2,935 Topics
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I'm having problems with my query below. Basically I need to calculate the feet between two gps coordinates. Basically once I can get this formula completed instead of manually entering the data I'll use a temp table and then select the top 2 rows and then delete these and keep … | |
I have varchar value 4890 And i am casting it to decimal and dividing by 100000 Its output is 0.0489000 But when i calculated the same on calculator it gives 0.04890 And i think it should be 0.04890 Please help me out Thanking in Advance | |
Hi folks, this is my first post in danniweb, please excuse me if I am in the wrong place or the thread title lacks self explanation. I am very disoriented in the field since im new in MS SQL. Before going into the problem, I'm going to give some context: … | |
Hai, I used a table for generating grade for students. for thati used the fields: UpperBound[int] LowerBound[int] Grade [varchar(50)] I have some datas such as : UpperBound LowerBound Grade 61 70 D 71 80 C 81 90 B I sent the value 80.09 to Stored procedure. Stored procedure something like … | |
hi every one, I m tring to make on webapplication with PHP and MSSQL2005.This simple website has some report and chart those r dynamically update from my MSSQL db.I m using fusion chart free for charting. I have used this codes for report.[CODE]<?php include('DBConn.php'); include("FusionCharts_Gen.php"); $link = connectToDB(); $stmt=mssql_init("AreaWiseMonthlyRpt", $link); … | |
I am new to SSRS, I need to to know basic concept of SSRS in PPT. Kindly help in this. Thanking in advance | |
Hi everyone, I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out what to do here. Basically I have 3 tables shown below User Table [CODE] ID Firstname Lastname etc.... 1 James Hay 2 Someone Else [/CODE] Permissions Table [CODE] PermissionID UserID 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 [/CODE] Permissions … | |
I have a table called UpdatedFigures with the following headings: ProductType, Month13, Month14, Month15.......Month24. Under each month there are numeric values and under Product type there is a row for ProductAlpha, ProductBeta and ProductGama. Each Row is populated with eh numeric values from the months. I have a separate table … | |
Hello ..... I writing sql statment on access 2007, all what I need to do is to get the max value of a column depending on the max of another column.. an exmaple of the data is as below: Invoice No-------- Document no--------Document Date-----Value 1001115600188757 /// 5100002019//////13/12/2010////////-30469.50 1001115600188757 /// 5100002018//////13/12/2010////////30469.50 … | |
Hi everyone, I have a stored procedure which takes 2 integer parameters and returns either a 1 or a 0. It's quite long so I won't post it here unless you feel it's nessesary. Currently I have a table named 'Books', a table named 'Filters'. Each row in 'Books' has … | |
I have a query in stored in a variable @query I execute that query using following statement [COLOR="Green"]execute[/COLOR](@query) I want the number of rows returned by executing above statement in sql server How can i get that? | |
Is there anyway to do it? I find a msoft tool that does it for sql server 2005. There is an import feature in sql server 2008 but it doesn't do it correctly. Anyway to convert my database with all its relationships to sql server automatically?? | |
i am working on a java project, one of its web pages includes this query:- [code] select pname,age,gender,dscrptn from patient where curdate='05-17-2011' and docref='arshdeep' and meet='no' [/code] but it is not working, i executed this in MS SQL, BUT ITS SHOWING ONLY THE COLUMN NAMES THERE. i.e pname age gender … | |
hi I am new to SSRS. I have a matrix table like below: [CODE]--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | id | name | family | book1 | book2 | book3 | book4 | book5|...|book10| [/CODE] As you know, the count of books in rum time are different for each user. it's may be 10 … | |
I'm making a PHP script for controlling my mssql databases. But I ran into a couple of problems. The first problem is that I want to make a combobox out of all the databases in my microsoft SQL server. The following SQL syntax gives the results that I'm looking for, … | |
please see this picture: [URL="http://www.irupload.ir/images/t03rzv61q36tmhnvic4.jpg"]http://www.irupload.ir/images/t03rzv61q36tmhnvic4.jpg[/URL] in this query instructor table is for register information teachers. how i can this query to statement in sql? thanks. | |
Hey all... I have assigned a job to create back of the databases of our company, maintain it for 7 days and after 7 days delete the back... I have worked on this and make it up the following query but still confused on its authenticity. Please Check and tell … | |
I managed to duplicate a single record. However I intended to display the duplicate record with different values. For example: A ABC 065 001 A10111 Sell 54.847500 0 0 T ABC 065 001 A10111 Sell 50.847500 0 1 [CODE] SELECT case i.ordStatus when 'Queued' then 'N' when 'Filled' then 'A' … | |
I have a class registration form. The database has a semester table, class table, student table and registration table. I want a query to return a list of students that are registered for a class in an active semester. I have the query, but it returns each student twice. I … | |
i have my interface built already and my sql database. i want to connect the interface to the database. i have four fields that is the lugword, meaning1, meaning2 and the search from the database can some ome help me | |
Hi guys I have a database involving the following table [B]Inventory Table[/B]Item_code int primary key, Item_name varchar(50), Item_cost money, Imported_quantity numeric(18,0), Item_Quantity numeric (18,0)' [B]Sale Table:-[/B] item_code int foreign key references Inventory(item_code) , withdrawal_id foreign key References Withdrawal_Operations(withdrawal_id) ,quantity_Available_for_Sale numeric(18,0), quantity_withdrawan numeric(18,0), selling_price money, quantity_sold numeric(18,0), Sale_Operation_Date datetime , Item_cost … | |
hi i have a question in reporting server. the server is started and when i try to go to the URL it doesn't give me anything my windows account does not have admin privileges is this the cause for this. and from MS SQL management studio when i try to … | |
hi there, i am using a code to back (downloaded) up a database in a server and when i run the application it gives me an error saying operating system error 3 [CODE=C#] //Use this line if you have already created a bakup file. File.Delete(DBpath + "\\backup.bak"); this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; … | |
Hi everyone, Here is my situation: I have a table of users in my database with all the usual user information it it. I have another table which lists the rights that each user has. this table has 2 columns 'Userid','Functionid'. Each user may have multiple rows in this table, … | |
hi there, i have a question in connecting to the server. when i log in to the server and connect to the ms sql server i can connect to the databases. but when i login to another computer and try to login to the MS SQL server management studio i … | |
We're having issues with database performance, and up till now, have done very little with indexing. We try to turn on full text indexes when available, but we do support (though we are phasing this out of our support)MSSQL2000, we try to advise our clients to use the newest available … | |
I'm trying to query several different tables using INNER JOINs but there's something missing in my code. I get all the results I need except that what I want in this case is that for example, when we make partial shipments, I need to have all the different shipping dates, … | |
hi there i have a database which is MS SQLserver 2008 and ihave a database called AdminApp. from visual studio 2008 i add the database and the connection is succeded, but when i get the connection string and add it to my DB class for the db string and run … | |
[CODE] insert into mst_order_report(Capacity, Clearing_Alpha, Client_ID, Client_Order_ID, Cumulative_Executed_Size, Date_Of_Expiry, Entry_Time, Exec_Type, Executed_Qty, Executed_Value, Execution_ID, Hidden_Size, Inactive_Time, Order_ID, Order_Qty, Order_Status, Order_Type, Owner_ID, PAN_ID, Parent_Order_ID, Reason, Remarks, Side, Stop_Price, TIF, Total_Qty, Trade_Report_ID, Trader_ID, Transact_Time, Value, Visible_Size, Trading_Member_ID, Symbol) select * from order_report(Capacity, Clearing_Alpha, Client_ID, Client_Order_ID, Cumulative_Executed_Size, cast(Date_Of_Expiry as date), cast(Entry_Time as datetime), … |
The End.