2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for caliguy1979

Hi, I don't know how exactly how to do this. So for example I have the following set of data: Table: tbl_country_costs Country Type Cost North America Sales 2000000 North America Expenses 1250000 North America Taxes 250000 North America Profit 500000 Europe Sales 2500000 Europe Expenses 1250000 Europe Taxes 500000 …

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Member Avatar for tate-u

Can someone help and show me how to display using (VB.net) these two tables combined into one. I'm really struggling trying to figure this out after hours of work, I decided its time to ask for help! So in SQL Server 2005 I have the following tables... [B]Students[/B] PKId Cart_Id …

Member Avatar for padtes
Member Avatar for thewebhostingdi

Hi, I have setup the MS SQL 2000 database and setup one form for insert query to insert some personal details. But the when the detail contains special character like #,?,=,/ etc.,, database throws the error message. Like: Some details withspecial character # sp. # How can I resolve this …

Member Avatar for thewebhostingdi
Member Avatar for SQL_n00b

Not quite sure whether this is a question for the server side programming forum or for SQL forum. Nevertheless, here it is: What is the best way to update a record when 2 users of my site happen to edit it simultaneously? For example, assume the following scenario: Let's say …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for cVz

:'( Hello everyone, i wrote an application that makes database backups and zips them. Can anyone please tell me what i need to do in order to get the apllication to work on IIS 6 windows server 2003 SQL 05 1. The application works fine on machines for both XP …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Ihab Salamin

i have the following Query , i built it in sql server 2008 query builder [code=sql](SELECT CourseNo FROM ppu_RegistrationInfoDetailes WHERE (StudentNo = @StudentNo) AND (SemesterNo = (SELECT TOP (1) SemesterNo FROM ppu_RegistrationInfo AS ppu_RegistrationInfo_1 WHERE (StudentNo = @StudentNo) ORDER BY AcademicYear DESC)) AND (AcademicYear = (SELECT TOP (1) AcademicYear FROM …

Member Avatar for padtes
Member Avatar for m_shanak

hi every body. i have a stored procedure with a select statment that looped by a cursor . this is the code [CODE] DECLARE res cursor READ_ONLY for (SELECT DISTINCT GroupNo FROM ppu_MajorPlan WHERE (PlanYear =(SELECT majorPlanYear FROM ppu_Student WHERE (StudentNo = @StudentNo))) AND (MajorNo =(SELECT MajorNo FROM ppu_Student WHERE …

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Member Avatar for Mongz

Hi guys, im trying to insert data in different tables one after another, the first table is "Account" with P_key "Username" then have another table called "Student" with P_key "Alumnus_no". Username is a foreign key on "Student" table meaning in order to enter records on Student table Username must exist …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for kubow

Hi I have proble to figure up how create databaze schema for text localization. My problem is like i have table with Towns and i need to localizate it to diferent language. Something like London - Londin and so on. Problem: The problem is that i cant create FK to …

Member Avatar for tryongliph

hello everyone. i'm a newbie to ms sql but i understand the basics of adding tables and linking them. i have two tables tables that i have linked; Department and Employee. The Department table is the main table with a foreign key in the Employee table. now from by basic …

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Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hey Guys, Can you please tell me which version of SQL Server is compatible with Vista. I have a Vista Home Premium Service Pack 1.

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for newsguy

It has been a long time coming, but Microsoft has finally announced the release to manufacturing of SQL Server 2008. "Microsoft developed this release of SQL Server with the customer in mind," said Ted Kummert, corporate vice president of the Data and Storage Platform Division at Microsoft. "SQL Server 2008 …

Member Avatar for derekholmes

[B]Gripe about Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio[/B] I just wasted a day because of sql 2005. I just updated (i know late) but can't believe how buggy it still is. I had set my 'set rowcount' option under to 100 hoping that it would limit the rows i was viewing …

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Day All I have SQL 200 and a SQL 2008 in one Machine. At First there was SQL 2000 and i install SQL 2008. Now we have a ilog Application written in C++. am not sure what that developer uses to connect to the SQL. Now the Application can …

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Member Avatar for Eyo

Hi, please I need a query that performs the following: I have a table like this: set_id | rec_id 10 | 1 10 | 25 10 | 32 20 | 61 20 | 90 30 | 77 Now I have suppose rec_id = 61 and rec_id = 90 I need …

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Member Avatar for dougancil

I've only written one stored procedure in the past and I'm being tasked again to write another one. The purpose of this SP is to do a bulk insert from a .txt file and then to move the file to an "archive" when it's done with the bulk insert. The …

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Member Avatar for darab

Hi I have a program that i need it to be a portable prog i meant in destination system there isn't sql server and without it i need my program work successfully but this program used sql server they said me i have to change my database into SQLEXPRESS ,before …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for roxys

Hello, I have an append query in my access, that is linked with sql server 2005. I want to use an append query that I maked in access, i want to use it in sql server so it can append the records to a specific table. My query is as …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for jorge_oliveira

Hello I'm having a problem to calculate the sum of digits from a field. Example: 1234 I want to sum 1+2+3+4, in order to obtain the result 10. Using the following query I obtain the result, but only by mere coincidence: SELECT model, CONVERT (NUMERIC(6,0), SUBSTRING(model,1,1)*1.0+SUBSTRING(model,2,1)*1.0+SUBSTRING(model,3,1)*1.0+SUBSTRING(model,4,1)*1.0) FROM product The column …

Member Avatar for ergen
Member Avatar for dearjitu

I need the query which will fetch the data from DATE_TIME1 to DATE_TIME2 with interval of 2min or 3 min or 15 min which is variable. The DATE_TIME data is available in the table in the interval of 1 min. ex in the table: 29-Aug-2009 10:00:00 29-Aug-2009 10:01:00 29-Aug-2009 10:02:00 …

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Member Avatar for stockton

I am having a problem restoring my clients MSSQL database onto my desktop using Enterprise Manager. Apparently the database itself contains information about where the original database was backed up from & irrespective of what alterations I make in Enterprise Manager the restore fails. Is there some other program I …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for icarium

Hi, I have a project in asp.net which includes mssql database. when i tried to back it up simply by copying the folder, I then tried to open the project through visual studio, but it did not open. So how can i back up my project ? also my operting …

Member Avatar for anuj_sharma
Member Avatar for Aussie_Here

How to make a constraint to check if the entered time is in valid form?

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Smart_Viral

How to set the default value of an attribute to the value of another attribute in another table using Visual Database Tools?

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for gispe

hi all ive got more like a very newie with sql. thing is @college ill use sql7, wich i dont have it installed. ive searched for it on the net, but cant find it. i just find sp, but not just the program. does anyone know a link to download …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for progtick

this open source thing I am using uses typical contains formsof inflections. I will post the exact syntax if you want. However, it does not do partial word search. How do I incorporate wild-card search with contains formsof inflections?

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Aussie_Here

I want to create a procedure which takes one input parameter(@name) and list all the fully or partially matching results. I used [code=sql]Select * from Table1 Where Name LIKE @Name[/code] but it didnt work. Can you help plz?

Member Avatar for Aussie_Here
Member Avatar for Aussie_Here

How can I add a check constraint to make sure that a date is equal to Today or within the last year and another check constraint to ensure that dateA is equal to dateB or earlier by a maximum of 3 days ?

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Member Avatar for Peric

So, i'm working on VB.NET application but I'm having problem with one MSSQL query. [CODE]SELECT ISNULL(Sezona.NogSezona, '') FROM Trener LEFT JOIN Licenca ON Trener.BrTrenerskeIskaznice = Licenca.BrTrenerskeIskaznice LEFT JOIN Sezona ON Sezona.IDSezona = Licenca.IDSezona AND Licenca.IDSezona=3[/CODE] This is the code I've been using 'til now, but it's not working as I …

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Member Avatar for Aussie_Here

I've got the following tables : Em_table Em_No nchar(3) Primary key Em_type nchar(20) , (values it can be inserted into that column are 'P', 'T' and defaults to Work_table(w_type)) . . Work_table w_No ...... w_type nchar(20) values it can be inserted into that column are 'P', 'T' ) . . …

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The End.