2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for ranj_s20

Hi, Can any one suggest the method to delete bulk records upto 1 lakh without specifying any condition? There's no Id to be specified in checking in the where condition. Please suggest an idea . Thanks In advance

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for Arjun_Sarankulu

I have a table customer in ms sql and i have same table in Oracle. I want to insert data from ms sql to Oracle. I am not getting the solution.

Member Avatar for Arjun_Sarankulu
Member Avatar for sherinpoulose

I have sql table with 3 columns id, parentid and name.I have attached the table i have . Also i have attched the table output i want. In the name column ,there are so may values out which yes and no are two values which occur more than once. I …

Member Avatar for sherinpoulose
Member Avatar for moone009

Im using the rank function for a route order on my import. The script works perfectly fine except when I have to stops at a location (locationid,stored as a GUID). This is how it currently looks locationid Rank 0A0F4E97-699B-E011-B139-00188B47C528 1 0A0F4E97-699B-E011-B139-00188B47C528 2 110F4E97-699B-E011-B139-00188B47C528 3 110F4E97-699B-E011-B139-00188B47C528 4 0E0F4E97-699B-E011-B139-00188B47C528 5 0E0F4E97-699B-E011-B139-00188B47C528 6 …

Member Avatar for Brillig
Member Avatar for agrarian

Any could give me a PHP script on how to call or execute a MS SQL Server stored procedure, passing parameters to it and receiving a value from it using an Output parameter?

Member Avatar for 99developer
Member Avatar for jovillanuev

Guys, Can you help please to compare or check the records from Mytable1 to MyTable2 if exist or found. and i have to count the records with not null. Any idea. you can modify my script. [CODE] elect a.ESN b.ESN FROM MyTable1 as a Left outer join Mytable2 as b …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for dwinn

Hello, I am currently working on a stored procedure that shows the time of day as an integer value: 456, which means 4:56. I was wondering if there is a way in SQL that I can convert this int in to a datetime value. So instead of the time appearing …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for atrueresistance

Hello All I'm converting an access database to MS SQL for a webapp and have a question if anyone knows how to do this. 4 fields [TimeReported] [TimeOff] [TimeOn] [TimeAssigned] Access only stored time, so date is incorrect. 1 Field stored date separately [Date] I would like to take each …

Member Avatar for atrueresistance
Member Avatar for jovillanuev

Hi Guys, Kindly please help me on how to this in scripts. How to calculate and get the average aging based on the Aging period. I could not figure out on how to do this in script. btw, even the format is not like my sample it's okay, unless i …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for strRusty_gal

HiEveryOne, Does anyone know how to get the data where startdate is more than today'sdate and enddate is less than today'sdate and if enddate is NULL. Thanks for the help

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for rajni kumari

what is the .net code for adding year in this form like 2001-2002,2002-2003, in dropdown with the asp.net

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for dwinn

Hello everyone, I am developing a form in VB.Net and ASP.Net that enables a user to grab data from a SQL Server 2005 Express database and display the data on the screen depending on the search criteria that they provide. What would be the best way to go about doing …

Member Avatar for dwinn
Member Avatar for jovillanuev

Hi All, When I run this script using bulk insert i got an error message but when I try the first 6 records there is no problem. can anyone give the reason and what is the problem? [CODE]Use chrisMartin Bulk Insert SampleTable_Jonel FROM 'c:\planning\ProductRecoveryDataFeedytd_3.csv' --Sheet 1 With ( DATAFILETYPE = …

Member Avatar for Eagletalon
Member Avatar for Pari13

Hello All Developeres, Please Read Below Senario. I have one table Supposed "Emp(EmpID,EmpName)" Now There is data with Name "testName1" and "testName2" in EmpName Field Now I need query which fetch all record in asceding order for EmpName Field and Record with "testName1" and "testName2" will must display at [B]last[/B]. …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for feedz87

[code]StrSQLQ1 = "SELECT " & _ "CustomerCharges.JobOrderID, CustomerCharges.ClientID, CustomerCharges.ActivityDate, CustomerCharges.TaskName, CustomerCharges.Charges, CustomerCharges.LineSeqID, CustomerCharges.IIDNo,CustomerCharges.consignee CustomerCharges.marking, CustomerCharges.rate, CustomerCharges.m3, CustomerCharges.tonn,CustomerCharges.labor, CustomerCharges.storg, CustomerCharges.overtm, " & _ "JobOrderHeader.JobType, JobOrderHeader.CustomerName, JobOrderHeader.LedgerNo, " & _ "JobOrderLine.LorryOutDt, JobOrderLine.FL, JobOrderLine.VesselIn, JobOrderLine.ContainerTruckNo, JobOrderLine.ContainerSz " & _ "From " & _ " { oj (WMS.dbo.JobOrderLine JobOrderLine INNER JOIN WMS.dbo.CustomerCharges CustomerCharges ON …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for moone009

I'm running sql server 2005 and I need to pull information from 2 of the databases(all from the same server). All of the databases are identical minus the data. database1 = LCDEL database2 = LCDFV I need all of the location data from each database and instead of querying them …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for jovillanuev

Hello Guys, I need your help to obtain this records. I could not figure how how to do this in script. I would like to get the RMA # 3. but the records will pull out based on the type equal to 2 and date range.. Here is sample data: …

Member Avatar for jovillanuev
Member Avatar for strRusty_gal

Hi Everyone, Thanks for your time. I have a question about COUNT in sql. Does anyone know how to display the COUNT if it is equal to 0? Please feel free to ask me any question if you don't understand my enquire. Thanks for the post.

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for moone009

Can anyone tell me whats wrong with my script? sql server 2005 Error: Incorrect syntax near ')'. I have a feeling there is more wrong than that. [CODE]SELECT a.* FROM OPENROWSET('Data Source=;Initial Catalog=RFDG;User Id=admin;Password=342ds2sa12e;', 'SELECT * FROM location') AS a[/CODE]

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for jovillanuev

Hi Guys, I encounter error when i converting the string into datetime. My datetime field is shipdate and returndate. also there is a Null value both of this field. btw, here is my code. can you please modify my code any idea that you can share with me to fixed …

Member Avatar for jovillanuev
Member Avatar for jacksantho

Hi, Anyone please help out. By using select query i am getting this following output. [B] itemname idno name price A B01 sa1 10 B B01 sa1 40 C B01 sa1 50 D B01 sa1 100 [/B] But i don't want this(as above one) type of display in my browser. …

Member Avatar for Pampas
Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

Hi, I have a table field with var char data type having values like TVM/345/2000,TVM/01/00,TSR/42/01 etc.I want to extract the sub string from first location to the second '/' location as TVM/345/. Is there any built in function to solve is? Thanks

Member Avatar for divyakrishnan
Member Avatar for moone009

I am new to SSRS 2005 and in my report my results are all be displayed page by page as in 1 record per page and I would like multiple records per page. My data is simply select address1, city from location These are my two values. =Fields!address.Value =Fields!city.Value How …

Member Avatar for Misheki

I have a PHP shopping cart system and it's using MS SQL for the backend. Currently it's using the mssql driver. Now I want to move it to Windows Azure and I'm required to change the driver to sqlsrv 2 in order for it to work there. Can anybody tell …

Member Avatar for Misheki
Member Avatar for Fibinacci85

hi guys, i'm hoping some one will be able to help. i basically want to create website where people can upload pictures and then other people can view them and leave comments iv created the website of how i want it but i dont know how to create the database …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for jovillanuev

Hi All, Couldnt figure out to obtain the nearest date in query properly. find below the sample. Insert Fsample (ESN varchar(10), optn_type int, auditdate datetime) values('123',2,'2011-1-03') values('123',11,'2011-2-20') values('123',2,'2011-03-02') values('123',2,'2011-4-10') values('123',11,'2011-5-18') 2=shipdate 11=returndate result ESN|Shipdate|returndate 123|2011-01-03|2011-02-02 123|2011-02-20 123|2011-04-10|2011-05-18 Thank you in advance. Jonel

Member Avatar for jovillanuev
Member Avatar for moone009

I cannot figure out how to increase the @bin I tried a cast as int and still no success. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. [CODE]DECLARE @counter int DECLARE @bin varchar(9) SET @counter = 1 Set @bin = '65R110001' WHILE @counter <= 5 BEGIN insert into laitem (ViitemName,viitemdesc,vilastused,vidateadded,virevisiondate,active,entitycode,manufactureddate, stopid,statusid, itemtypeid) values …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Pgmer

Hi All, I have column which consist of data like AB1 AB2 AC3 AD5 AB1 AB2 When i do order by this coulumn, its not ordering properly. It should order like AB1 AB1 AB2 AB2 AC3 AD5 Thanks

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Andrewsc1

Is there a way I can set a user as System Admin via cmd? I have been searching the internet for ways to do this. i found this: [URL="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/937682"]http://support.microsoft.com/kb/937682[/URL] , but I would like to know if there is another way of doing it. Thanks, Andrew

Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale

I have uninstalled sql server 2005 but failed to uninstall SQl Server 2005 Management Studio Express. To install Sql Server 2008 Management Studio I need to uninstall Sql Server 2005 Studio otherwise I can't proceed further! Can anybody suggest an easy and clean way to uninstall SQl Server 2005 Management …

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The End.