco626

I am trying to do this with sql code without using a cursor. I have table A with two cols and no PK ID Data I have table B with three cols the first two make up the PK ID PK SEQ PK Data If I have the following data …

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Member Avatar for coollife

I have a table with 2 fields category_ID Category_name 1 india 2 china 3 japan 4 africa 5 france I bind these data into grid in aspx page and in that i have given delete command and when i perform delete operation and if i delete china and japan i …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for jammiedude

Hi i am wondering if anyone has a solution for sorting by postcode area. I wanted to be able to pick off either the First letter or first two letters and group by this. I have figured out how to group by the first to characters of the postcode using …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for mohankumar554

hi, how to auto increment the value in database table when the button clicks.i have created a table named register .when the user completes his registration we will generate the receipt based on the registration. so for every receipt we will generate the receipt no on that. when we click …

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Member Avatar for bajanpoet

My manager has just asked me to research whether it would be possible to restore a previously fully backed up database into two or more filegroups, with each filegroup being on a separate drive using SQL Server 2008. I know that if I were backing up the database to begin …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Madaxe

Hello everyone. This is quite possibly not the place for this but it is more to do with SQL than the other things included so I apologise if I am wrong. I am looking for some help on a task I have been set. When I say help, what I …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for mohankumar554

hi, i need to get the column values from the table login.it contais two columns ,userid and password. i want to check the userid and password values when the user logged in.so i have to compare the entered textbox value with the saved value. i am using the code is …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for sakhi kul

I installed Visual Studio 2008 but when I creates any database it gives me error that" SQL server don't allow remote connection" & if i uninstalled only SQL Server & it'r related packeges like VSS Writer, setup support files etc. & I agian installed fresh copy of SQL server then …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for fgguzman

Is there a way to upgrade SQL Server Express 2008 basic to Advanced Series without having to reinstall the whole thing?

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for johnyjj2

Hello! I'd like to run mssql script (file with extension sql). I installed Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and run in Command Prompt: C:\Documents and Settings\useruser>osql -Usa -Ppassword -i "F:\Data\MyApplication\Scripts\CreateDb.sql" [SQL Server Native Client 10.0]Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2]. [SQL Server Native Client 10.0]Login …

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The End.